
December 2012

It has been 6 months since December and I'm having a hard time remembering all of the fun things that we did.  I guess I really need to be better about keeping up with the blog!!  Anyway, since I can't remember everything I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures and caption a few of them. 

                                                   Visiting Santa at the Library

                                                 Ealey Family Christmas Party in Rye

Christmas Eve at the Bringhurst's

                                                  Santa spoiled us this year!

Christmas Day family picture, minus a very tired Ty!
Nice hand placement Ryan!!!


Family Pics-November, 2012

We had our family pictures taken by a friend who lives in Colorado Springs.  She isn't professional and doesn't edit, but she did a great job and I was happy with what we got!  These were taken at Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.


Trey, the BIG one year old-November 12, 2012

How did my baby grow up so fast?  It's hard to believe that Trey is already one!  So much has happened for our family in the past year and the time has just flown by.

Trey is such a fun little boy and seems to be happy most of the time.  He loves his sisters and likes when they give him any attention.  He is a mama's boy, but is happy to go to anyone who will give him candy!

Here are some of the things Trey is doing at age one:
          *Points to things and says "that"
          *Walking all over the place
          *Can go up and down the stairs all by himself
          *Is my most picky eater yet!  I can't get him to eat much of anything
          *Loves taking baths
          *He says, or tries to say "mom, dad, ball, dog, that, and boo"
          *He wakes up a few times during the night (it is killing mom!)
          *He sleeps in his own bed
          *Is still taking at least one nap a day
          *At his one year check-up he weighs 17 lbs 10.8 oz (less than 3rd percentile) and is 28.5 inches (20th percentile)

Trey was extra lucky this year and had two birthday parties!  Just one advantage of having family in two States.  It was so fun to watch him eat his cake and open presents.  Now he has some boy toys to play with instead of just baby toys and his sister's toys.

This boy is loved!!!!

                                         Birthday #1 in Colorado with the Ealey side

Birthday #2 in Utah with the Oaks side