Saturn's Turbulent 'Storm Alley' Sets Another Record

storm on Saturn
The longest continuously observed thunderstorm in the solar system has been roiling Saturn's atmosphere since mid-January and is still churning now, according to a presentation by a Cassini team scientist at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany.

A team led by Georg Fischer, a scientist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences has been using Cassini's Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument to measure the powerful radio waves emitted by Saturn's lightning storms. The radio waves from these storms help scientists study Saturn's ionosphere, the charged layer that surrounds the planet above the cloud tops.

The most recent storm has evolved around the latitude of 35 degrees south, an area nicknamed "storm alley." The previous record for observed storms also came from Saturn, when a different storm thundered for seven-and-a-half months from the end of Nov. 2007 until mid-July 2008.

Checking Tilt of Lightweight Test Rover

Checking Tilt of Lightweight Test Rover
Tests of possible maneuvers for use by NASA's rover Spirit on Mars include use of this lightweight test rover at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. In this scene from Sept. 8, 2009, rover team member Walter Hoffman is checking for a change in the vehicle's tilt after an arc-backwards maneuver.

This test rover, called the Surface System Testbed Lite, weighs about the same on Earth as Spirit does on Mars. Unlike the primary test rover in use at JPL, called the Surface System Testbed, the lighter model does not carry science instruments or a robotic arm. An object that weighs 10 pounds on Earth weighs just 3.8 pounds on Mars, due to the smaller mass of Mars compared to Earth.

Computer modeling using results from both test rovers and data from Mars is helping the rover team plot a strategy to try getting Spirit out of a patch of soft Martian soil where Spirit has been embedded for more than four months.

Eyes on the Prize

Eyes on the Prize
Armadillo Aerospace successfully met the Level 2 requirements for the Centennial Challenges - Lunar Lander Challenge and qualified to win a $1 million dollar first place prize. The flights were conducted Sept. 12 at the Armadillo Aerospace test facility in Caddo Mills, Texas.

To qualify for the Level 2 prize, Armadillo Aerospace's rocket vehicle took off from one concrete pad, ascended horizontally, then landed on a second pad that featured boulders and craters to simulate the lunar surface. After refueling at that pad, the vehicle then repeated the flight back and landed at the original pad. The vehicle completed the round trip, including fueling and refueling operations, in one hour and 47 minutes. That was well within the two and half hour time limit for the challenge. Armadillo Aerospace also met the requirement to remain aloft under rocket power for three minutes during each of the flights.

In this image, technicians Neil Milburn, Russ Blink and Mike Vinther are shown on the launch pad performing a vehicle inspection.

Centennial Challenge - Armadillo Aerospace

Centennial Challenge - Armadillo Aerospace
In this image, the rocket vehicle takes off.

On Sept. 12, 2009, Armadillo Aerospace successfully conducted flights at the Armadillo Aerospace test facility in Caddo Mills, Texas. Armadillo met the Level 2 requirements for the Centennial Challenges - Lunar Lander Challenge and qualified to win a $1 million dollar first place prize.

To qualify for the Level 2 prize, Armadillo Aerospace's rocket vehicle took off from one concrete pad, ascended to approximately 50 meters, moved 60 meters horizontally, then landed on a second pad that featured boulders and craters to simulate the lunar surface. After refueling at that pad, the vehicle then repeated the flight back and landed at the original pad. The vehicle completed the round trip, including fueling and refueling operations, in one hour and 47 minutes. That was well within the two and half hour time limit for the challenge.

Under the Lunar Lander Challenge this year, teams have until Oct. 31, 2009 to complete flight attempts and qualify for the remaining prizes. The Lunar Lander Challenge is divided into two levels. Level 1 requires a rocket to take off from a designated launch area, climb to a low, fixed altitude, and fly for at least 90 seconds before landing precisely on a different landing pad. The flight must then be repeated in reverse. Both flights, along with all of the necessary preparation for each, must take place within a two and a half hour period.

The more challenging Level 2 competition requires a rocket to fly for 180 seconds before landing precisely on a simulated lunar surface constructed with craters and boulders. The minimum flight times are calculated so the Level 2 mission closely simulates a real descent from lunar orbit to the surface of the Moon. The winners of Level 2 will be awarded a $1 million first place prize and a $500,000 second place prize.

Satellites Could Help Keep Hungry Populations Fed as Climate Changes

In the early 1980s, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., developed the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), an innovative combination of two satellite measurements that allowed them to analyze changes in the "greenness" of Earth as viewed from space. Much like measurements from weather satellites allow meteorologists to track and monitor hurricanes, NDVI lets scientists track droughts, crop infestations, and even full-blown crop failures that lead to widespread famine.

Few non-scientists have ever heard of NDVI, yet this vital sign of the planet has important implications for everyone, said Molly Brown, a Goddard scientist who has N-D-V-I emblazoned on her car's license plate. NDVI has been used to study everything from the spread of disease to the archaeological remains of ancient Rome.

Perhaps most important, Brown said, is that this remote sensing tool will play a key part in helping us to keep food on the table as future populations swell, the climate changes, and pressures on the agricultural system mount.

Shades of Green

It’s a bit murky as to when, where, and who first developed the equation that scientists use today to calculate NDVI. It first appeared in a 1973 symposium report to NASA from Texas A&M University researchers.

The full potential of NDVI didn't become clear until Compton Tucker of NASA -- along with colleagues Brent Holben, Christopher Justice, John Townshend, Sam Goward, and Steve Prince -- developed an image-compositing technique in the 1970s and 1980s that made it possible to assemble cloud-free NDVI maps over large regions. The work culminated with an NDVI map of Africa's vegetation on the cover of Science in 1985.

"It was eye-opening," said Forrest Hall, a physicist at Goddard and a veteran NDVI researcher. "With composited NDVI images, suddenly we could see a cloud-free Earth and how all of the different types of vegetation on Earth fit together and how they changed over time."

What had Tucker used to create this groundbreaking map of Africa? The satellite instruments measure the infrared and visible light reflected from plant leaves, and Tucker then calculated a normalized ratio of these two “channels." This ratio changes depending on the density of chlorophyll in green leaves of vegetation.

Currently the best data for NDVI measurements come from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instruments on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites; earlier data came from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instruments deployed on NOAA polar orbiting meteorological satellites.

Since chlorophyll -- the green pigment that plants use to turn sunlight into carbohydrates and hence energy -- absorbs visible light, healthy plants reflect less red light and therefore have a higher NDVI than those with sparse or unhealthy leaves.

On Tucker's maps, the sparsely vegetated areas of the Sahara and the Sahel region have NDVI values near zero. The dense jungles of Central Africa have an NDVI closer to 1, the highest value.

"It's a very simple and elegant measurement, just two channels of information," said Assaf Anyamba, a Goddard scientist who uses NDVI to research climate variability and vector-borne diseases. "We now have almost 29 years of NDVI documenting global land-based photosynthesis."

Keeping Food on the Table

NDVI is a remarkably versatile measurement, but monitoring the global food supply has emerged as one of its particularly important uses. By comparing NDVI from one year to previous years, scientists can see tell-tale signs that crops are healthy and vigorous or suffering from drought, insect infestation, or some other problem.

The largest user of NDVI data is the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which monitors agricultural production worldwide with a focus on 15 key crops, including wheat, corn, soy beans, and rice. FAS estimates agricultural production to determine the market rate for commodities, the foundation of the economy in both developed and developing countries.

The U.S. Agency for International Development's Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) uses NDVI as its primary tool for anticipating food shortages and failed harvests. FEWS NET provides near real-time data to 20 African countries -- as well as Guatemala, Haiti, and Afghanistan -- about the risks of famine based on NDVI and complementary environmental data.

Satellite data alone cannot cure the world of famine, Brown notes, but systems like FEWS NET can buy critical time for governments and relief organizations to react when droughts, wars, and infestations strike the food supply.

NDVI has proven particularly useful in some of the world’s most contentious hotspots. In 2008, the FAS, FEWS NET, and a number of other partners used NDVI to monitor wheat yields in Iraq and Afghanistan through a persistent drought that led to the worst yields in a decade.

Closer to home, NDVI is also used in certain states as a basis for a novel crop insurance program managed by the USDA. And it's used by ranchers in the American Southwest, as part of the "Range View" monitoring network, to locate the best areas for cattle to forage.

Solution for a Hungry, Crowded World

The United Nations projects Earth’s population will surpass 9 billion people by 2050, up from the current 6.8 billion. Since the 1990s, commodity prices have risen and the amount of cultivated land per person has declined. The result: many poor communities are ending up with less access to locally grown food even as global food supplies are increasing.

Already, researchers estimate that 30 percent of the rural populations of developing countries lack reliable access to food because of poverty. Meanwhile, models suggest that climate change could create an El-NiƱo like effect in the Indian Ocean that causes more droughts in key agricultural areas of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Such findings cause Brown and others to worry that areas already struggling with food shortages may face even graver problems in the future. But she also remains hopeful that scientific and technological tools like NDVI can provide critical information to help us blunt the worst of the problems. Improving early prediction systems may be as important in preventing famine as improving farming techniques and food aid policies for ensuring a sustainable future.

photo of women crushing millet Women in the West African country of Senegal take a break from crushing millet. The United Nations World Food Program estimates that 46 percent of households in Senegal lack reliable access to adequate amounts of food.

image showing how NDVI works NDVI is calculated from the visible and near-infrared light reflected by vegetation. Healthy vegetation (left) absorbs most of the visible light that hits it, and reflects a large portion of the near-infrared light. Unhealthy or sparse vegetation (right) reflects more visible light and less near-infrared light, yielding a lower NDVI.

visualization of Earth Dark green indicates areas with high NDVI values and an abundance of healthy vegetation on this rotating animation. Such information is used to monitor the global food supply and to anticipate food shortages.

image showing how NDVI works An animation of monthly NDVI values illustrates the annual "green up" that takes place during the spring and summer in the United States.

A Space Age Water Gauge

Image from video showing new method of mapping water consumption from space
NASA has released a video illustrating an innovative satellite-based method that maps agricultural water consumption. The new mapping tool, based on Landsat satellite data, received a prestigious Innovations In American Government award from Harvard University’s Ash Institute on September 14.

Water specialists Rick Allen, Bill Kramber and Tony Morse use Landsat thermal band data to measure the amount of water evaporating from the soil and transpiring from plants’ leaves – a process called evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiring water absorbs energy, so farm fields consuming more water appear cooler in the thermal band. The Landsat observations provide an objective way for water managers to assess on a field-by-field basis how much water agricultural growers are using. The team’s measurements have even been used to help settle water rights conflicts in court.

In addition to featuring interviews and Landsat imagery, the video demonstrates visually how Landsat captures images in both the visible spectrum and thermal band, and shows a resulting evapotranspiration map created using the mapping tool.

Landsat is a joint program of NASA and the US Geological Survey.

Saturn Moon Could Power 150 Billion Labor Day Barbecues

Since its discovery by Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens in 1655, Saturn's most massive moon, Titan, has been known as a place of mystery and intrigue. The large, cloud-enshrouded moon is such a scientific enigma that for the past five years, it has been targeted by NASAs Cassini spacecraft with more than 60 probing flybys. One of its latest findings could be a valuable asset to future generations of space explorers hunting for materials to whip up a Labor Day barbecue.

"Titan's atmosphere is extremely rich in an assortment of hydrocarbon chemicals, including propane, which we use to fill our barbecue tanks," said Cassini scientist Conor Nixon of the University of Maryland, College Park. "Titan's atmospheric inventory would fuel about 150 billion barbecue cookouts, enough for several thousand years of Labor Days."

For those who are burger, barbecue or Titan challenged, propane is a three-carbon alkane (a chemical compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen), that is non-toxic and heavier than air. With its low boiling point of minus 43.6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 42 degrees Centigrade), propane vaporizes as soon as it is released from its pressurized container. Here on Earth, propane is commonly used as a fuel for forklifts, flamethrowers, residential central heating, portable stoves, hot air balloons, and - of course - barbecues. On other worlds propane is an untapped resource.

This gas of many terrestrial uses was first discovered in Titan's atmosphere back in 1980 when NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft flew past the Saturnian system. Over the years, both ground and space-based instruments have added to the research, but accurately quantifying the amount of propane on Titan has proved elusive. Then, in 2004, the Cassini spacecraft entered orbit around Saturn.

Measuring the amount of propane on Titan is important to scientists because the gas is a very complex molecule, and its signature in the infrared spectrum is close to those of several molecules scientists are hoping to discover in Titan's atmosphere.

"It was not so much that measuring propane was our endgame, but it helps enormously in our hunt for other complex molecules," said Nixon. "These include pyrimidines that are potential building blocks for biological molecules, such as the nuceleobases of our DNA." If we can detect them on Titan, that would be very significant."

Propane on Titan was measured using data from Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer instrument. During multiple flybys of the moon between June 2004 and June 2008, the instrument measured infrared light from the edge of Titan's atmosphere. After a detailed analysis of the gas's characteristic 'emission bands' or signature, using computer predictions backed by the latest laboratory research into its infrared spectrum, the Composite Infrared Spectrometer team came up with an estimate of the amount of propane in Titan's atmosphere So exactly how much propane does it take to fire 150 billion cookouts?

"We estimate there are nearly 700 million barrels of propane on Titan, said Nixon. "That is enough to fill six-billion 20-pound tanks of liquefied propane gas. It sounds like a huge amount, but that would satisfy total U.S. consumption of propane for only 18 months."

Which still leaves, with regards to Saturn's biggest moon, one Labor Day staple still to be determined. How many hamburgers could future generations of outer-planet explorers grill using Titan's atmospheric propane?

"A dozen at a time, that's two trillion hamburgers," said Cassini's Nixon, "assuming you stop at medium-well."

Nixon is the lead author on a paper about propane on Titan to be published in an upcoming issue of Planetary and Space Science.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL. JPL manages the mission for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Cassini's Composite Infrared Spectrometer team is based at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

Above Dione's Fractures

The Cassini spacecraft
The Cassini spacecraft looks down on the north pole of Dione and the fine fractures that cross its trailing hemisphere.

The north pole of Dione lies on the terminator between shadow and light, about halfway down the left side of the image. This view is centered on terrain at 66 degrees north latitude, 224 degrees west longitude. Lit terrain seen here is on the trailing hemisphere and anti-Saturn side of Dione (1,123 kilometers, or 698 miles across).

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on July 11, 2009. The view was obtained at a distance of approximately 429,000 kilometers (267,000 miles) from Dione and at a Sun-Dione-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 67 degrees. Image scale is 3 kilometers (2 miles) per pixel

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

Scientists Discover New Radiation Belt at Saturn

Scientists using the Cassini spacecraft's Magnetospheric Imaging instrument have detected a new, temporary radiation belt at Saturn, located around the orbit of its moon Dione at about 377,000 kilometers (234,000 miles) from the center of the planet.

The new belt, which has been named "the Dione belt," was detected by the instrument for only a few weeks on three separate occasions in 2005. Scientists believe that newly formed charged particles in the Dione belt were gradually absorbed by Dione itself and another nearby moon, named Tethys, which lies slightly closer to Saturn at an orbit of 295,000 kilometers (183,304 miles).

The discovery was presented at the European Planetary Science Congress in Potsdam, Germany on September 14.

Computer Modeling Supplements Dusty Testing

Tests on Earth simulating Spirit's predicament on Mars have reinforced understanding that getting Spirit to rove again will be very difficult.

To supplement the tests at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., the rover team is refining a detailed computer model of rover mobility, calibrated with results from testing and measurements from Mars.

"The computer modeling will allow us to connect the results from tests performed in Earth gravity with what to expect from the rover in Mars gravity," said JPL's John Callas, project manager for Spirit and its twin, Opportunity.

Spirit became embedded in soft soil at a site called "Troy" in early May, more than five years into a mission on Mars that was originally scheduled to last for three months. The rover team suspended further driving attempts with Spirit while evaluating possibilities from tests performed at JPL simulating the Troy situation.

An additional round of testing was added to the September schedule to gain more detailed assessment of how to move Spirit while avoiding putting the rover's center of gravity directly over a rock that is touching or nearly touching the rover's underbelly. Other added tests are using a lighter-weight test rover than the one used for most of the testing this summer. A complete "dress rehearsal" test of the extrication strategy judged to hold the best chance of success is planned in the test setup at JPL before the team commands Spirit to begin driving. That test and subsequent review of its results are expected to take several weeks. Moves by Spirit will not begin before October, according to current plans.

"We are proceeding very cautiously and exploring all reasonable options," Callas said. "There is a very real possibility that Spirit may not be able to get out, and we want to give Spirit the very best chance."

A dust storm that had reduced the electrical output from Spirit's solar panels by nearly half during late August still has some lingering effects on the skies above Spirit.

Armadillo Aerospace Qualifies for $1 Million Prize From NASA's Centennial Challenges

Armadillo Aerospace has successfully met the Level 2 requirements for the Centennial Challenges - Lunar Lander Challenge and qualified to win a $1 million dollar first place prize. The flights were conducted Sept. 12 at the Armadillo Aerospace test facility in Caddo Mills, Texas.

To qualify for the Level 2 prize, Armadillo Aerospace's rocket vehicle took off from one concrete pad, ascended to approximately 50 meters, moved 60 meters horizontally, then landed on a second pad that featured boulders and craters to simulate the lunar surface. After refueling at that pad, the vehicle then repeated the flight back and landed at the original pad. The vehicle completed the round trip, including fueling and refueling operations, in one hour and 47 minutes. That was well within the two and half hour time limit for the challenge.

Armadillo Aerospace also met the requirement to remain aloft under rocket power for three minutes during each of the flights. The flights were delayed until late afternoon because of rain and completed at approximately 5:45 p.m. CDT. The event was witnessed by a crowd of Armadillo Aerospace friends and family, local residents, the mayor of Caddo Mills and a small contingent of NASA engineers from the Johnson Space Center.

"Armadillo Aerospace demonstrated remarkable engineering and operations skill in preparing the vehicle and flying two precisely controlled flights in less than two hours," said Andrew Petro, NASA's Centennial Challenge program manager. "It was a great demonstration of reusable rocket technology and the use of non-toxic propellants, which is of great value to NASA and important to the future of spaceflight. And they did all of this under adverse conditions on a very rainy day."

The Armadillo Aerospace vehicle weighed approximately 1,900 pounds fully loaded with liquid oxygen and ethanol fuel. It has a single engine and is flown with a combination of automatic controls and remote manual commands.

Under the Lunar Lander Challenge this year, teams have until Oct. 31 to complete flight attempts and qualify for the remaining prizes. The Lunar Lander Challenge is divided into two levels. Level 1 requires a rocket to take off from a designated launch area, climb to a low, fixed altitude, and fly for at least 90 seconds before landing precisely on a different landing pad. The flight must then be repeated in reverse. Both flights, along with all of the necessary preparation for each, must take place within a two and a half hour period.

The more challenging Level 2 competition requires a rocket to fly for 180 seconds before landing precisely on a simulated lunar surface constructed with craters and boulders. The minimum flight times are calculated so the Level 2 mission closely simulates a real descent from lunar orbit to the surface of the Moon. The winners of Level 2 will be awarded a $1 million first place prize and a $500,000 second place prize.

If another team besides Armadillo Aerospace successfully meets the requirements for Level 2, then first and second place will be determined by landing accuracy. The average landing accuracy for the Armadillo Aerospace flights was approximately 90 centimeters. Two other teams have scheduled flight attempts for Level 2 during the remaining time this year. One additional application is currently under review.

The remaining scheduled Lunar Lander attempts for 2009 are:

- Masten Space Systems at Mojave, Calif.: Sept. 16-17 (Level 1), Oct. 7-8 (Level 2), and Oct. 28-29 (Level 2)

- Unreasonable Rocket at Cantil, Calif.: Oct. 30-31 (Levels 1 and 2)

The Lunar Lander Challenge competition is managed for NASA by the X Prize Foundation under a Space Act Agreement. NASA provides all of the prize purse funds. The Northrop Grumman Corporation is a commercial sponsor for the challenge, providing operating funds to the X Prize Foundation.

The Lunar Lander Challenge is one of six Centennial Challenges managed by the Innovative Partnership Program. The Regolith Excavation Challenge will be held on Oct. 17-18 at NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif. The Power Beaming and Astronaut Glove Challenges are planned for 2009, but details have not been finalized. NASA plans to have a Centennial Challenge Recognition Ceremony for all 2009 winners in January 2010.

NASA to Release First Results from Lunar Mission Thursday, Sept. 17

NASA will showcase new images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's seven instruments and provide updates about the topography of the moon's south pole during a news conference at 1 p.m. EDT Thursday, Sept. 17. NASA also will provide an update about the spacecraft's status and mission plans. The briefing will take place at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and will be broadcast live on NASA Television and the agency's Web site.

Panelists are:
-- Craig Tooley, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project manager, Goddard Space Flight Center
-- Michael Wargo, chief lunar scientist, Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington
-- Richard Vondrak, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project scientist, Goddard
-- David Smith, Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter principal investigator, Goddard

To RSVP or to participate by telephone, reporters should contact Rani Gran at 301-286-2483 by noon Sept. 17.

Reporters attending the event at Goddard should sign in at the center's main gate by 12:30 p.m. Thursday. The gate is located at 8800 Greenbelt Rd. in Greenbelt. NASA representatives will be available to escort reporters from the gate to the event.

NASA and ATK Successfully Test Ares First Stage Motor

NASA and industry engineers lit up the Utah sky on Sept. 10, 2009, with the initial full-scale, full-duration test firing of the first stage motor for the Ares I rocket. The Ares I is a crew launch vehicle in development for NASA's Constellation Program.

ATK Space Systems conducted the successful stationary firing of the five-segment solid development motor 1, or DM-1. ATK Space Systems, a division of Alliant Techsystems of Brigham City, Utah, is the prime contractor for the Ares I first stage. Engineers will use the measurements gathered from the test to evaluate thrust, roll control, acoustics and motor vibrations. This data will provide valuable information as NASA develops the Ares I and Ares V vehicles. Another ground test is planned for summer 2010.

"With this test, we have taken lessons learned from many years of experience in solid rocket motor development and have built on that foundation," said Alex Priskos, first stage manager for Ares Projects at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. "Our team collected data from 650 sensors today to evaluate the motor's performance. This test and those that follow are essential to understanding as many aspects of our motor as possible, including strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately delivering the safest and most reliable motor possible."

This was the second attempt to conduct the two-minute rocket test at ATK's test stand in Promontory, Utah. The first test on Aug. 27 was canceled with 20 seconds left in the countdown because of a problem with a component of the ground controller unit, which sends power to the system that moves the nozzle during the test. Through a detailed investigation, the engineering team pinpointed the problem and replaced the faulty part.

The first stage motor will generate up to 3.6 million pounds of thrust, or lifting power, at launch. Although similar to the solid rocket boosters that help power the space shuttle to orbit, the Ares development motor includes several upgrades and technology improvements implemented by NASA and ATK engineers.

Motor upgrades from a shuttle booster include the addition of a fifth segment, a larger nozzle throat, and upgraded insulation and liner. The forward motor segment also has been improved for performance by adding another fin, or slot in the propellant. This change provides additional surface area for burning the solid fuel, which results in greater thrust.

The DM-1 nozzle throat is three inches wider in diameter than the nozzle used for the shuttle. The bigger nozzle throat allows the motor to handle the additional thrust from the five-segment booster. It also meets NASA's structural requirements to stay within the pressure capacity of the existing steel cases -- the large, barrel-shaped cylinders that house the fuel -- ensuring safety and reliability. Upgrades also were made to the insulation and liner that protect the first stage's steel cases.

The motor cases are flight proven hardware used on shuttle launches for more than three decades. The cases used in this ground test have collectively flown on 48 previous missions, including STS-1, the first shuttle flight.

Marshall manages the Ares Projects and is responsible for design and development of the Ares I rocket and Ares V heavy cargo launch vehicle. NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston manages the Constellation Program, which includes the Ares I, Ares V, Orion crew module and Altair lunar lander. The program also includes multiple project teams at NASA centers and contract organizations around the United States.

Sturckow: Crew, Discovery 'Great' After Landing

Space shuttle Discovery lands at Edwards Air Force Base
Space shuttle Discovery touched down at Edwards Air Force Base In California on Friday to end a 14-day mission to the International Space Station dedicated to outfitting the orbital laboratory with new experiments, science equipment, supplies and other gear the six people living on the station will need. Unacceptable weather conditions at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida Thursday and Friday forced the detour by Discovery to the West Coast.

"We're very happy to be back on land here in California," STS-128 Commander Rick "C.J." Sturckow said after the astronauts got off the shuttle and surveyed their craft. "It was a great mission and we just want to thank everybody for their support."

The crew of seven astronauts, including former station resident Tim Kopra, will fly to their training base at Johnson Space Center in Houston on Saturday. Meanwhile, technicians at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center, adjacent to Edwards, will take about a week to get the spacecraft ready for its cross-country flight back to Kennedy atop a modified 747.

Electronic Nose to Return from Space Station

Sniffing out any potential contaminants on the International Space Station where it was stationed for the last six months, the JPL-built electronic nose, or ENose, is homeward bound.

While on the space station, the ENose sampled the air with 32 sensors that can detect various odors and pinpoint which ones are dangerous to humans. The sleek, shoebox-sized ENose, the third generation of its kind, monitored the air for 10 contaminants continuously.

"Our six-month test went very well. The ENose identified formaldehyde, Freon 218, methanol and ethanol, but all of them were at harmless levels," said Amy Ryan, principal investigator of the ENose at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. Ryan built the ENose at JPL and has managed the project from its early beginnings in 1996. "An instrument like this could one day remain on the Space Station and monitor air quality in real-time."

In the future, the ENose could be used in monitoring crew cabins for vehicles to the moon and other destinations or be stationed on a moon base. Other potential applications include detecting a smoldering fire before it erupts, sniffing for unexploded land mines and monitoring for chemical spills in a work area. There are also possible applications in medical diagnosis.

"A human nose is not always as sensitive to chemicals as the ENose and our noses cannot even detect some hazardous chemicals," said Ryan. "The ENose can smell trouble and give people advance warning before contamination levels cause harm."

The ENose was flown to the International Space Station by the Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-126 mission in December 2008. It is set to return home today on the Space Shuttle Discovery STS-128, after its 13-day flight.

Landing Opportunities in Florida and California

There are four opportunities at two landing sites to bring space shuttle Discovery and its crew home to Earth today after a flight to resupply the International Space Station and deliver a new crew member.

The deorbit burn for the first KSC landing opportunity is at 4:41 p.m. EDT with landing at 5:48 p.m. The second Florida landing window begins with a deorbit burn at 6:17 p.m. and ends with a landing at 7:23 p.m.

The first landing opportunity in California has a deorbit burn time of 7:47 p.m. with landing at 8:53 p.m. The second opportunity would start with a deorbit burn at 9:23 p.m. and end with a landing at 10:28 p.m.

A landing today will complete a two-week flight for Sturckow, Pilot Kevin Ford, and mission specialists Pat Forrester, Jose Hernandez, Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang. Today is the 58th day in space for their crewmate Tim Kopra, who launched on shuttle mission STS-127 in July and spent two months on the International Space Station as an Expedition 20 crew member.

Crew Prepares for Landing

Commander Rick Sturckow and his crew were awakened at 9:32 a.m. EDT today with the song “Big Boy Toys” by Aaron Tippin, and they should be into the deorbit preparation timeline by 12:49 p.m.

The deorbit burn for the first Kennedy Space Center, Florida landing opportunity is at 4:41 p.m., with landing at 5:48 p.m. The second Florida landing window begins with a deorbit burn at 5:17 p.m., and ends with a landing at 7:23 p.m.

The first landing opportunity for Edwards Air Force Base, California has a deorbit burn time of 7:47 p.m., with landing at 8:53 p.m. The second opportunity would start with a deorbit burn at 9:23 p.m., and end with a landing at 10:28 p.m.

Friday's Landing Strategy

Capcom Eric Boe informed the crew that if weather looks unfavorable for Friday’s first Kennedy Space Center landing opportunity, the entry team will focus early on the 2nd landing opportunity. If weather prevents landing on the 2nd Kennedy opportunity, Boe said the shuttle will land Friday at Edwards Air Force Base.

Friday's Landing Outlook

The STS-128 crew has been informed that Edwards Air Force Base will be activated for landing opportunities Friday. The weather at Kennedy Space Center Friday is forecast to be dynamic again. Weather at Edwards for Friday looks good.

No Go for KSC Landing Today

The weather forecast is "no go" for tonight's second landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center because of the threat of rain and thunderstorms near the Shuttle Landing Facility. Entry Flight Director Richard Jones and his team are now looking at the weather forecast for a Kennedy landing tomorrow. Edwards Air Force Base in California also will be activated for possible landing possibilities.

Second Landing Opportunity Waved Off

With the weather not cooperating Thursday for a second landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center, space shuttle Discovery will stay in orbit another day.

First Landing Opportunity Waved Off

The weather forecast is "no go" today for the first landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. If the weather cooperates for the second Kennedy landing opportunity tonight, the deorbit burn would occur at 7:35 p.m. EDT with landing at 8:40 p.m.

Crew to Begin Fluid Loading, Suiting Up

Mission control has given the crew a "go" to start fluid loading. It involves drinking large amounts of liquids and salt tablets to help readapt to gravity. The astronauts also are beginning to get into their launch/landing pressurized suits.

Flight controllers continue to closely watch the weather, which is considered very dynamic. Currently, we are observed and forecast NO GO for the first landing opportunity at Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility tonight.

Because of the debris avoidance maneuver conducted this afternoon, the deorbit burn now would be at 5:57 p.m. EDT for a landing at 7:04 p.m.

Dynamic Weather Closely Watched

The weather at the Kennedy Space Center is being monitored for a planned deorbit burn at 5:57 p.m. EDT and a daylight landing at 7:04 p.m. The second opportunity is one hour after sunset with the deorbit burn at 7:35 p.m. and a landing at 8:40 p.m.

Payload Bay Doors Closed

The STS-128 crew has closed Discovery’s payload bay doors. The weather conditions at Kennedy Space Center are being closely monitored.

NASA Approves X-ray Space Mission

supermassive black hole in Space
NASA recently confirmed that the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, mission will launch in August 2011. NuSTAR will carry the first high-energy X-ray focusing telescopes into orbit, providing a much deeper, clearer view of energetic phenomena such as black holes and supernova explosions than any previous instrument has provided in this region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

NuSTAR is a NASA Small Explorer mission led by Caltech, managed by JPL, and implemented by an international team of scientists and engineers. Fiona Harrison, a professor of physics and astronomy at Caltech, is the team's principal investigator. The official confirmation follows two years of detailed design and reviews that have enabled NASA to determine that the NuSTAR team is ready to build the flight hardware.

Hubble Opens New Eyes on the Universe

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is back in business, ready to uncover new worlds, peer ever deeper into space, and even map the invisible backbone of the universe.

The first snapshots from the refurbished Hubble showcase the 19-year-old telescope's new vision. Topping the list of exciting new views are colorful multi-wavelength pictures of far- flung galaxies, a densely packed star cluster, an eerie "pillar of creation," and a "butterfly" nebula.

With the release of these images, astronomers have declared Hubble a fully rejuvenated observatory. Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski, D-Md., unveiled the images at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 9, 2009.

With its new imaging camera, Hubble can view galaxies, star clusters, and other objects across a wide swath of the electromagnetic spectrum, from ultraviolet to near-infrared light. A new spectrograph slices across billions of light-years to map the filamentary structure of the universe and trace the distribution of elements that are fundamental to life.

The telescope's new instruments also are more sensitive to light and can observe in ways that are significantly more efficient and require less observing time than previous generations of Hubble instruments.

NASA astronauts installed the new instruments during the space shuttle servicing mission in May 2009. Besides adding the instruments, the astronauts also completed a dizzying list of other chores that included performing unprecedented repairs on two other science instruments.

Now that Hubble has reopened for business, it will tackle a whole range of observations. Looking closer to Earth, such observations will include taking a census of the population of Kuiper Belt objects residing at the fringe of our solar system, witnessing the birth of planets around other stars, and probing the composition and structure of the atmospheres of other worlds.

Peering much farther away, astronomers have ambitious plans to use Hubble to make the deepest-ever portrait of the universe in near-infrared light. The resulting picture may reveal never-before-seen infant galaxies that existed when the universe was less than 500 million years old. Hubble also is now significantly more well-equipped to probe and further characterize the behavior of dark energy, a mysterious and little-understood repulsive force that is pushing the universe apart at an ever-faster rate.

Discovery Ready for Landing

The STS-128 crew
Discovery’s heat shield was cleared for landing Wednesday, and the crew checked out the systems that will be used to control the space shuttle’s return to Earth.

The first landing opportunity is planned for 7:05 p.m. EDT Thursday, but Mission Control is keeping a close watch on weather conditions at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. A second opportunity is available on the following orbit at 8:42 p.m.

Commander Rick Sturckow and Pilot Kevin Ford spent Wednesday preparing the shuttle for re-entry, completing a checkout of the flight control systems and test-firing the shuttle’s reaction control system thrusters.

Discovery to Perform Orbital Adjustment Burn

Space shuttle Discovery will perform an orbital adjustment burn at 12:02 p.m. EDT to avoid an unidentified piece of debris.

The latest tracking data indicates that the debris will move in and out of the conjunction box around Discovery. The first time it would move within the box would be at about 12:55 p.m. Although unclear, the object is believed to be from the mission's third spacewalk.

After the maneuver, the debris will no longer be an issue.

This move will not have an impact on the shuttle's deorbit burn times scheduled for today, which begin with a planned deorbit burn at 5:59 p.m. and a daylight landing at 7:05 p.m. The next opportunity is one hour after sunset with the deorbit burn at 7:36 p.m. and a landing at 8:42 p.m.

Possible Engine Firing to Avoid Debris; Landing Scheduled Today

Ground crews are trying to determine whether an orbital adjustment engine firing is needed to move space shuttle Discovery out of the path of a piece of orbital debris. If needed, the burn will be executed at 12:02 p.m. EDT.

Thursday's landing opportunities begin with a planned deorbit burn at 5:59 p.m. EDT and a daylight landing at 7:05 p.m. The next opportunity is one hour after sunset with the deorbit burn at 7:36 p.m. EDT and a landing at 8:42 p.m. EDT.

Discovery Ready for Landing

Space shuttle Discovery underwent the Flight Control System checkout and Reaction Control System hotfire using all the primary jets. A piece of debris jarred loose from the shuttle during the checkout, though it was determined not to be a piece of the thermal protection system. Late inspection results cleared Discovery's wing leading edge and nose cap and the shuttle is ready for landing.

Thursday's landing opportunities begin with a planned deorbit burn at 5:59 p.m. EDT and a daylight landing at 7:05 p.m. The next opportunity is one hour after sunset with the deorbit burn at 7:36 p.m. EDT and a landing at 8:42 p.m. EDT.

Crew Completes Flight Control Systems Tests

The STS-128 crew have tested space shuttle Discovery's flight control systems in preparation for Thursday’s landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
All seven crew members gathered for a final media interview opportunity taking questions from CBS News, ABC News and CNN.

Crew Completes Flight Control Systems Tests

The STS-128 crew have tested space shuttle Discovery's flight control systems in preparation for Thursday’s landing at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
All seven crew members gathered for a final media interview opportunity taking questions from CBS News, ABC News and CNN.

New NASA Image Shows Extent of Station Fire Burn

On September 6, 2009, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra satellite captured this simulated natural color image of the Station fire, burning in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles. The fire began August 26 in La Canada Flintridge near NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (seen at the bottom of the image), and soon grew to become the largest fire in Los Angeles County's history. Ten days after its start, the fire had consumed more than 160,000 acres (251 square miles) of forest, leaving behind a charred, blackened landscape as it spread eastward. Smoke from the actively burning area can be seen on the right side of the image; the large dark gray area dominating the image is the evidence of forest and chaparral destruction.

Discovery Undocks from Station

Space shuttle Discovery
Space shuttle Discovery undocked from the International Space Station Tuesday at 3:26 p.m. EDT. Once safely separated from the orbiting complex by about 450 feet, pilot Kevin Ford conducted a flyaround of the space station using only the primary reaction control system steering jets. The smaller vernier jets were disabled before the shuttle docked to the station because of a small leak in one jet. A final separation burn occurred around 5:09 p.m.

The shuttle crew’s newest member, Mission Specialist Tim Kopra, is returning to Earth after 44 days as a member of the station’s Expedition 20 crew, while his replacement, Nicole Stott, begins a three-month stay in orbit.

After delivering 7.5 tons of scientific equipment, food and other supplies for use by the station crew, the shuttle is returning home with 2.5 tons of specimens, used equipment and trash.

Discovery to Perform Landing Tests Wednesday

On Wednesday, space shuttle Discovery's crew will peform the Flight Control System checkout and the Reaction Control System hot-fire. Landing is scheduled for Thursday at 7:05 p.m. EDT at Kennedy Space Center.

Discovery's undocking occurred Tuesday at 3:26 p.m. The fly-around took place as the shuttle flew about 650 feet from the station using its primary reaction control system steering jets rather than the normal vernier thrusters.

The STS-128 crew completed all its major objectives including three spacewalks, transferring 17,000 pounds of cargo and delivery of three major research facilities.

Crew Performing Final Inspection of Discovery

After performing a flawless undocking and flyaround, the STS-128 crew now is set to conduct a final inspection of Discovery’s wing leading edge and nose cap. Managers should see the results at tomorrow’s Mission Management Team briefing. There are no indications of concern.

Discovery is targeting a landing Thursday at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The preliminary landing weather forecast looks fairly typical, with a possibility of rain.

Program managers are still targeting Nov. 12 for the launch of the next shuttle mission, STS-129, but are assessing the possibility of launching as early as Nov. 9.

Post-Mission Management Team Briefing Moved to 5:45 p.m.

The STS-128 post-Mission Management Team news briefing will now begin at 5:45 p.m. EDT on NASA TV.

Discovery Undocks

Pilot Kevin Ford undocked Space shuttle Discovery from the International Space Station at 3:26 p.m. EDT while the two spacecraft flew 223 miles above western China, near the Mongolian border.

After backing Discovery away to a distance of 400 feet, Ford will perform a fly-around at 3:55 p.m. The 3/4 -lap around the station will enable the shuttle crew to survey and photograph the complex. Discovery will perform a maneuver to separate from the station at 5:09 p.m.

Discovery and Crew Set to Depart Station

The Expedition 20 and STS-128
The astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station and space shuttle Discovery have wrapped up their work in space together. The crews of the two spacecraft bid each other farewell and closed the hatches between them at 11:41 p.m. EDT.

With eight days of joint operations between the spacecraft complete, Discovery is scheduled to undock from the station at 3:26 p.m. Tuesday.

Monday the crews completed the last major activity before undocking. They exited the Leonardo Multi-purpose Logistics Module, deactivated it and returned it to Discovery’s cargo bay using the station’s robotic arm. Pilot Kevin Ford and Mission Specialist Jose Hernandez operated the arm.

Leonardo is carrying about 2,400 pounds of equipment back to Earth. Discovery’s middeck is transporting about 860 pounds of return items.

Also returning to Earth aboard Discovery, Mission Specialist Tim Kopra bid his Expedition 20 crew mates farewell. Flight Engineer Nicole Stott has taken his place as a long-duration crew member aboard the station.

Hatches Between Station and Shuttle Closed

With over a week of docked operations behind them, the astronauts and cosmonauts said their goodbyes and closed the hatches between the International Space Station and space shuttle Discovery at 11:41 p.m. EDT Monday.

Discovery is scheduled to undock from the station at 3:26 p.m. Tuesday to begin the trip back to Earth.

Crews Bid Farewell, Leonardo Back in Discovery

The shuttle and station crews have bid each other farewell and are in the process of closing the hatches between the spacecraft.

Leonardo is back inside Discovery’s payload bay and latched down for the ride home. Shuttle astronauts Kevin Ford and Jose Hernandez were at the controls of the International Space Station’s robotic arm, Canadarm 2. They grappled Leonardo and removed it from the Harmony node and placed it inside the shuttle for the return home.

Leonardo Back In Discovery's Payload Bay

Leonardo is back inside Discovery’s payload bay and latched down for the ride home. Shuttle astronauts Kevin Ford and Jose Hernandez were at the controls of the International Space Station’s robotic arm, Canadarm 2. They grappled Leonardo and removed it from the Harmony node and placed it inside the shuttle for the return home.

The shuttle and station crews will bid each other farewell at 10:29p.m. EDT before hatches are closed between the spacecraft.

Leonardo Headed to Discovery's Payload Bay

The Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module has been closed and is now in the grip of the International Space Station’s robotic arm, Canadarm 2. Cargo transfers to and from the module are now complete as Leonardo leaves the station’s Harmony module for Discovery’s payload bay.

Time Off for Crew After Completing Transfer Work

The 13 crew members aboard space shuttle Discovery and the International Space Station completed final transfer work between the two spacecraft Sunday in preparation for Monday afternoon’s scheduled return of the high-tech moving van “Leonardo” back to the orbiter’s payload bay.

With Leonardo packed with items for return to Earth, the crew planned to spend some free time together Sunday evening before Monday’s careful return of the Italian-built logistics module to Discovery for return home and refurbishment before it is used again to deliver more supplies to the station.

Earlier Sunday, Danny Olivas and Tim Kopra talked about their missions with hometown television stations in El Paso and Austin, Texas, respectively.

Toward the end of the crew day Sunday, European Space Agency astronauts Christer Fuglesang and Frank De Winne gathered in the Columbus module for a special event with representatives from Sweden.

With seven days of docked operations behind them, the astronauts and cosmonauts will say their goodbyes and close the hatches Monday about 10:30 p.m. EDT.

European Astronauts Speak With Swedish Representatives

European Space Agency astronauts Christer Fuglesang and Frank De Winne gathered in the Columbus module early Monday morning for a special event with representatives from Sweden. They spoke with former ESA astronaut Jean Francois Clervoy, Lotta Bouvain of Swedish television, Swedish Minister for Education Jan Bjorklund, American Finnish journalist and talk show host Mark Levengood, and Swedish opera singer Malena Ernman.

Mission Status Briefing Cancelled

The STS-128 mission status briefing originally scheduled for 5 p.m. EDT Sunday has been cancelled.

Ammonia Tank Working Well; Transfers Ahead of Schedule

During the second STS-128 spacewalk, mission specialists Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang installed a new Ammonia Tank Assembly on the International Space Station. Mission Control says the new tank is working perfectly.

The spacewalkers were able to perform some get-ahead tasks, but when they went to a pressurized mating adapter on node 1 to reroute cables, they did not find the cables in the expected configuration. Mission managers will decide how to approach this situation before the next spacewalk procedure review.

The crews have completed more than 60 percent of the transfer work from the Leonardo multi-purpose logistics module to the station.

Expedition 20 Flight Engineer Nicole Stott is preparing for the arrival of the Japanese HTV cargo craft. She will grapple it with the space station's robot arm and attach it where Leonardo is now. She is reviewing procedures and will use a trainer on the station to practice grapples with the arm.

Second STS-128 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-128 Spacewalk Complete
Mission specialists Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang installed a new ammonia tank on the International Space Station and stowed a depleted tank for return to Earth during their mission's second spacewalk.

Mission Specialist Patrick Forrester served as the intravehicular officer throughout the spacewalk, which ended Friday at 12:51 a.m. EDT. Shuttle Pilot Kevin Ford and Expedition 20 Flight Engineer Nicole Stott operated the station's robotic arm, Canadarm2, during the excursion.

The remaining shuttle and station crew members continued unloading cargo from the Leonardo multi-purpose logistics module.

Second of Three STS-128 Spacewalks Concludes

The second of three STS-128 spacewalks concluded Friday at 12:51 a.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 39 minutes. The spacewalkers, Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang, completed their major objectives and some get-ahead tasks, including the installation of portable foot restraints on the station's truss.

Second Spacewalk Complete

Mission specialists Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang completed their mission's second spacewalk Friday at 12:51 a.m. EDT. They installed a new ammonia tank on the International Space Station and stowed a depleted tank for return to Earth in Discovery's payload bay.

Major Spacewalk Tasks Complete

Spacewalkers Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang have completed the major tasks of their excursion. They installed the new Ammonia Tank Assembly on the Port 1 Truss and stowed the empty tank assembly into the shuttle’s cargo bay. Flight Engineer Nicole Stott and shuttle pilot Kevin Ford operated the station’s robotic arm.

Ammonia Tank Assembly Installed

The spacewalkers have completed the first task: installation of the new Ammonia Tank Assembly on the Port 1 Truss. They now will work to move the empty tank assembly into the shuttle’s cargo bay with the assistance of Nicole Stott and Kevin Ford operating the station’s robotic arm.

Second Spacewalk of STS-128 Mission Begins

At 6:12 p.m. EDT, NASA astronaut Danny Olivas and ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang began the second of three spacewalks scheduled during the STS-128 mission. The spacewalk is scheduled to last 6.5 hours. Olivas, the STS-128 lead spacewalker, is wearing a spacesuit marked with solid red stripes. Fuglesang is wearing an all-white spacesuit.

Spacewalk To Begin at 5:50 p.m. EDT

Today’s spacewalk with Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang now is expected to begin at approximately 5:50 p.m. EDT. The spacewalkers will install a new ammonia tank on the International Space Station truss and stow a depleted tank in Discovery’s cargo bay for return to Earth.

Spacewalk Delayed

The second spacewalk of the STS-128 mission scheduled to begin at 5:19 p.m. EDT has been delayed about 30 minutes. There was an issue with Mission Specialist Danny Olivas’ chinstrap that has been resolved.

New Racks Installed, Crew Prepares for Second Spacewalk

Astronaut Kevin Ford, STS-128 pilot
The Fluids Integrated Rack, Materials Science Research Rack-1 and Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer-2 were transferred from the Leonardo logistics module and installed in the U.S. Destiny Laboratory.

Spacewalkers Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang will camp out in the Quest airlock overnight to acclimate their bodies for a spacewalk to swap ammonia tanks used to keep the station cool. The second spacewalk of the mission is scheduled to begin about 5:19 p.m. EDT Thursday. They also readied spacesuits and tools, and went over the spacewalk plan with their colleagues.

Debris Avoidance Maneuver Not Necessary

Experts analyzing a conjunction between the space shuttle/space station and a portion of an Ariane 5 rocket body concluded it is not necessary to perform a Debris Avoidance Maneuver. The news was broadcast on NASA Television earlier this morning by NASA's Public Affairs commentator. Mission Control will tell the crews when they awake at 12:29 p.m. EDT.

Crew Prepares for Second Spacewalk

Astronauts Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang are camping out in the Quest airlock starting at 2:54 a.m. EDT Thursday, in preparation for the second STS-128 spacewalk which begins at 5:19 p.m.

John McCullough, chief of the Flight Director Office, stated that it doesn’t look like the International Space Station will have to do a debris avoidance maneuver. However, the final decision will be made during the last hour of Thursday’s spacewalk. Mission Control is building a plan to conduct a reboost just in case. The piece of debris that is being tracked is approximately 19 square meters and is in an elliptical orbit. It is a fairly big piece which makes it easier to track. The closest approach (about 3 kilometers from the station) is expected at 10:06 a.m. Friday.

Debris Avoidance Maneuver May Not be Necessary

John McCullough, chief of the Flight Director Office, stated that it doesn’t look like the International Space Station will have to do a debris avoidance maneuver. However, the final decision will be made during the last hour of Thursday’s spacewalk. Mission Control is building a plan to conduct a reboost just in case. The piece of debris that is being tracked is approximately 19 square meters and is in an elliptical orbit. It is a fairly big piece which makes it easier to track. The closest approach (about 3 kilometers from the station) is expected at 10:06 a.m. Friday.

Debris Avoidance Options Narrowed

As experts continue to analyze a possible conjunction with debris from a portion of an Ariane 5 rocket body, NASA space shuttle CAPCOM Tony Antonelli informed Discovery and International Space Station crew members that the options have been narrowed to two: either not performing a Debris Avoidance Maneuver at all; or performing a reboost avoidance maneuver after Thursday’s second spacewalk. There no longer is any consideration being given to deboosting the shuttle and station, which would have delayed the second spacewalk by a day.

Astronauts Informed of Possible Conjunction Maneuver

NASA space shuttle Capcom Tony Antonelli informed Discovery commander Rick Sturckow about a possible conjunction with debris from a portion of an Ariane 5 rocket body. The conversation was preempted on NASA Television by the HTV preflight briefing and was replayed after the briefing at 2:41 p.m. EDT.

Tony Antonelli: We’ve been analyzing whether we need to do Debris Avoidance Maneuver (DAM). We’re considering all the options and they’re all still on the table. The closest point of approach is at GMT 247:15:06 minutes (11:06 a.m. EDT Friday). The options that are still being considered are: we don’t need to do anything; there would be an attitude maneuver with a reboost option that we would accomplish post-EVA; the other is a deboost that will take a good chunk of the time tomorrow and would delay EVA 2 by a day. We will know more later today. We plan to do the campout tonight either way to keep our options open.

NASA PAO commentary summarized that Mission Control has not yet decided if there is a need for an avoidance maneuver. Flight controllers will continue to evaluate the conjunction before making that determination. The object, with unknown dimensions, is in a highly-elliptical orbit, 32,000 by 317 kilometers. Experts in Mission Control believe the object will make its closest approach to the shuttle and station on Friday morning just after 11 a.m. EDT, at a distance of just under 11 kilometers.

Since no DAM decision has been made, preparations will continue to conduct the second spacewalk on Thursday.

NASA Takes You on a New Tour of the Cryosphere

Back in 2002, NASA created a film using satellite data that took viewers on a tour of Earth’s frozen regions. This year, NASA visualizers are taking viewers on a return trip to see how things have changed over the years.

"The Tour of the Cryosphere 2009" combines satellite imagery and state-of-the-art computer animation software to create a fact-filled and visually stunning tour that shows viewers the icy reaches of Antarctica, the glacier-pocked regions along the Andes Mountains, the winter snows of the American West, the drifting expanse of polar sea ice, and the shrinking Jakobshavn glacier in Greenland.

However, viewers who saw the original will notice differences in the new version, also created by the Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The new "Tour of the Cryosphere" video can be seen and downloaded from the Scientific Visualization Studio's Web site.

"What we did was incorporate more recent data and kept all scenes from the original that were dramatic and interesting," said film director and editor Horace Mitchell, who began updating the animation seven months ago, with help from visualizers Alex Kekesi and Cindy Starr. "The biggest change is that the entire film is in high definition.”

Another significant difference is evident as soon as the 5-minute animation opens. At the request of Earth scientists, who thought the film could be improved by a more realistic rendering of Antarctica, the team replaced the original imagery provided by Canada’s RADARSAT with the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA). Created from more than 1,000 high-resolution Landsat 7 scenes, the LIMA dataset seamlessly shows the entire continent in unprecedented and realistic detail.

As the updated film takes viewers northward from Antarctica, the film treats viewers to the precise locations of glaciers scattered along the Andes Mountains in South America. The locations literally pop as the film continues its grand tour toward the planet’s northern climes.

After a quick tour of snowfall in the American West and its impact on vegetation in 2002 and 2003, the film moves across Canada and Alaska to show more recent satellite data of annual snow and ice overlaying these regions. From there, viewers travel to Earth's North Pole where they see the monthly average concentration of Arctic sea ice in 2009.

To help drive home the point that minimum sea ice levels have declined dramatically since 1979, the SVS team inserted a chart that tracks the levels of minimum ice cover, which typically occurs in September.

The animation then moves from Arctic sea ice to Greenland. More recent data now are used to show changes in the Jakobshavn glacier, which receded only slightly from 1942 to 2001. Beginning in 2002, the rate of ice loss jumped dramatically. The film shows the continued rates of recession over the past four years.

The animation shows the world in a single "shot" -- uninterrupted by cuts or scene changes, a technique that conveys the interconnectedness of the cryosphere and the reason scientists gather satellite data to monitor changes in the first place.

The film gives anyone who watches it a wealth of data collected from satellite observations, showing in detail the impact that recent changes are making on the planet, he said.

"We’re trying to tell NASA’s story with Hollywood's tools," Mitchell said.

New Science to Board Station; Crew to Set Up Quarters

Several science experiments will be transferred from the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module to the International Space Station today, including the Fluids Integration Rack, the Materials Science Research Rack�and the Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS.

Also, additional crew quarters will be set up in Kibo.

First Spacewalk of STS-128 Mission Complete

The first of three STS-128 spacewalks concluded Wednesday at 12:24 a.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 35 minutes. The spacewalkers, Danny Olivas and Nicole Stott, completed all of their major objectives.

Spacewalk Tasks Continue On Schedule

After a temporary loss of communication with Mission Control, the spacewalkers are back on the normal timeline performing their planned tasks.

Spacewalk Tasks Rearranged Due To Communication Loss

Mission Control has informed the spacewalkers that they will not be in communication for about 30 minutes. This is due to the temporary loss of one of the Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) because of weather in White Sands, New Mexico. STS-128 mission specialist and intravehicular officer Patrick Forrester will be communicating with the spacewalkers. A couple of tasks have been rearranged to accommodate the loss of signal.

Spacewalker's Glove Evaluated

Mission Control evaluated the status of one of Danny Olivas' gloves and has given a "go" for the spacewalk to proceed. He had described a slight fray in an area on the right index finger. The teams looked at preflight photos of glove and determined the glove was in the same condition as it was when it passed preflight inspections.

Astronauts Begin First Spacewalk of STS-128

At 5:49 p.m. EDT, astronauts Danny Olivas and Nicole Stott began the first of three spacewalks scheduled during the STS-128 mission. The spacewalk is scheduled to last 6.5 hours. Olivas, the STS-128 lead spacewalker, is wearing a spacesuit marked with solid red stripes. Stott is wearing a spacesuit with broken red stripes.

For this spacewalk, the spacewalkers will remove an empty ammonia tank from the station’s truss and temporarily stow it on the station’s robotic arm. Olivas and Stott also will retrieve the European Technology Exposure Facility (EuTEF) and Materials International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) from the Columbus module and install them on Discovery’s payload bay for return. During the spacewalk, crew members inside the station will begin relocating the COLBERT treadmill, crew quarters, and atmospheric revitalization racks from the Leonardo module to Node 2.

First Spacewalk of STS-128 Begins

Mission Specialist Danny Olivas and Expedition 20 Flight Engineer Nicole Stott began the first spacewalk of the STS-128 mission at 5:49 p.m. EDT.

Satellites and Submarines Give the Skinny on Sea Ice Thickness

Ice Changes To Sea
This summer, a group of scientists and students — as well as a Canadian senator, a writer, and a filmmaker — set out from Resolute Bay, Canada, on the icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent. They were headed through the Northwest Passage, but instead of opening shipping lanes in the ice, they had gathered to open up new lines of thinking on Arctic science.

Among the participants in the shipboard workshop (hosted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada) was Ron Kwok of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Kwok has long provided checkups on the health of Arctic sea ice — the frozen sea water floating within the Arctic Ocean basin. He also knows that some important clues about ice changes can't be seen from a ship.

Extending the Record

While satellites provide accurate and expansive coverage of ice in the Arctic Ocean, the records are relatively new. Satellites have only monitored sea ice extent since 1973. NASA's Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) has been on the task since 2003, allowing researchers to estimate ice thickness as well.

To extend the record, Kwok and Drew Rothrock of the University of Washington, Seattle, recently combined the high spatial coverage from satellites with a longer record from Cold War submarines to piece together a history of ice thickness that spans close to 50 years.

Analysis of the new record shows that since a peak in 1980, sea ice thickness has declined 53 percent. "It's an astonishing number," Kwok said. The study, published online August 6 in Geophysical Research Letters, shows that the current thinning of Arctic sea ice has actually been going on for quite some time.

"A fantastic change is happening on Earth — it's truly one of the biggest changes in environmental conditions on Earth since the end of the ice age," said Tom Wagner, cryosphere program manager at NASA Headquarters. "It's not an easy thing to observe, let alone predict, what might happen next."

Sea ice influences the Arctic's local weather, climate, and ecosystems. It also affects global climate. As sea ice melts, there is less white surface area to reflect sunlight into space. Sunlight is instead absorbed by the ocean and land, raising the overall temperature and fueling further melting. Ice loss puts a damper on the Arctic air conditioner, disrupting global atmospheric and ocean circulation.

To better identify what these changes mean for the future, scientists need a long-term look at past ice behavior. Each year, Arctic ice undergoes changes brought about by the seasons, melting in the summer warmth and refreezing in the cold, dark winter. A single extreme melt or freeze season may be the result of any number of seasonal factors, from storminess to the Arctic Oscillation (variations in atmospheric circulation over the polar regions that occur on time scales from weeks to decades).

But climate is not the same as weather. Climate fluctuates subtly over decades and centuries, while weather changes from day to day and by greater extremes.

"We need to understand the long-term trends, rather than the short-term trends that could be easily biased by short-term changes," Kwok said. "Long-term trends are more reliable indicators of how sea ice is changing with the global and regional climate."

That's why a long-term series of data was necessary. "Even decadal changes can be cyclical, but this decline for more than three decades does not appear to be cyclical," Rothrock said.

All the Ice Counts

Arctic sea ice records have become increasingly comprehensive since the latter half of the 20th century, with records of sea ice anomalies viewed from satellites, ships, and ice charts collected by various countries. Most of that record, kept in the United States by the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder, describes the areal extent of sea ice.

But a complete picture of sea ice requires an additional, vertical measurement: thickness. Melting affects more than just ice area; it can also impact ice above and below the waterline. By combining thickness and extent measurements, scientists can better understand how the Arctic ice cover is changing.

Kwok and other researchers used ICESat’s Geoscience Laser Altimeter System to estimate the height of sea ice above the ocean surface. Knowing the height, scientists can estimate how much ice is below the surface.

Buoyancy causes a fraction (about 10 percent) of sea ice to stick out above the sea surface. By knowing the density of the ice and applying "Archimedes' Principle" — an object immersed in a fluid is buoyed by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object — and accounting for the accumulation of snowfall, the total thickness of the ice can be calculated.

In 2008, Kwok and colleagues used ICESat to produce an ice thickness map over the entire Arctic basin. Then in July 2009, Kwok and colleagues reported that multiyear 'permanent' ice in the Arctic Ocean has thinned by more than 40 percent since 2004. For the first time, thin seasonal ice has overtaken thick older ice as the dominant type.

Submarines and Satellites

To put the recent decline in context, Kwok and Rothrock examined the recent five-year record from ICESat in the context of the longer history of ice thickness observed by U.S. Navy submarines.

During the Cold War, the submarines collected upward-looking sonar profiles, for navigation and defense, and converted the information into an estimate of ice thickness. Scientists also gathered profiles during a five-year collaboration between the Navy and academic researchers called the Scientific Ice Expeditions, or "SCICEX," of which Rothrock was a participant. In total, declassified submarine data span nearly five decades—from 1958 to 2000—and cover a study area of more than 1 million square miles, or close to 40 percent of the Arctic Ocean.

Kwok and Rothrock compared the submarine data with the newer ICESat data from the same study area and spanning 2003 to 2007. The combined record shows that ice thickness in winter of 1980 averaged 3.64 meters. By the end of 2007, the average was 1.89 meters.

"The dramatic decrease in multiyear ice coverage is quite remarkable and explains to a large degree the decrease in total ice area and volume," Kwok said.

Rothrock, who has worked extensively with the submarine data, agrees. "This paper shows one of the most compelling signals of global warming with one of the greatest and fastest regional environmental impacts."

Ice Through Human Eyes

While it is critical to keep monitoring the Arctic with satellites and aircraft, Kwok believes there is also a benefit in physically standing in a place and seeing the changes through human eyes—particularly for non-scientists, who do not keep a close watch on sea ice.

The August 2009 workshop in the Northwest Passage brought together an eclectic group of politicians, artists, and scientists to see the ice firsthand. The challenge was to see the problem of a changing Arctic environment from a variety of scientific, political, cultural and human perspectives and to discuss the future of collaborative study in the Arctic. The science of sea ice has implications for people’s livelihoods, for long-established ecosystems, and for opening a new part of the world to exploration and exploitation.

The workshop participants now take their experiences and observations back to warmer climates, where there is sometimes less urgency about ice retreat.

"Sea ice is about more than just hard science; it's a geopolitical and human issue," Kwok noted. "There is a big personal impact when you get away from your desk and see it in person."

Leonardo Open, Astronauts Prepare for Spacewalk

Mission Spcialist Jose Hernandez
The shuttle crew opened the hatch into the Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module to begin several days of cargo transfer. Leonardo is carrying 7.5 tons of supplies including: two research racks (Fluid Integrated Rack and Materials Science Research Rack), a new station crew quarters, the Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS (MELFI-2), the Air Revitalization System Rack and the COLBERT treadmill.
Flight Engineer Nicole Stott and Mission Specialist Danny Olivas are set to begin the first STS-128 spacewalk Tuesday at 5:49 p.m. EDT.

Astronauts Enter Leonardo, Prepare for First Spacewalk

Mission Specialist Christer Fuglesang and Flight Engineer Frank DeWinne, both of the European Space Agency, became the first crew members to venture inside the newly installed Leonardo Multi-Purpose Logistics Module. The shuttle and station astronauts prepared the cargo module for several days of transfer work.

Flight Engineer Nicole Stott and Mission Specialist Danny Olivas are spending the night inside the Quest airlock at a lower air pressure to force nitrogen out their bloodstream. This prevents astronauts from getting decompression sickness during a spacewalk. Stott and Olivas are set to begin the first STS-128 spacewalk Tuesday at 5:49 p.m. EDT.