I was finally able to steal some pictures of girls camp from Cindy off of facebook. Mind you I took the no shower challenge so they are not flattering! It was fun though and I'm thinking it might be my mini vacation every year.
Our 3rd Ward group. This isn't the group we camped with but who we took from our ward.
Yes, these are leaders.
Becky O'Neill and Cindy Nielson
Our assigned theme was "If I ran the Circus"
and it was lemme tell ya!
Me and the icy cold river.
They didn't think I would do it so I had to prove them wrong.
It was way warmer out of the water than in.
It was shockingly cold!
The Canoe race award! We dominated!!
The YCL's did a great job with their lesson. We released balloons with our worries or embarassments or frustrations tied to them in silence over the river. It was awesome.
But we couldn't go out without a little fun. Pulling a gag on Shani. We stole and froze her bra all week and finally admitted the last day who it was. Sadly, I was not there for the best part- the reveal.
All in all it was a great week. It was like a big LDS taco-
fun and goofy and Spirit and Church
all rolled into one!