Friday, July 22, 2011

Food Poisoning

Yesterday morning when I woke up at 6am, I felt a very strong stomach pain on my left abdomen. It was so severe that I also felt a very strong back pain as well. I was left with the most terrible pain I had ever experienced.

At first I thought that it was a severe back pain. But as time passes by, I felt the pain on my left abdomen as well. Luckily for me, my wife took a good care of me. I did not want to wake her up, but she heard my groaning.

She tried to ease my pain by putting some medication cream but it only last a few minutes. At 8.30 am, I went to the clinic. The doctor diagnose me of having FOOD POISONING. The doctor took my BP and Heartbeat reading and he was quite shock as the reading shows I am in a lot of pain (I've demonstrated it ever since I walked into the clinic !) I was given a high dose of injection. He told me it will work after 10 minutes but it actually start to work 10 minutes after I arrive home from his clinic which is a 10 minutes drive.

After taking the medication, I slept from 9 am and woke up at 1pm. By this time, the pain had almost gone, although sometimes I do feel a slight pain in my stomach and my back.

I have gone through some food poisoning in my life but this one is so different as the pain was much more terrible, my back was in pain as well, no diarrhea and I only vomit once after I return from the clinic.

As I am writing this entry, I still sometimes feel the slight pain on my stomach and back but I do think it is recovering well. That justifies the two days MC that the doctor gave me.

The source of Food Poisoning ? I strongly believe that the lunch that I bought at a food stall on the roadside is the source. It's quite cheap, delicious but unfortunately not in a clean environment. I bought it at 3 pm as well, way after the lunch time. Most Malaysian foods deteriorate faster as of their ingredients being used. Furthermore, maybe some insects had lay its eggs on the food as it was displayed without being covered for most of the time.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dangerous to use mobile phone during lightning.

I saw this news on The Star online at .

Friday July 15, 2011
Lightning disaster that was just a phone call away

KUCHING: If you are in the habit of moving around with the earphone of your handset stuck in your ears, an incident here yesterday will have you thinking twice about doing that.

It was about 5pm and a mosque cleaner at a teachers' training school at Jalan Batu Lintang was happily working away with the earphone of his handset plugged in his ears when lightning struck.

A source said in the split-second incident, the youth, 18, was flung to the floor, and friends who came to his rescue were shocked to see what used to be his handphone looking like a mere lump of metal. Apparently, it had instantly melted and then hardened.

A lecturer rushed the unconscious youth to the Sarawak General Hospital.

The source said there were clear burn marks on the youth's ears.

At press time, he was still in critical condition.

Some people told me not to use mobile phones during lightning.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Malaysian Ghost

Malaysia has ghost, just like other countries. Quite a number of spooky tales could be heard in Malaysia. Take a look this news from Harian Metro, one of Malaysia's daily newspaper. The news is in Malay Language. Basically it says that this towing truck guy had taken a picture of a wrecked car that had crashed. All four passengers were safe but injured. After the picture was reviewed back, he saw those ghostly images (see picture above). Even the ambulance personnel felt something spooky was around while they were attending the crash victims. Another towing truck operator saw footprints on top of the car's roof.

Demam balik nahas
Oleh Shahrul Nizam Mohamad

KUANTAN: “Saya demam dua hari selepas melihat imej tiga makhluk itu,” kata seorang penunda kereta, Abdul Mubin Mohamad, 24, yang mendakwa merakam gambar tiga makhluk halus menggunakan kamera digital di Jalan Kuantan-Gambang, berhampiran sebuah tokong, di sini, pada 17 Jun lalu.

Sebagai pekerja separuh masa di sebuah bengkel membaiki kereta yang terbabit dalam kemalangan, antara tugas Abdul Mubin ialah mengambil gambar kereta mangsa sebelum ditunda ke premis majikannya.

“Pada hari itu (17 Jun) kira-kira jam 11.30 malam, ada kemalangan di kawasan berkenaan membabitkan sebuah kereta BMW 5 Siri yang dinaiki empat lelaki dalam perjalanan ke Kuantan.

“Bagaimanapun, semua lelaki terbabit hanya cedera dan mereka dihantar ke Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan manakala kereta mereka terbabas ke kiri dan ‘melekat’ pada sebatang pokok,” katanya.

Dia yang turut membawa anak isterinya ke tempat kejadian itu mengambil gambar kereta berkenaan sambil dibantu rakannya. Bagaimanapun, kereta itu ditunda pemilik bengkel lain.

Abdul Mubin berkata, selepas urusan mengambil gambar selesai, dia pulang ke rumah.

“Saya berhenti di sebuah stesen minyak di Jalan Gambang untuk ke tandas sebelum isteri menegur mengenai gambar diambil selepas berasa curiga dengan bentuk tiga lembaga yang dirakam.

“Saya membesarkan lagi imej berkenaan sebelum terkejut melihat ‘satu keluarga’ berwajah ngeri dan lengkap berpakaian.
“Makhluk menyerupai wanita itu berpakaian serba putih manakala dua lagi berbaju merah,” katanya, di sini, semalam.

Menurutnya, terkejut dengan penemuan makhluk itu yang kali pertama dilihatnya, dia kemudian memberitahu rakannya yang sama-sama berada di tempat kejadian.

Dia berkata, rakannya mendakwa tidak selesa ketika mereka berada di kawasan berkenaan sebelum itu.

Katanya, rakannya turut mendakwa menemui kesan tapak kaki berlumpur berjalan naik ke bumbung kereta yang terbabit nahas itu tetapi enggan menceritakan kepadanya kerana bimbang sesuatu buruk berlaku.

Abdul Mubin mendakwa, ketika merakam gambar berkenaan, dia yakin tiada sesiapa berada di depannya kerana tempat kejadian gelap gelita.

“Saya menunjukkan rakaman itu kepada beberapa rakan lain dan mereka mendakwa objek itu makhluk halus dan ini kali pertama saya merakam gambar sedemikian selepas beberapa tahun bekerja sebagai penarik kereta,” katanya.

Sementara itu, anggota Jabatan Pertahanan Awam (JPAM), Mohd Azwari Abdullah, 31, berkata, dia juga mengalami nasib sama dan demam selepas melihat gambar berkenaan.

“Ketika di tempat kejadian, saya sudah merasa ada sesuatu tidak kena namun saya tetap meneruskan tugas menyelamatkan mangsa yang tersepit dalam kereta.

“Makhluk halus itu ciptaan Tuhan dan hanya boleh dilihat secara kebetulan saja namun saya bersyukur kerana tidak mengalami kejadian lebih buruk selepas kerja menyelamat selesai dijalankan,” katanya.

Update of Me

Time has passed since I last visited. I've been so preoccupied with other things that I've forgotten about this blog. Many things ha...