
Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Releases 2/4/14

Some of the new titles hitting shelves this week are:

Burn by Julianna Baggott

Archetype by M.D. Waters

Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch

Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer

Doing Harm by Kelly Parsons

Under Your Skin by Sabine Durant

The Swan Gondola by Timothy Schaffert

The Free by Willy Vlautin

The Secret of Raven Point by Jennifer Vanderbes

By Blood We Live by Glen Duncan

The Flight of the Silvers by Daniel Price

The Taste of Apple Seeds by Katharina Hagena

The Deepest Secret by Carla Buckley

Twisted Sisters by Jen Lancaster

Bubble by Anders de la Motte

The Sun and Other Stars by Brigid Pasulka

The Panda Theory by Pascal Garnier

Dreamwalker by C. S. Friedman

Red Devil 4 by Eric C. Leuthardt

I Always Loved You by Robin Oliveira

The Girl With a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson

Who Thinks Evil by Michael Kurland

Etched on Me by Jenn Crowell

Cress by Marissa Meyer

The Collection by Shannon Stoker

Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi

The Selection Stories by Kiera Cass

New on DVD:
About Time
A Case of You
Dallas Buyers Club

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pre Pub Book Buzz: Season to Taste by Natalie Young

Ooh, today's Pre Pub book buzz pick is one that I am SUPER STOKED about. Yes, I have a twisted soul. Natalie Young's debut is already gaining traction in the UK and is due out here in the States on July 15. I came across it in an article from The Telegraph on the supposed "chick noir" trend. Not sure about the "title" but I definitely enjoy this dark trend in books of late and the article resulted in the addition of both Season to Taste and Before We Met to the must have list (You Should Have Known was already there and I've already read both Gone Girl and The Silent Wife.)

Anyway, here's a bit about Season to Taste by Natalie Young from Goodreads:

Lizzie Prain lives a quiet life in a cottage in Surrey. She likes to cook. She loves her dog. And she has been married to Jacob for far too long.

Jacob has not been seen for a few days. That's because Lizzie snapped last Monday and killed him. Over the course of the following month, with no other option at hand and no income, Lizzie will use her best skill--cooking--to dispose of Jacob. When she finds unexpected kinship with an isolated misfit, she will be tested: Will Lizzie confess or will her new friend be an unwitting accessory to her crime?

And you know what? For what might be the first time ever I actually much prefer the US cover over the UK. It makes me giggle!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Pandemic by Scott Sigler

The long awaited third part to Scott Sigler's Infected trilogy is here at long last! It's been five years since the release of Contagious and I really think I should have reread the first two before jumping into Pandemic. Fortunately there are a few sort of reminder chapters in here to help Swiss cheese brained folks like me. (But I did kind of miss Scary Perry.)

In the years since the outbreak of the alien infection Margaret Montoya has never come to grips with the decision to bomb Detroit or the role she played in the decision. Instead of feeling as though she's saved billions, she feels extreme guilt over those that had to die. And now it's begun again. A sub tasked with searching out pieces of the Orbital reported finding an artifact and within three days everyone on board was dead. The sub fired on its own fellow ships before being hit themselves. Two of the bodies recovered have tested positive for infection and the government has requested Margaret's help. But in the time since its apparent defeat, the alien organism has adapted. This time the fight for humanity will be even more brutal than before.

Any good author has the ability to take their readers out of the real world and fully envelop them in their fictional creation and Scott Sigler is a master at this. He calls it his Siglerverse and I have enjoyed each and every outing that I've experienced there. (And now I have to go dive into Ancestor, one I missed!)

Sigler's latest is a rip-roaring, action packed read but what makes it really, really great is the gore. I'm not kidding. Well, I am a little. It's the fact that he pays such close attention to making it all so believable. A look at his acknowledgements lists, amongst others, military personnel, MDs, and PhDs galore! What does that mean to you and me as the readers? Well, I dare you to read this in public and not get the heebie jeebies when the stranger across the room starts coughing. It's impossible!

As I said, there's a lot of gore here - there's always a major ick factor involved in reading this series - so if you're squeamish or easily grossed out, you might want to have a friend redact all the gory yuck for you before moving forward. Just saying. But that would be taking the fun out of this alien plague tastic horror tale for sure.

Rating: 5/5

(Oh yeah, and note my mention of Ancestor: one of the main characters in Pandemic is in that one as well - Sigler mentions it in the acknowledgements as well - so just go ahead and treat yourself to that one as well if you haven't read it!)

Pandemic by Scott Sigler: Excerpt + Giveaway

Alright everyone! The brand spanking new Scott Sigler title is now out on shelves and available for the masses and I want everyone to run out and buy a copy! Well, everyone who can handle an extremely icky and horrific series about an alien infection.

But first, you have to read books 1 and 2, Infection and Contagious. It's a trilogy, folks!

Now, if you have read the other two - or even if you haven't - I've got a little taste of what you can expect in Pandemic here for you. Be warned, though, this is not a PG excerpt or trailer! And if you'd like to enter to win your own copy of Pandemic be sure to fill out the Rafflecopter at the bottom.


Murray Longworth had a dream. 

That dream consisted of a giant bonfire, a bonfire made from the long, heavy, wooden table that sat in the White House’s Situation Room. Throw in the wood paneling as well; that would burn up real nice. Not the video monitors that lined those walls, though — he would set those up around the bonfire and play some shit on them that had nothing to do with saving the world: a Zeppelin concert, maybe some playoffs for whatever sport was in season, a few cartoons, perhaps, and — for sure — at least three screens playing constitutionally protected good old-fashioned American porn. He’d have a keg. He’d hire some strippers a third his age to sit around in bikinis and laugh at his jokes. He’d warm his old bones in the heat of that bonfire, get crocked, and celebrate the death of the room he hated so much. 

"Murray? ” 

He blinked, came back to the moment. He was in that very Situation Room of his brief daydream, but there was no bonfire, no keg, and no porn. Images of Lake Michigan played across the screens. Instead of strippers, he was looking at some of the only people who knew the entire history of the situation, from Perry Dawsey’s naked run for freedom right up to the sinking of the Los Angeles


The president of the United States of America had called his name. Twice. Sandra Blackmon stared at him. She wore a red business suit. She always wore red. She did not look happy with him. In his defense, the only time she did look happy was when the news cameras were on her. There were no news cameras in the Situation Room. 

Murray sat up straighter. “Yes, ma’am,” he said, waiting for his mental playback loop to retrieve the question his conscious mind had missed. Forty years of marriage had developed that skill, the ability to make part of his brain record words even when he wasn’t paying attention at all. His wife would ask, Are you listening to me?, and Murray could regurgitate the last ten or fifteen seconds of what she’d said. The same skill came in handy during these meetings. 

His playback loop brought up her question: Did you get Montoya

“Yes, Madam President,” he said. “Doctor Montoya is on her way to the task force. She’ll report to the Carl Brashear, where we have the remains of Lieutenant Walker and Petty Officer Petrovsky.” 

President Blackmon nodded, just once. Murray thought the motion made her look like a parrot. 

"Excellent,” she said. “Lord willing, maybe Montoya can find something that other person you have running the show could not. What’s that man’s name again?” 

“Cheng,” Murray said. “Doctor Frank Cheng.” 

Blackmon nodded once. “Yes, Doctor Cheng. Why isn’t he on the Brashear already? ” 

Murray’s teeth clenched. “Doctor Cheng is at Black Manitou Island, overseeing preparation for the delivery of any samples that Montoya sends out for more detailed analysis.” 

Blackmon’s mouth twisted to the left, a tell that she wasn’t buying it. Most people bought into Cheng’s grandstanding bullshit. Murray did not. Neither, apparently, did President Blackmon. 

“Fine,” she said. “He can stay there and prep. I wanted Montoya on the case, and she is, so we’ll put our full trust in her.” 

If Murray could have lived out his bonfire fantasy, he knew some of the people in this room would eagerly join him. Others, no. These were among the most powerful people in the country: the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the national security advisor, the secretary of defense, the director of homeland security, the secretary of state . . . the nation’s decision makers, gathered together to help President Blackmon chart a path in this dangerous time. 

She turned to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Samuel Porter. 

“Admiral, you’re absolutely certain the Los Angeles didn’t succumb to enemy actions? Our regular enemies, I mean. I want the world to know that we are ready to strike back against anyone who thinks we are weak.” 

Sam Porter took in a deep breath. He looked down. No matter what the situation, he took his time answering a serious question. His pale skin made Murray think the man had been a submariner himself, an extended absence from sunlight causing his body to jettison any color as unnecessary baggage. Maybe Porter had even spent time on the Los Angeles as he moved up the ranks. 

“Madam President,” the admiral said, “we have no indication of any terrestrial forces in the Great Lakes area, or anywhere on the American theater. We have firsthand accounts from the Pinckney. There is no question here — American forces attacked American forces. This is, officially, the worst friendly-fire incident in U.S. history.” 

Blackmon pursed her lips, held them there as she thought. Fifteen years ago that same expression might have looked alluring. Now it showed the lines around her mouth, at the corners of her eyes. 

Like Porter, Blackmon took her time to think things through. She didn’t rush. That made the two of them get along quite well. For the bystanders, however, watching them converse was like watching paint dry. 

Blackmon had swept to power amid anti-Democratic fervor aimed at President Gutierrez, who had made the fatal mistake of trusting in the intelligence of the American people. An alien pathogen had turned regular Joes and Janes into psychopaths, had spawned a nightmarish version of little green men, and Gutierrez told the people the truth. 

What an idiot. 

Half the country hadn’t believed him then. Even less believed him now. Blackmon had been merciless in her campaign, citing Gutierrez’s inability to keep the country safe, hammering on the fact that, as president, he’d “allowed” the worst disaster in American history. Those things alone should have been enough, but she’d gone one step further. Without coming out and actually saying it, her allusions and insinuations made her stance clear: since God created everything, and the Bible was the immutable word of God, and the Bible didn’t talk about aliens, well, then there couldn’t be aliens — therefore Gutierrez was lying. 

Murray had watched, stunned, as a man who told the truth was washed out of office by a nation that didn’t want to believe humanity was not alone in the universe. Blackmon hadn’t rallied just the Bible thumpers. No, you couldn’t win in America anymore if you only paid attention to the religious Right. You also needed the Koran thumpers, the Talmud thumpers, and the thumpers of all moldy old books suitable for thumping. She found a way to gather all of those people into her fold without alienating her Christian base. Countering her strategy, practically every scientist in the country stood firmly behind Gutierrez. They trotted out papers and studies and formulas that proved he was telling the truth, yet that didn’t matter. 

When it comes to politics and tragedy, in the end people need someone to blame. 

A nation aching with loss and reeling with disbelief had chosen Blackmon. Piousness and ultraconservative views felt like the perfect counter to the science-minded liberal who ran the show when a mushroom cloud blossomed over Detroit. 

When the landslide election results came in, Murray had hoped Blackmon’s religious rhetoric was just a way to get her into power. It was politics, after all — say whatever you have to say to get elected. But Murray had come to realize that her brilliant election strategy wasn’t a show. 

Sandra Blackmon believed

In closed-door meetings like this, President Blackmon accepted that America had nearly been invaded by some kind of strange force. She also acknowledged that Gutierrez had played the only card available to stop a disaster that could have taken out the entire Midwest, possibly the nation, maybe the entire world. The problem was, she didn’t believe that force came from somewhere other than Earth. Most of the time, she acted like the attack had to have come from another country: Russia, China, maybe even India (for which she had an inexplicable hatred). 

Sometimes, however, the president of the United States of America said things that made it sound like she thought the attack was Satanic in nature. The fact that she might believe that, and she had her finger on the button? The thought made Murray’s balls — what were left of them, anyway — shrivel up into little fear-peanuts that tried to crawl up into his belly and hide. 

Blackmon turned to AndrĂ© Vogel, a man who — in Murray’s humble opinion — should have walked around with a coating of slime all over him and his fancy clothes. 

“Director Vogel,” she said. “What about spies? Any more information on Lieutenant Walker’s background? Could she have been turned?” 

“It’s possible,” Vogel said. “So far, however, we have nothing.” 

Murray knew that people sometimes said his department, the Department of Special Threats, was the second-most-important government organization you’d probably never heard of. The first? The Special Collections Service. Part NSA, part CIA and all black-budget, Special Collections existed well outside the framework of official government business. AndrĂ© Vogel was exactly the kind of shifty motherfucker needed to run it. 

“Walker seems to be as red, white and blue as they come,” Vogel said. “Naval Intelligence and the FBI are looking into the entire crew of the Los Angeles, Madam President. That’s a big job. But if a foreign power is at the root of this, we will find out.” 

Typical Vogel-speak: casually mention the difficulty of the task, but also promise results. 

Blackmon leaned back in her chair. “What about the Chinese? The NSA reported there was chatter shortly after the attack. Can we be sure the Chinese weren’t involved?” 

Vogel shook his head. “No, Madam President, we can’t be sure. We’re listening. They know something crashed into Lake Michigan five years ago. President Gutierrez informed the whole world that we had visitors, so it’s easy for the Chinese to put two and two together. Regardless, though, they can’t do anything with that knowledge. Even if they had a sub within a hundred miles of our coast, they couldn’t get it through the Saint Lawrence Seaway and into the Great Lakes.” 

“They’ve got money,” Murray said. Heads turned to look at him, eyebrows raised because he’d spoken out of turn. He ignored them all, just stared at Vogel. 

“The Chinese have more money than they know what to do with,” Murray said. “Do we really know for sure they couldn’t just quietly hire locals to go down and get the thing?” 

Vogel smiled, looking smug. “The probable crash site is seven hundred to nine hundred feet deep. You need specialized gear for that. The intelligence community has been consistently monitoring all domestic companies that have the right kind of equipment, with a special eye on Lake Michigan outfits, of course. Canadian and Mexican companies as well. The navy task force made short work of discouraging filmmakers, reporters, documentarians, even conspiracy theorists from venturing into a maritime exclusion zone.” 

He sat back, gave his bald head a quick, damp rub. “The only way anyone could steal our alien technology, which we haven’t even secured yet, would be to invade the United States of America and occupy Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.”

The man knew his business, no doubt, but after all this time he still didn’t get the big picture. 

“I’m not talking about stealing it,” Murray said. “I’m talking about touching it. We just lost a nuclear sub, a destroyer, a cutter and over four hundred brave men and women. That didn’t happen by accident. If the wreckage was somehow contaminated with any of the contagious shit that forced us to nuke Detroit, then the Chinese don’t have to get the thing out of the country, they just have to be dumb enough to go down and try. That alone could be enough to goat-fuck us right in the ass.” 

“That’s enough,” President Blackmon said. 

Murray didn’t know if she’d had that voice of unquestionable authority before she took over as commander in chief, but she sure as shit had it now. 

“This briefing is over,” she said. “I think Director Vogel has clearly illustrated that the site is protected against espionage. He’s doing his job. Murray, you do yours. Find out what turned the crew of the Los Angeles into traitors, and find out fast.”

I know what you're thinking, "What, what what?!" Oh, yeah. It's freaking awesome!

And now for the giveaway. To enter, just fill out the Rafflecopter below before Monday, February 10. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Kept by James Scott

Good morning, readers! Today I'm a stop on the TLC book tour for James Scott's debut, The Kept.

Readers, I was infinitely glad that Jenn over at Jenn's Bookshelves mentioned that the publisher's synopsis was somewhat misleading. Being able to go into the book with this knowledge not only kept me from revisiting the book's premise before diving in myself but allowed me to really let go of any early misconceptions I might have had about the book. In finishing it and then going back to that synopsis I can say that it actually isn't entirely inappropriate, it's simply that James Scott's book is one that is difficult to describe in any real depth without giving away too much. And so, as Jenn did with her review, I will be brief in my own version of the description as well.

Elspeth Howell's job as a midwife often calls for her to be away from her home for long periods of time. When she returns from her latest trip, she discovers that her family has fallen victim to a brutal and senseless crime. The only survivor is her twelve-year-old son Caleb, who, having hidden out in the pantry since the event, accidentally shoots his mother before realizing she is not in fact the killers returning to finish the job. Caleb immediately goes about trying to save Elspeth and nurse her back to health while vowing to track down his family's murderers.

As Elspeth begins to recover, she and her son set off to track down the criminals. But along the way, Elspeth will have to face down a guilt that has weighed heavy on her heart for most of her life.

James Scott's debut is beautifully stark and captivating. It doesn't take long to discover that The Kept is a gem of a story, setting in the reader's mind a certainty about the direction it will take and the characters that quickly unravels and transforms into something else.

Elspeth's story unfolds in a series of flashbacks about the births of her children, her childhood, and her husband, Jorah. And as we learn about the very pieces that make up the puzzle of this character, we also see Caleb grow from a boy into a man. Caleb's narrative also takes this same flashback approach illustrating a boy who stands out from his family. His siblings say they don't understand him and he spends more time with the animals than he does with the rest of the family.

And readers, this is an oddly quirky story as well. It's set in winter 1897 in upstate New York. Superstitions and beliefs of the time do play a big role in the book, as does the desolate and remote setting. Elspeth and her family essentially live cut off from the world, as do others in their area, and many of the characters introduced in the book are peculiar.

I'm sure the cold and snowy weather we've been having lent itself well to creating an added atmosphere for me, but I found that reading The Kept was a fully enveloping experience. As Elspeth and Caleb trekked through the snow, I wrapped myself more snug in a cozy blanket. As they hunted their prey I thanked my lucky stars I was safe and sound in my own house!

Rating: 4.5/5

To see more stops on the tour be sure to check out the official TLC tour page here. For more on James Scott, you can visit his website here.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Her Dark Curiosity by Megan Shepherd

It was another fantastic reading weekend at my house. I dove into a Beauty and the Beast retelling, a witchy Swedish read, and Her Dark Curiosity, Megan Shepherd's follow up to last year's debut, The Madman's Daughter. If you've not read that, I suggest you do - there may be spoilers ahead. And if you aren't familiar with it, it is a teen version of The Island of Doctor Moreau, told from the viewpoint of his teenage daughter. You can read my review here.

After escaping the island Juliet Moreau returns to London where she finds herself at the mercy of one of her father's past friends. Professor Von Stein not only helped Juliet to clear her name after being arrested on charges of attacking Hastings, but has also taken her in as his ward. Her new position means Juliet now has the resources she needs to pursue a cure to her own malady but also means she must be careful to maintain a respectable outward appearance. And then Juliet hears of a murder in the city, one that bears a marked resemblance to Edward's victims on the island. But Edward is surely dead and the rest of her father's creatures were left far behind on the island she only narrowly escaped herself. Who then is the murderer they're now calling the Wolf of Whitechapel and why do his victim's have an unsavory connection to Juliet Moreau?

This sequel to The Madman's Daughter is equally as fun and dark as its predecessor. Shepherd once again has done a great job weaving in another classic tale alongside her already created play on the H.G. Wells classic with Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, something that was set up in The Madman's Daughter. And of course Shepherd has set up another tie in for her third installment with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I love, love, love how Shepherd has done this and assure you, readers, that the inclusion of these tales works perfectly with Shepherd's story.

One of the things I'm loving about Shepherd's style is her ability to not only convincingly tie in these other tales, but to maintain the overall tone and feel of the setting established by the classic. I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the third installment. I could tell early on that Frankenstein was the direction it would take based on the hints that were laid out throughout Her Dark Curiosity.

And the story in Her Dark Curiosity is wonderful! Let me just say I adore all of Shepherd's leading ladies. These are tough chicks! Juliet goes into some dark places here in this second book but Lucy gets to prove herself as Juliet's best friend and yet another modern girl unafraid to do what's necessary to save the ones she loves. And Elizabeth, well she proves to be a formidable female influence for Juliet as well.

Shepherd is a force to be reckoned with, readers, and this series is as perfect for adults as it is for teens.

Rating: 4.5/5

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Worlds I'd Never Want to Live In

I've decided to jump on board with Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week the topic is: Top ten worlds I'd never want to live in.

Ha! They wouldn't all be fiction either. 

1. The world of Julianna Baggott's Pure trilogy - um, yeah. The privileged live inside a dome while everyone outside is marred by the effects of a massive bomb detonation. No thanks!

2. Panem - I don't know which district I'd be relegated to and I don't care. This world would suck to live in. 

3. The horrific world of Lauren DeStefano's Chemical Garden trilogy - there's no way I'd survive being sold into marriage! I talk back too much.

4. The world of Andrew Fukuda's The Hunt trilogy - where humans are game for vampires. And these aren't sparkly vamps either. 

6. Europe at the time of the Black Death - yeah, no.

7. Salem in the late 1600s - I'd bet money on my being accused!

8. Detroit in Scott Sigler's Infected trilogy

9. New York in Adam Sternbergh's Shovel Ready - while it might be the best time to get a great apartment, I think the rest of it would be too much for little old me. The up side is that there's still pizza joints!

10. The water shortaged world of Mindy McGinnis's Not a Drop to Drink - frontier-esque survival and having to give up my hot baths? I think not.