Thursday, November 24, 2011

27 Week Belly

27 Weeks.

Happy Thanksgiving-2011

27 Weeks!

How Far Along? 27 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? A mix of maternity and regular comfy pants...however I am sure those will not be fitting soon.  I think I will just switch to Logan's pants soon!

Weight Gain? I am not sure how much I have gained--the doctor never says anything! So I am assuming when I gain too much they will let me know lol...the continually tell me how tiny I am so that makes me feel nice ha ha (unless they say that to every pregnant woman to make them feel better lol)

Stretch Marks? Not yet-but LB has been on a huge growth spurt so I am a bit nervous they will come soon!

Sleep? Better the past few nights...but now that I said that I won't sleep again for weeks.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing that the doctor was pleased so far with the progress of everything! She said that if I make it to 30 weeks with no change, that she will lift my bed rest restrictions!  I probably won't return to work, but at least I will feel like I can get prepared for LB!

Movement? Yep...started kick counts this past week.  He is a quite the mover. 

Gender? Boy! Logan has one week until the name deadline! 

What I miss? Being able to cook, especially with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up!

Symptoms: Still achy, but ok so far...

What I'm looking forward to? Getting out of the 20s and into the 30s!

Weekly Wisdom: Take one day at a time!

Milestones: Third trimester!!! Woo hoo...

Emotions: A bit overwhelmed but happy he is still baking! 

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing we were home in Colorado, but we are doing what is best for this little guy!

Will update a picture later for 27 weeks after I get dressed for the day!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

26 Week belly

26 Weeks with LB.

26 Weeks

How Far Along? 26 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Mostly maternity and some old comfy that I don't ever get dressed in real clothes! 

Weight Gain? I am sure I have gained some being on bed rest!

Stretch Marks? Not yet!

Sleep? Very hit or miss...I would like to sleep more than 2 hour stretches without having to turn over or get up to go to the bathroom.  I think I will be nicely adjusted when it comes to having to wake up to feed LB.

Best Moment of the Week? Logan kissing my belly and talking to LB...he likes to try to hear his heartbeat, but instead gets kicked usually when putting his head on my belly!  Also...Logan now takes daily pictures of my belly button....odd right, but not totally unexpected from Logan lol. 

Movement? Yep...some of them are actually starting to hurt!

Gender? Boy! Logan has been given a December 1st deadline to decide on a name!  I have things I need to order with his name that take about 6-8 weeks to get in, so thus the deadline for my most indecisive husband =).  So once we get to that date (about two weeks) we will announce it! 

What I miss? Working and being able to help Logan around the house....I just keep telling myself its for a good cause!

Symptoms: General overall all aches and pains....

What I'm looking forward to? Third trimester and getting the glider delivered in the next few weeks!

Weekly Wisdom: Be appreciative for everyday LB stays in there baking and that so far all my checks have been positive and all is holding steady!

Milestones: Another week down!

Emotions: Trying to remain optimistic!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

25 weeks

How Far Along? 25 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep.

Weight Gain? Still up there, although at my appointment yesterday Logan says I actually lost some from my last appointment. 

Stretch Marks? Not yet!

Sleep? Like crap.

Best Moment of the Week? Hearing that LB is on track with his growth....there were alot more down moments to this past week though.

Movement? Yep daily.  Still has his quiet days, but overall he moves and kicks me constantly, especially at night....which perhaps is why sleeping between 2-4 am is impossible. 

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? Not having constant back pain....which is saying alot considering my back has given me problems consistently over the past 10 years and good sleep...which once again is all related.   

Symptoms:Mostly the same...back pain.  Just overall pain kind of everywhere lol....pregnancy doesn't agree with me apparently.  

What I'm looking forward to? Keeping LB baking as long as possible....

Weekly Wisdom: Focus on daily goals....

Milestones: Just another week this point I am looking towards short term goals.

Emotions: Scared and worried.  
Ok now for the LONG story.  This past week has been extra eventful for LB and myself.  I can't explain how happy I am to one still be cooking LB and having Logan home from his deployment so I didn't have to go through all of it alone.  All last week, I was just not feeling that great.  I had the constant achy belly, back, and some what I thought were Braxton Hick's contractions.  Well fast forward to Saturday.  I agreed to go to the mall to get some lunch and Logan his new video game since he was going stir crazy at home even though I wasn't feeling great.  Once we got to the mall I noticed the contractions picked up and I just thought something  was off.  I told Logan I think we needed to head home so I could lay down and drink a bunch of water.  After a few hours and loads of water later I still felt the contractions and decided to call L&D to see what they thought.  After a quick phone call, Logan and I headed to Vanderbilt so I could be monitored and get looked at.  We got there are 430 and got all hooked up to the contraction monitor.   It was obvious I was having some irritability, but at that point nothing huge on the monitor.  They did some exams and a test to determine if I would go into labor in the next two weeks...after that things started to pick up on the monitors.  I began having timeable contractions that I could actually feel and see.  The midwife and nurse came in several times to ask about if they hurt or more just uncomfortable, which they were just uncomfortable....but nerve wracking none the less.  They sent me down to ultrasound to make sure LB was growing well and nothing had popped up since our anatomy scan and to take a few measurements of my 'awesome' cervix.  After coming back up I was hooked back up to the monitor to see how the contractions were doing since I had been given an entire bag of IV fluids to help hydrate me...apparently they start with this and then move on to medicine to help control contractions if needed.  They monitored me for another 30 minutes and the contractions had lessened in intensity and slowed down greatly.  It mostly looked like what I had come in with originally.  The new doctor came in to visit (shift change) and informed me modified bed rest was going to be my new norm and that my cervix was shorter and softer than what it should be at this point.  He cleared me to go to work and still go to CO, however....both of those ideas still made me nervous.  He also said we would be scheduled for a follow up at the clinic later this week.  
So fast forward to Wednesday when I had my follow up appointment with the new midwife.  We now have a plan put in place to take the precautions necessary and hopefully keep LB baking as long as my body and he is willing to stay in!  I received my first round of steroid shots to develop his lungs just in case he is born sooner rather than later.  I go back today (Thursday) to get the second shot.  I also was given a prescription for progesterone to help control preterm least there is evidence that it helps.  I guess its not commonly practiced at Vanderbilt, but the practice where my midwife came from used to prescribe it to patients similar to me all the time and she felt comfortable if I wanted it.  I figure whatever I can do to help keep him in, the better....even if there is evidence saying it has no benefits.  I also will be monitored every two weeks to make sure my cervix is staying shut and at least holding steady.  If it continues to change even with modified bed rest, then we will take more aggressive action...such as strict bed rest.  As of yesterday, there was no cervical change.  Still holding steady around 2.5 cm and soft, but not opening and still far back which she said were both great signs.  
All of this leads up to no more work and no going to Colorado, which Logan and I are both completely bummed about.  However, as Mallory pointed out this is just the first step in parenthood, where we put LB's health over our wants and needs and will do anything to keep him safe.   
It has been an exhausting last 5 days.  Logan is filling my prescription today on post, we are hoping to avoid paying $250 out of pocket a month for this...but if we need to it has to be done.  I will start the progesterone tonight and I am hoping it makes a difference! Just keep our little growing family in your thoughts and prayers, we could use a few extra the rest of our pregnancy! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

24 weeks=6 months!

How Far Along? 24 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Mostly new concern is how much longer this stuff is going to fit and then what do I wear when I am huge? I am going with Logan's clothes lol =).

Weight Gain? Up a total of 18 lbs....doc says I am on track for my size.  I don't think I have ever weighed this much in my life...its a bit shocking lol.  Logan just keeps reminding me that I am growing a baby and it's all for a good cause. 

Stretch Marks? Not yet!

Sleep? Hit or miss...I think LB is going to be born addicted to tylenol PM. Between my back and not being able to sleep this seems to be a nightly thing...

Best Moment of the Week? There hasn't been one that is sticking out in my mind....

Movement? Yep-I feel him daily! His kicks are getting stronger.  The doctor told me wherever I feel it usually means its his that means he must flip around alot because I feel it in several different places.

Gender? Boy!

What I miss? Good sleep. 

Symptoms: New symptom this week-BACK PAIN! It helped to go to the chiropractor, but this has been a bad week for my back.  I think everything is beginning to separate and move apart!

What I'm looking forward to? Getting my new maternity clothes and having Logan see LB's room.

Weekly Wisdom: Drinking less at night=less trips to pee and less interrupted sleep!

Milestones: 24 weeks which means a good chance for viability! Huge relief to make it to this point in the pregnancy!

Emotions: Been more emotional this week.  I am tired of having Logan gone and I think the stress of work is getting to me!