Saturday, October 27, 2012


FTB - Not 'Feed the Birds' which is what you are told it stands for if you google this sequence of letters...(although feeding the birds is of course a very good thing to do ;-))...
I'm talking a northern phrase that we always used when our relatives from Blackpool would visit when we were younger. We'd have a slap-up meal somewhere and if it was a good one, we'd always remark we were FTB at the end of it...
'Full to Bursting!'
(Or 'Full to Busting' if you say it with a Blackpool accent!)
I'm not entirely sure why this expression popped into my head today, but it certainly sums up my shop at the moment. For reasons I won't go into, I have an excess of stock, but judging by the comments I've received from several new customers, it is a welcome excess. I've met some lovely people today and wanted to update my blog as some may be visiting here for the first time after picking up my business card. 
Sorry to those who have seen it many times before - I promise I shall be updating here again very soon, as I have lots of plans for the next few days...I'm in an 'achieving' mood! 
So I'll leave you for now with lots of photos and wish you a lovely evening.

Niki x

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cakes, Cupboards and a Cutie-pie!

Thank you to all who visited my blog and left a comment to my previous post about our daughter's wedding. I hadn't realised so many still stopped-by here these days...I found blogging a lot of fun a few years ago...But it kind of lost its edge for me a while back and I wasn't sure if I should continue...It was lovely to have comments and emails from some old friends again. Time is a wrecker and I know many have to use theirs wisely, particularly when pennies need to be earned during these tricky times...So thank you again. x
It was wonderful to receive your encouragement too...I've begun to put together another self-published book...(I'd forgotten how time consuming they can be though!) I'm hoping I can keep it fairly small, to keep the final selling price reasonable (which is charged by the publishers, not the author unfortunately.)
Also this week, my youngest and I made a Christmas cake - Using our usual recipe!
It came out of the oven looking a lot darker than it usually does (not burnt I hasten to add!)
I may look for another recipe to make an alternative with no orange or lemon peel in, as I know this would be preferred by two of my daughters.

I've been sorting out lots of the bits and bobs that we brought back from the wedding reception. Chutneys into my little preserve cupboard! And the flowers, pumpkins and gourds have been arranged on my kitchen windowsill - seen at the top of this post.

This little lady came to spend the day with us this week too. (ALWAYS a treat! :))
...Now wave!  
I've been making some new items for the festive season...but don't want to talk about that too much yet!
I'll be at the V&H Vintage Jumble Sale next Saturday, offering for sale lots of linens and retro clothes at low prices.
I've also been out buying for my shop. A painted washstand was one of my best buys...
And this French jug and bowl came along at just the right time to display on it.
I've bought masses of antique lace and trims recently too, most of which I've had to launder...They'll be finding their way into my shop over the next few days.

Enjoy the rest of your week,
Niki x