Saturday, July 31, 2010

The kids finally broke Sean down

We put the trampoline up a few days ago.
About time!
Now we are soaking up the sun
and the sprinklers at the same time!
Love it!

P.S. I am having blogger woes. Can someone help me? I click on the center button for the picture but it doesn't center! Only when it's the larger sizes. I don't ALWAYS want to post ginormous pics. Any ideas?

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So when you tell your daughter you want to take a few pics
for the blog
because you promised
the next post would be about her.
You get pictures like this....
And these....

But that's ok because in the end
you get this..

I love you Jase-a-roony-toony
and everything you are.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More Jayda

Yes, I realize this is the 3rd post in a row about Jayda. Jase will be the focus of my next one---I'm sure of it!
Proud moment for me! This is my 4 yr old swimming to the bottom of my Mom's pool to get a ring. Do you see me grab her at the end because she can't touch. Ya, scary, I know!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

That child

Kelsey fixed Jayda's hair.
I told Jayda I wanted to take a picture.
This is what I got.

And half a second later.
Oh My Gosh.
Is is to early to diagnose
anger issues.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Near Miss

I sent Jayda in to go potty and get on her PJ's. She left and I didn't particularly pay attention to which way she went. About a minute later she came back with a pair of scissors. I told her "Jayda, what are you doing with scissors, bring them to me." She said "I was cutting my pony out of my hair." I gasped and told her "C'mere lemme see." I inspected. I couldn't believe it! She really had cut her rubberband out and she didn't cut any of her hair! Crazy!! I'm still amazed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Busy days

Drawing class 9-10
Volleyball camp 10-2
Another drawing class 3-4

Mix in 4 appointments
2 case aid days
2 meetings
people coming to my house
Plus the normal routine
which involves a family, animals, a work in progress house
and an annoying amount of dishes.

And You've Got My Crazy Week
I keep having to remind myself to breathe
because it's one more thing I need to remember.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Feast or Famine

I didn't realize I hadn't posted since last Wednesday until I saw it today when I got on. I have been on here everyday just not posting. It's amazing how many blogs you can get hooked on and end up following. I posted last week about Preslee a little girl who fell into a canal and needed prayers. I followed everyday and saw yesterday she passed away. She was only a year and a half old and I shed more than one tear for that beautiful girl and their story. In the last 3 weeks I have seen more than a few little ones pulled from the water. More than one really scared me. This is Moses Lake--that's what most do in Moses Lake in the summer--you swim, you boat, you are around water at sometime or another. Pools, canals, lake. Years ago I watched a little girl drown and I have always been more of a watcher than most because of that. Accidents happen but I will never forget her face or those involved at the time. It was terribly sad. I don't want to preach but can't stress enough the need to pay attention when around water. I can't count how many children I have pulled from the water when their Mommies backs were turned. Right there sitting by the pool. I am guilty of that once myself. Jayda had a life jacket on and was in a baby floaty and it flipped over. It didn't matter how much she floated, she was floating upsidedown for I don't know how long. Obviously it wasn't long enough for her to drown but it did make her very sick and it was enough to scare us to death. This story touched me and made me realize it could happen to anyone at anytime and I felt I needed to share that.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Get your game face on--it's Saturday

I am a garage saler.
Love it!
I love being able to shop and find super cute stuff
for super cheap!
I seriously haven't bought anything new for ages!!
For forever!
Now to the point-
Do you remember long ago I said I gave myself
$10 a month for spending money.
Well, we went out and I came home only having spent
2 dollars!

And I got these...

And these...

and this all for me.

And these
for the girls.
Usually it's the other way around.
The kids get the better end of the deal!
Holy Cow, you can go back and look again if you want.
All name brand stuff and quite a few with tags still!
Oh and
I also got a tank top for Kelsey
and a couple other shirts that are still in the laundry somewhere.
Go ahead say it.....
I am awesomely cheap!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

4th of July

4th of July was Awesome!
We had a great time with
great food,
great friends,
great weather,
great fireworks
great family!

Jase, Conley and Finley

Jase and Conley on the tube!
I was watching from the house.

Maycee and Kelsey paddling.

Maycee and Kelsey swimming the canoe back!

Kelsey on the jet ski with Michaela

Jayda and her cousin Colton swimming in the green.

Kelsey riding by herself!

Preslee needs prayers

I was blog hopping and came across another family who was reaching out for prayers for their baby. You can read about it here.....

I am going to go kiss my babies again.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Morning Glory

We had these flowers growing on our shed last fall and Sean sprayed them. I was not happy. I had always wanted a flowering vine and I finally had one and the hubs killed it! Well to my delight it showed up a couple weeks ago. I am not quite sure what it is and I am hoping someone can help me out. I am guessing it's a morning glory. They are rather pretty--the lightest of purple with purple stripes on the back. Take a look and tell me what you think.

I googled morning glory and found out an interesting fact. The blooms only bloom one day and then they die. They close at night and rarely do they open again. Huh....who says the internet is a waste of time. Not me!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Girls Camp

I was finally able to steal some pictures of girls camp from Cindy off of facebook. Mind you I took the no shower challenge so they are not flattering! It was fun though and I'm thinking it might be my mini vacation every year.

Our 3rd Ward group. This isn't the group we camped with but who we took from our ward.

Yes, these are leaders.
Becky O'Neill and Cindy Nielson
Our assigned theme was "If I ran the Circus"
and it was lemme tell ya!

Me and the icy cold river.
They didn't think I would do it so I had to prove them wrong.

It was way warmer out of the water than in.
 It was shockingly cold!

The Canoe race award! We dominated!!

The YCL's did a great job with their lesson. We released balloons with our worries or embarassments or frustrations tied to them in silence over the river. It was awesome.

But we couldn't go out without a little fun. Pulling a gag on Shani. We stole and froze her bra all week and finally admitted the last day who it was. Sadly, I was not there for the best part- the reveal.

All in all it was a great week. It was like a big LDS taco-
fun and goofy and Spirit and Church
all rolled into one!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Swimmin at Gramma's

Isn't it Beautiful!!
This is the backyard where I grew up.
We swam ALL THE TIME. Now my kids get to do it!
They did it everyday this week actually.
I love it!