I was invited to join in a series of games using Saga, the DarkAge skirmish game, that was to be set in post-HastingsEngland and when asked what side I’d like to be on I said ‘theNormans’ without hesitation. I actually go with the fashionable point of view that theNormans were (and still are) the bad guys, and I always cheerthe cowboys in the white hats, but the family name ‘Eyre’ is aNorman name and it was with that in mind when I chose to bethe bad guys.The name Eyre comes with this founding legend:“The first of the Eyres came to England with William theConqueror . In the battle of Hastings (14/10/1066) thisKnight, seeing the King unhorsed, and his helmet beat soclose to his face that he could not breathe, pulled off hishelmet and horsed him again. The King said: ‘Thou shalthereafter be called Air or Eyre, because thou hast given methe air I breathe.’ After the battle the King called for himand being found with his thigh cut off, he ordered him to betaken care of, and being recovered, he gave him lands in thecounty of Derby in reward for his services, and the seat helived in called Hope because he had Hope in the greatestextremity; and the King gave the leg and thigh cut off, inarmour, for his crest, which is still the crest of the Eyres.”My ancestor may have had Hope in the greatest extremity,but the good folk of Derbyshire had none. The Normansbrought rape, pillage and genocide to England, to the extentthey had wiped out the English ruling class within ageneration and all the land and wealth was in the hands of
those fighters who came over the sea with William, includingEyre, (or Le Eyr). So I was looking to build a Saga warband based around a peg-legged pyschopath. Getting into the mind of Le Eyr, theNorman Conquerors were a complex bunch. They were firstlyfilled with the violence, paranoia and ruthlessness of a militaryforce trying to suppress a hostile nation, plus they were drivenby greed and avarice to seize as much as they could, with littleor no constraints by the law, to then settle permanently inEngland. They were also driven by God. Their invasion had theblessing of the Pope to crush the English Heretics and oathbreakers. By the beliefs of the time, they had God on their sideby right of victory at Hastings and William had declared anyone who had sided against him from the time of the Edward theConfessors death to be a traitor. (That’ll be everyone in England then). So Le Eyr, deranged with pain from his severed leg, drunk withabsolute power and convinced God is on his side over atraitorous, heretical population, is given lands in a region ofEngland that is still described 600 years later as ‘inhospitable’,‘a howling wilderness’ and ‘the most desolate, wild andabandoned country in all England’ (1). What a scenario.Unfortunately for Le Eyr, I’ve been re-reading some old comicbooks, and the villain Torquemarda (2) seems to fit the bill formy ancestor. Maybe Torque’s cry of ‘Be Pure, Be Vigilant,Behave’ is not fully appropriate in 11th Century England, but Ican imagine cries of ‘Repent’ and ‘Death to all Heretics’ to befitting.