Distribution Automatique

Saturday, April 1


Those compelled to mock the serious are perhaps not quite sure who will get the last laugh.


You thought you were completely free of scorn until someone's shaft of ridicule pierced your poise.

Friday, March 31


It's comfort- not conscience- that makes cowards of us all.


The bland leading the bland...

Thursday, March 30


They support the "radical" poet who insults and bullies everyone - yet wonder why the President is a fascist.


The verdict is in, the drums are rolling, the executioner is expected - tremble or live?

Wednesday, March 29


Tell your troubles to a dark cloud you get rain.


Cold latitudes proffer cold platitudes.

Tuesday, March 28


The seductive informalities of contemporary life correspond to the ironic formalisms of contemporary art.


Define me by how I think, describe me by what I know, know me by how I feel.

Monday, March 27


Life's conspiracy- perhaps the shadow of desire- an irrepressible aura of incompletion.


What you are thinking is the parrot in the cage of what you are doing.

Sunday, March 26


Treating others as equals demands considerable stamina. Most people prefer to worship and be worshipped- thus the predictable failure of democracies.


No one would credit anyone for anything if not for the compulsive craving for hierarchy.

Saturday, March 25


Since insight requires independent thought applied to information, the average American, bloated with the fast food of facts, has grown more informed and more stupid at the same time.


What you deem inconvenient may disguise your most formidable adversary.

Friday, March 24


When a *raison d'etre* fades it is hard to recall why we did what we did. Remembering appears linked to what made something *apropos*


Think or, better yet , daydream around, among, between- in the interstices-and not a moment will be wasted.

Thursday, March 23


For very long I have been alienated by the expectable. Now I am additionally alienated by the expectable alienation by the expectable.


What did all that running ahead of myself accomplish other than declaiming emphatically: "Nothing can stop me!"

Wednesday, March 22


Even more ghastly than hatred itself, indifferent eyes fly by coldly like headlights of cars on dark streets at night.


Convictions contingent on praise fade with the earliest qualms.

Tuesday, March 21


You complain about the chip on my shoulder- I worry about the ax in your hand.


Wisdom isn't newsworthy - and the vampire media drink the blood of all hopes.

Sunday, March 19


Worries are daydreams without legs, or, worry is the caterpillar, daydream the butterfly.


Joy is the giant, sadness the shadow

Saturday, March 18


Our daily Darwin: in order to sustain itself, happiness must remain oblivious to the unhappiness it creates in others


Misery commiserates; the American "pursuit of happiness" decimates.

Thursday, March 16


Without daydreams between them, experiences themselves tend to become overly dreamlike- one displacing another suddenly and with too much logic -like sequences in a film, inexorable and coming to the point too soon.


Ideas come together the way way a body makes itself comfortable. Somewhere, perhaps in the throat, a shoulder or an arm the thought resides. The thought is a link between fragments that might fit together-that want to be together- so they remain immobile until they unite and escape by means of the voice.

Wednesday, March 15


If you are a male, the preponderance of other males will find a way to condescend to you, even with their
dying breath. A panhandler will tell you to "have a nice day" -as if it were theirs to give- or accept your donation with the indifference of a king.


Intelligent response is to acclamation as love is to sex. As the latter grows ever more prevalent and public, the former grows ever more private and rare.

Tuesday, March 14


A significant error provokes reflection; a major blunder demands change; an impossible dilemma reveals your soul.


Yesterday was two days before tomorrow.

Monday, March 13


Acceptance of uncertainty won't banish every qualm but unreasonable demands for certitude will make doubt a steady companion.


Not all information is beneficial. Cultivating a taste for not knowing some things may make for a better day.

Sunday, March 12


Self-destruction may feel like rebellion in a society where weakness and doubt are increasingly looked upon as suspect behaviors.


The more contemporary life demands acquiescence and assent, the harder, and more necessary it is to something, anything, solo.

Saturday, March 11


Again you were challenged by that callous friend- who always inquires how you are when you meet- but never seems to notice how you feel when you part.


Solve global cooling global warming will follow.