Thursday, September 26, 2013

85 Weeks!

This week has been better in terms of behavior for Landon. I think his teeth are feeling better, so he hasn't been as challening...a nice way to put it =). 

He is just rather amazing at this age. I am pretty sure I hear him say something new every single day and it amazes me-he is like a little sponge. Yesterday after breakfast he kept saying done, and then some random word. I couldn't make out what it was until I asked him if he was sure he was done and he said sure-in some random baby language-that was the word he had been saying after he was done ha ha. So he was saying, done-sure...before I even asked if he was sure, smart boy!

Lately, he has been letting me rock him at night and sing to him.  He claps and says yay after every song which cracks me up.  I am glad someone enjoys my singing!

He was much better in music this week than the past week.  He followed directions and was willing to sit still. Even his teacher commented on how good he was behaving! Lets hope this is a new trend for him.  He is still loving his mothers day out! I really think in the spring we will put him in two times a week if we can afford to. When I dropped him off this morning he didn't even say goodbye, just ran to play with the trains. I yelled goodbye and he just kept playing! I guess that is good, I envisioned him crying for weeks when we started this, but instead the total opposite has happened and I love that he can be so independent! When I picked him up today he has two new bumps on his face. They said he fell off a chair and bumped his cheek bone. They said he didn't cry, just said uh oh and got back up.  Now if he were at home we would have had tears complete with lots of yelling about his eye.

Speaking of-when Landon gets hurt at home or when I am around he will grab whatever hurts and says ow or the body part. Lately though, he is a hyperchondriac and constantly grabs his eye and says eye in a sad hurt voice. I ask what happened and he just randomly points at things. Pretty funny actually. He will also do the same thing to his head. So I will kiss whatever "hurts" and send him on his way. This age is pretty funny.

For the pictures!

Art this week from MDO

Fall in CW

Play date with friends =)


Headed to school this morning =)

Construction sites are a big hit with him these days

Looking out his bedroom window

Saying bye bye ha ha.

My big boy!

 Until next week =).

Thursday, September 19, 2013

84 Weeks

It has been a crazy week around here-I feel like I say that every week =).  We certainly like to stay busy with Logan gone.

This week we had music, went to IKEA in Northern Virginia on Tuesday, our usual walk and coffee on Wednesday, and L had Mother's day out today, and I attended a local consignment sale to get L some new to him things!

Landon has done an AMAZING job at his mother's day out program. He hasn't cried at all when I left him and he always seems like he has so much fun. His two teachers say he does great with the other kids, following directions, and enjoys arts and crafts time.  Today when I picked him up they were still outside playing on the play ground. When I walked up I was rewarded with a giant grin and then he went back to playing with the bikes. I am so happy that he loves going to class and really seems to be doing great there.  I think this was great for both of us!

We have just been staying busy here. We are happy that Logan will be back home soon and that we will be getting ready to move!

Here are the pictures from this week:

MDO art project-week 1

My grouchola after MDO day one.

Swining at the new Kidsburg park

Bike ramps are fun to play on!

Out for a nature walk

Visiting the museum...he was pretty excited about the cacas (helicopters) ha ha.

Tongue out...always.

Running around inside the museum-a little boys dream world!

Choo chooooooo

Of course climbing the ladder to the storage area....

Eating like a big boy...this lasted all of 2 minutes and then it mostly ended up on the floor.

Sampling the dirt at the new house. I think he would be fine if we didn't put in grass.

Sweet sleeping baby.

Landon's art project-MDO week 2. This week he has much less glue around his mouth ;).

Playing with his new Little People garage!

Testing out his new kitchen...

He will get the hang of this eventually!

Last but not least-19 months!
 Until next week!

Monday, September 16, 2013

New House: Stone and flooring!

The stone was put up and finished on the outside of the house! I LOVE it.  I was super excited to see how it looked and I was super impressed. It just completes the outside of the house!

The flooring was also started this past week. The bathroom floors and laundry room flooring was all put it.  Additionally, all the tile in the bathroom was put in and calked.  It is looking good!

The carpets should be put in this week I believe.  We have run into a bit of an issue with the wood floor we previously selected.  The company that manufactures it actually can't produce it as a fast enough rate for the demand, so we were told we would need to reselect.  The flooring company has offered us several other selections to choose from and said they would pick up the cost difference for any flooring.  I have an appointment today to see the other selections in person vs. just selecting them over email pictures.  I will update on this next week.

I had the opportunity to walk through the house with Kasey, our realtor, yesterday. We walked through room by room looking at what needs to be fixed. We came up with a pretty good list in regards to dry wall.  The biggest issues seem to be the dry wall and the cabinets that aren't flush to the wall.  I sent the list onto our PM and am hopefully these issues will be resolved soon.  If not, then it will just end up delaying our closing because I refuse to move in if there are issues that need fixing.  I will be relieved when Logan gets home so he can help me look at everything.

Her are a few pictures from last week:


Until next week.... 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

83 Weeks

Well, I am currently sitting in a starbucks since Landon is at his first day of Mother's Day Out!  He did fine with drop off today. He walked right in and started playing.  I gave a few things to his teacher and then kissed him goodbye and off I went.  He was currently trying to hold his own with a little girl who wanted in the boat he was sitting in ha!  I hope he does this well in the weeks to come.  I will be anxious to hear the update on how he did when I pick him up close to 12.

We have had a busy week! We spent last Saturday at Busch Gardens seeing Jack Hanna, the animal guy! I grew up watching him so it was pretty cool to go see him live at Busch Gardens. I don't think Landon was so impressed since we had to do alot of waiting prior to actually seeing the show, but overall it was still fun.

We went back to our first music class on Monday evening at 4:45.  He did amazing.  He followed directions well, sat when he was supposed to for the most part or stood in front of me and listened to Mrs. C.  His good friend Wyatt is also in our class so between the two of them it was pretty active.  There was one little boy who cried for his Mom for almost the entire class and only stopped crying during the times they had their sticks and bells.  Landon is also known as the class clown in music.  He was the only one who would copy Mrs. C when she went la la la shhhh.  Landon then put his finger to his mouth and said shhhhh since we do that at home. Everyone laughed and he kept doing it after Mrs. C would sing it.  He also through it was pretty fun to spin in circles since people were cheering him on.  Well he got a little dizzy a few times and then crashed into Mrs. C...again pretty funny.  He loves to entertain people and make people smile...sounds awfully familiar doesn't it?  It was pretty hectic, but overall I am super impressed with how Landon did! I can;t wait to go back next week.

On Tuesday we went to the beach with our good friends near Fort Monroe, VA.  It is an old Army base that is near Hampton.  It took about 45 minutes to get to from our house, but saves us from having to go through the tunnel to get to VA Beach, so it was alot closer for us.  Landon did amazing as well there.  For a baby who doesn't love the water, he was sure willing to play in the sand and wander into the waves every now and then.  I am pretty proud of him, except the time he ate a piece of seaweed....

Playing in the water

Lunch time under the big umbrella

Landon has been a funny little guy lately.  We are in the midst of getting canine teeth which are kicking our booty.  I think I can feel two that have just popped through, but every time I try to feel he tries to bite me so I don't do it frequently =). 

He is as obsessed as ever with Elmo! So much that Logan and I decided to do Elmo for his second birthday party.  I hope he still loves Elm come February since my Pinterest is now full of Elmo birthday ideas!

Watching Elmo's World covered in Elmo!
Elmo slippers all the time all day long...we have a strict at home only policy =)

His words have been exploding lately. Yesterday I sneezed and he said bless you after each time I sneezed. Of course he then fake sneezed and then I had to say bless you to him.  We are working on counting, colors, and letters. Counting is going the best, he hasn't quite picked up on letters or colors yet.  He knows Elmo is red however since he thinks most red things are Elmo ha.  Funny guy. 

Here is our weekly video!

Until next week =)

Monday, September 9, 2013

House update-9/9/2013

We have a driveway! This is important on many levels since this means that flooring and all the other fun deliveries can begin.  I remember reading on another Ryan homes blog that the driveway had to be poured in order for flooring to start going in; my guess is so the floors get less dirty with all the dirt outside. 

This last week things have been slower to go in.  I think they were taking their time on drywall, which I am still not 100% happy with.  I could see nail divots and places that needed to be evened out.  I am hoping that our PM catches those on his walk through.  They put an initial paint layer on the walls and ceiling this past week, which is exciting.  However, that is when I started noticing more drywall issues.  I put an email in with our PM in hopes he would walk through and see places that needed to be fixed.  

We also got a garage door put in!  Super excited about that one as well.

This week (according to the PM's email last Wednesday, we can expect trim, cabinets, and flooring! Woo hoo.  I am really hoping the cabinets go in today so when we go to look this evening I will be pleasantly surprised!

 Here are a few pictures:


Garage door

First layer of paint

Walk way
Until next week =)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

81/82 Weeks!

Sorry for no blog post last week, but L and I were Georgia (or Georgi as Landon calls it) bound! We went to visit Molly and Brooke near Savannah!  We had a ton of fun and it was a fun 5 days, despite having to do two long drives!

We got there on Thursday evening after about a 10 hour drive. L did amazing on the way down.  He took a great nap, entertained himself for a bit, and watched some Elmo's World on the ipad.  Rusty also did his fair share of sleeping!  On Friday we took the kids to an indoor/outdoor play place since it is still very hot and humid in Georgia! They had a grand time playing together and jumping on the trampoline!We went to Savannah for dinner that evening and walked around downtown! It was very pretty seeing all the Spanish moss on the trees!

On Saturday we went down to Jekyll Island and went to a water park and the beach for a bit.  Landon doesn't not like water (just like his Daddy) and wasn't at all impressed with the water park unfortunately.  He wanted to just sit and watch and eat snacks-his usual behavior at the pool.  He did enjoy the beach a bit more since he could dig in the sand and then run in and out of the water.

On Sunday we wen to a BBQ at their friends house for labor day.  L wasn't having at first, but once he realized he could play in the backyard he had a pretty good time. It was SOOO hot there that we had to take the kids inside frequently to let them cool off so they wouldn't get heat stroke.  Landon sweats sooo bad and his whole head looked like he took a shower ha. It was gross...can't wait for the teenage years.

On Monday we hung out and went to the mall to an indoor play place.  We also did a bit of shopping! That afternoon we attempted to go to the pool, but L wasn't having it-what a surprise...That night we had to pack up since we were headed back on Tuesday!

Enjoy all the pictures  and two movies =).  Brooke and Landon got along really well! We had a great ime!

Until next week =)