Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Get Thee Behind Me, YSFD ~moosedenied
~Have you ever witnessed an exorcism? I mean a real one, not the Bobby Jindal kind. If not, let me tell you, it's pretty fucked up.
I know this now, because it happened to me Sunday evening. Didn't even see it coming, it just kinda happened. And it was excruciating. I was fine before the game. Hell, I was fine at halftime. But shortly after that, it began. I couldn't see straight. I was unable to make sense of anything. I started to feel something chewing on my very soul. I could feel myself being completely taken over by some terrifying mix of crippling fear and blinding rage. I became completely powerless to stop myself from flailing wildly about and spewing an incessant stream of expletives as my friends repeatedly pleaded "What the fuck is wrong with you?!?" I think at some point they were convinced I was simultaneously having both an acute myocardial infarction and a complete mental breakdown. I was inconsolable. I couldn't be reasoned with. The demons had taken me by the testicles.
Jindal levee authority pollitical appointee wants lawsuit against oil, pipeline companies suspended ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate
Jindal puts politics on the levee board ~Mark Schleifstein

Ousted flood board member Barry touts new organization amid fight over 'Big Oil' lawsuit ~The Republic

Gulf Coast drilling opponents to get their day in court ~Lisa Monte, Mississippi Business Journal

Circle of friends pay themselves big bucks to manage public housing ~Mike Perlstein

Philippines looks to New Orleans for rebuilding help ~Meg Gatto, WVUE

Cry You One: A Play About the Wetlands, in the Wetlands ~WWNO

Payton encouraged by Saints' ability run the ball ~WWL

Vargas: Saints keep finding ways to win

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Jefferson, Plaquemines consider filing lawsuits ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate
~Even as Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal’s administration launched an all-out assault this year against a state agency’s lawsuit accusing energy companies of destroying coastal wetlands, officials in the Republican strongholds of Jefferson and Plaquemines parishes were quietly preparing their own cases aimed at forcing the oil and gas industry to repair the damage it allegedly has done in those areas.
In coming weeks, both parishes’ councils could file their own suits centered around allegations that the industries have taken an enormous toll that can be measured in terms of land that has simply washed away, multiple sources familiar with the cases told The New Orleans Advocate.
The cases would be separate and more narrowly focused than the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East suit that set off a storm of criticism from Jindal and his aides when it was filed this summer, and there are early indications that the parishes’ suits would not face the same backlash from the Jindal administration, which sought to play up the differences between the cases on Friday.
Even so, the parish cases could complicate efforts to short-circuit the flood authority lawsuit, and they represent growing pressure to hold one of the state’s most powerful industries to account.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Super Typhoon Haiyan Closes in on the Philippines With 190 mph Sustained Winds ~Dr. Jeff Masters, Wunderblog
~MODIS satellite image of Super Typhoon Haiyan taken at 4:25 UTC November 7, 2013. At the time, Haiyan was a Category 5 storm with top winds of 175 mph. The Philippines are visible at the left of the image, and the Caroline Islands at the lower right. Image credit: NASA.
Super Typhoon Haiyan is one of the most intense tropical cyclones in world history, with sustained winds an incredible 190 mph, gusting to 230 mph, said the Joint Typhoon Warning Center in their 15 UTC (10 am EST) November 7, 2013 advisory. Haiyan has the most spectacular appearance I've ever seen on satellite loops, with a prominent eye surrounded by a huge, impenetrable-looking mass of intense eyewall thunderstorms with tops that reach into the lower stratosphere. With landfall expected to occur by 21 UTC (4 pm EST) on Thursday, Haiyan doesn't have time to weaken much before landfall, and will likely hit the Philippines at Category 5 strength.
Jonathan Vilma done for season ~Mike Triplett, ESPN

Lee Zurik Investigation: Contribution questions to Jindal go unanswered ~WVUE

The Louisiana sinkhole: It gets even worse ~Stuart Smith

DHH issues emergency rule regarding drinking water ~WDSU

With Few Official Resources, a Community Builds Its Resilience From the Ground Up ~Nathan C. Martin, Resilient Cities

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

House to take up water bill that excludes authorization for Morganza to the Gulf levees ~Bruce Alpert

FDA continues to warn pet owners of dangerous jerky treats ~WWLTV

Extras needed for film, featuring Will Smith, being shot in New Orleans

Today in New Orleans ~NOLA DEFENDER
~Voices of the Wetlands with Special Guests Anders Osborne, Rich Collins and the Kangaroo Assassins (Lafayette Square, 5:00 p.m.) This week’s outdoor hump day happy hour welcomes Tab Benoit’s shifting band to the stage. The nonprofit invites local singer/songwriter Osborne, plus rocker Rich Collins with his band. Food and drink sales fight hunger in Louisiana for the Harvest the Music series, with proceeds going towards Second Harvest Food Bank.

South Africa's Sasol Moves on New Petrochemical Project in Louisiana ~ENR.com

Friday, October 18, 2013

Why Football Happen As It Do ~moosedenied
After being replaced on SLFPA-E levee board, lawsuit proponent announces new effort ~Bob Marshall, The Lens

Free at last ~Clancy Dubos, Gambit
~Count me among the many in southeast Louisiana who were disappointed (but not surprised) that Gov. Bobby Jindal succeeded in ousting historian John Barry from the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East (SLFPA-E). If there’s a silver lining to Barry’s removal, it’s that Jindal has once again been exposed as a sellout — along with some of the “reformers” who pushed for levee board reform after Hurricane Katrina. There’s another silver lining, for Barry: he’s now free to say what he really thinks.

Official Decisions On Blight Are Not Always Transparent ~Eve Troeh interviews Karen Gabois, WWNO

How Much Would You Pay Jimmy Graham? ~John Hendrix, WhoDat Dish

6th Annual Boudin Cook-Off -- TOMORROW!! 
~Hat tweet @BoudinLink 

Today in New Orleans! ~NOLA DEFENDER

WWNO Fall Membership Drive Is ON!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

NOAA's monitoring of storm surge for TS Karen is now being posted @ QuickLook Page
~It will be updated continuously throughout the storm event for the NOAA storm hardened stations along the coast along with NHC advisories.
Hurricane watch canceled for Karen