Friday, July 24, 2009

Safety Town

Mikey participated in Safety Town the last two weeks. Safety Town is a program where kids entering Kindergarten are taught about safety thinking like: road safety, stranger danger, 911, seat belts, helmets, etc.
Mikey enjoyed it....I think. There were some mornings he would start crying because he didn't want to go. Roger and William were really sad to see him go the first morning, but I was soon able to explain to them that when they were 5, they would be able to go.
At the end of the course, they had a little graduation. So cute.
Mikey was presented with an award from the Mayor... only embarrassing thing was that when he called Mikey's name, Mikey didn't respond. Another kid actually started going up until someone guided Mikey up to the Mayor. The Mayor just didn't know that Mikey doesn't respond to 'Michael' very well.The kids were each assigned to a 6th grader that volunteered to help out. Mikey was assigned to Darcy, who gave him a little treat bag as a "graduation" gift. I thanked her for her help then asked her how Mikey did. She said that he didn't talk too much, but he did mention Roger a lot.

Afterwards all the kids were allowed to go ride the bikes around the "town". The boys thought they were in heaven.
Good thing Lana was there to help

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday Celebration

In celebration for Roger's birthday, we had Crepples for breakfast in the dining room.
What are Crepples? you ask me, well, it's actually a recipe i came up with. It is a cross between Waffles, Crepes, and even pancakes. The recipe is a waffle recipe, they taste similar to crepes, and they are cooked and eaten like pancakes.
Todd had the day off, and my mom and sisters were all in town. The zoo has a dinosaur exhibit going on, so we got ready and made our way to the zoo.
My boys LOVE the zoo. Growing up I can't even recall if we ever went to the zoo, but don't worry, I've more than made up for it. We go to the zoo several times a month, and with the dinosaur exhibit, we have been going even more frequently.
We got to see a lot of the animals, and as a special treat, got to ride the train
My mom and sisters were so worn out, even within the first 30 minutes! They had to sit down wherever we went. They actually started playing the "Would you rather" game asking, "Would you rather go to the zoo, or run a marathon". My mom, who has run many marathons chose the marathon choice. Then they were asking, "Would you rather go to the zoo or clean the house" to which I reminded them that my reality was I fulfill both choices.
I think I earned some more respect from my mom and sisters.
We made our way to the Dinosaur exhibit. There they have like replica-robotics of 12 different dinosaurs. The boys LOVE LOVE LOVE this. So we took our time.
Then we returned home where Roger opened his gifts. He got the frog raincoat he had tried on in Canada (aren't I a sneaky mom....he had no clue.....then again he's only 4, and WAS only 3)
Aunt Lana surprised him with two little turtles. He was so excited! He had to immediately play with them. All the boys love the turtles, and me.....well.....I am scared of the boys getting sick from them, so there is a lot of disinfectant going on in our home.
Then we had a cake (which I made and decorated - I know, not that technical, but he loves dinosaurs....he knows his name and the number 4....what else could he want?)
Happy Birthday Roger!!!
Here's the Crepple Recipe

Mix 2 eggs, 2 1/3 cups of milk, 1/3 cup of oil. Then add 2 cups flour, 1 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt. Mix all together until smooth.

Heat griddle. Pour batter on like you would for pancakes (spray or butter the griddle) . Turn over and cook on both sides when the time comes.

Serve with syrup, fruit, jam, whatever.

This feeds me and the boys (when we have this, they eat A LOT of it (so much that I don't even get one until the 3rd or 4th round is cooked). When Todd is home, I increase this by 50%.

Test the consistency that you want. I usually will add just a little bit of milk to make it more thin, but do whatever for your liking.

Happy Birthday Roger

My boy is now FOUR!!! I keep telling my kids to "Stop growing", and Roger will reply with, "I can't...I have to keep growing". It makes me sad that he keeps getting older, but I do love seeing the progression he has made and having all the many memories of him getting this far.
Roger is such a special kid, and in celebration of his birthday, I'm going to tell more about him:

1- Roger is super sensitive. - He's sensitive about himself (he gets offended when people are not nice to him) but he is especially sensitive about others. It is amazing to see the maturity he has when it concerns other. While I was reprimanding the boys (as a group) for not getting in the car to go, he humbly said, "I'm sorry I hid from you, Mommy". He wasn't even the reason for the delay! Of course this made me apologize and give them all hugs. He can be your best friend, but if he senses that you don't like him, he will be your worst enemy
2- He is what brings my kids together - I always have people compliment (or maybe it's just a comment that I take as a compliment) that my boys play so well together... which they do. They play without a whole lot of fighting, and everyone is involved. True, I attribute some of that to the fact that they are so close in age, but I also attribute it to Roger. He LOVES relationships and people. He loves communicating with others, and will always find a friend at the park. He connects with people. He has a special bond/closeness to each of his brothers. He doesn't care if they're older or younger. Where most kids would look at Grant and think "Baby...cute", Roger gets down on Grant's level and communicates with him in a way that he treats Grant as a peer. Because of this, his brothers are drawn to him, want to be around him, are protective of him - making it difficult when disciplining him.

3- He loves babies - Whenever a friend with a baby comes over, which is often (our ward had 10 births within the last year), Roger will stay and play with the baby and talk to me and the mother about the baby, all while the rest of the kids are off playing. It really is cute.

4- Roger is completely honest - When I first was working with Roger with saying "Sorry", he would say "Bad Sorry" if he didn't agree with apologizing. He is so honest that he can't say something that he doesn't feel.5- He makes the funniest faces - I love just watching him. He'll wrinkle his nose or other things that are hilariously cute. He'll do this while coloring, playing, watching a movie, whatever. I guess it may be related to the fact that he is honest...I dunno, but it is so much fun.

6- He will wear the quirkiest clothes - Roger will find a hat, or a shirt that is too small, or whatever, and just love to wear them around. One time Lyndee saw him wearing a hat that was way too small and was laughing while she commented on it. Since then, whenever he puts something quirky on he will tell me, "Don't laugh at me". It makes me kind of sad that he feels that he has to say that, but I am grateful that he'll still wear his funny clothes. This is one way that he expresses himself.
7- Roger has good motor skills - He is quite athletic. He has great control of his movements; therefore he loves to jump and roll around. He will figure out new tricks to do on the floor and tramp and show them to me while being super excited about it. I have to say that I am pretty impressed with his natural abilities.

8-Roger is spiritual - I am always taken aback with things Roger will say. He has such great insight of God's nature. He told me one time, "Jesus made the earth"
"Yes, He did" I replied.
"I love His power!"
Then while having the missionaries over for dinner, he told them, "I don't play with bad guys....they don't listen to the prophet". He lives the Gospel of Christ so well by loving others and Loving God.

9- Roger is Independent - Roger has a mind of his own and likes to have his Independence. With him I have learned many times that I have to allow him enough Independence to do what I ask in his own way and not control his every move. When forced to do something ...he is difficult. When inspired to do something.... he goes above and beyond all while smiling lovingly at you.

10- Roger can be SUPER obedient - While teaching Roger how to wash his hands, I taught him to sing his "ABC's" while washing (this is so that the soap is on the hands long enough to clean them). Even though I didn't enforce it too much, he took it upon himself to enforce it...and he never breaks it!

Roger is WONDERFUL - We are so blessed to have this special boy in our home. He has brought so much joy in all of our lives. He is a great brother and friend to us all.

Happy Birthday Roger!!!!!!

We love you!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July Happenings

Here's a brief exclamation of what we did during the month of July

Went to the zoo with my friend Kim whom I knew while in Athens
(she now lives in Michigan, but we don't talk about that)

My mom and two younger sisters came to visit in Ohio
We went to NYC to visit Lyndee while Todd watched the 3 older boys, and my cousin Natalie watched this guy

Enjoyed being AWESOME
Had a block party at my house where the theme was Michael Jackson - Lana attempted to do Roger's hair like MJ's
Rode 4-wheelers around
Celebrated Roger's birthday
Went to the zoo
Todd and his dad built a shedWent to the zoo

Rode a train which took us to a bike path that we biked (pulling kids behind while riding is more strenuous than without)

Took unorganized naps

Ate lots of fresh fruit and veggies
Did the dishes
Played with toysPlayed with Sparklers
Played at the park
Played in the rain
Played with Grampy (looking a little tired there Mike)
Said Good-bye to Nae