Monday, May 31, 2010

Page 3.

Another experiment.


Rita's driveway. Memory pen in WC Moleskine.

Quick impression of Verrazano bridge from the balcony.

View from not my balcony.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lazy morning.

I love to draw with sepia, it takes my mind off my problems, sad thoughts. I live in a moment.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Morning coffee.

It is every day little ritual, making coffee. My favorite time of the day, when everything is promising, starting, possible. I wanted to do it in sepia, like you see it through eyelashes just awakening eyes.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


 Blooming trees announce beginning of new spring, new hope. It passes so quickly, that I tried to hang on, to prolong, to absorb, to remember. Somewhere in Brooklyn, Midwood area. Colored pencils in Moleskine.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Men @ work.

Little scene near Brighton 12. Ink, Pitt pen.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Getting gas in NJ.

Our usual stop for gas in NJ. Alex went to get coffee and "Subway" sandwich and I had fun. Color added later with my Pentel 8-in-1 pencil.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


"Selena's Diner". Went to get burgers on the way from Hudson.

Morning impression.

Family under the blooming tree.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Morning exercise. Video.

After chewing some books on a book shelf Fellini did morning exercise with me: I am on the floor, he is on the bed.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

West 6 street in Brooklyn.

We went to get cat and dog food in "Pet delight", so my husband left me alone in the car for 15 min with Lamy Safari. That was so refreshing.

Waiting in the medical office.

 Sitting too close to other people, while waiting in the medical office, didn't let me draw easily, so only one sketch in sepia.

Under the F train.

Spent few minutes sketching on McDonald Ave.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wish you where here.

This is for April challenge on SkineArt "Wish you where here." I did portrait of my mother in silver point and Moleskine book in front. I got recently 2 pencils with silver wire from Bob from Scotland.  Amazing. What a warm and wonderful person he is. I just expressed interest  in it and he sent it to me. 
I am really happy that I try to put my visual thoughts on paper, no matter how hard sometimes it feels to draw it. This what my first teacher use to say, do it, even it feels sometimes you don't have enough skills or energy.