Much better.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Change of Beds
Much better.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Frowny Faces
He started really saying his prayer. He said stuff like, "thank you for the prophet, thank you for the songs. ..we love the smiley faces.....we don't like the frowny faces....." It was really difficult to not either laugh at the cuteness or cry at the tenderness.
After several minutes of praying, I whispered in his ear, "In the name of" to help him finish, but he turned to me and said, "No! Not yet!"
Friday, March 26, 2010
Watch Me
One day he asked me if boys were stronger than girls. Now having not only science to back me up, but my own conservative views I told him that men are usually stronger than girls. He asked why and we then had a discussion about men and women roles in life. I explained that the man is needed to go to work so that he can make money so that the family has food to eat, I pointed out that Daddy goes to work as a doctor to bring home money. Then I explained to him that a woman is needed to take care of the children. She takes care of them, feeds them, teaches them.
I felt that it was a very pleasant conversation and felt the Spirit's direction. Mikey didn't say much about this for a couple of days, besides the fact that men are stronger (typical boy, right?).
Then one day, out of the blue Mikey said to me, "I don't want you to go to work and have a stranger watch me.... I like you to watch me."
Wow, they really do understand a lot more than they put on.
I am so glad that he feels that way, and I am even more grateful that I can stay at home and "watch" him.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Say Please
I can ask him to do something, like "Stop hitting me" and he will refuse and refuse. When I can finally understand what he is saying, I realize he is saying, "You HAVE to 'ay peese (say please)".
I love his determination.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Winter Days
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It seems very humerous that this is one of Grant's favorite place to be. He will pull me up to the tub and plead, "BAA!!" Does he realize that it is the first place in this world he has ever been?
Monday, March 22, 2010
I quickly realized that this was something that my brother's kids have done often and were teaching my boys. Whew!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Stake Conference
Last week we had Stake Conference. It was so amazing! The Spirit was so strong, and I got to take so many notes. Mainly because my Stake President asked if I would like to have a break from my children – meaning would I give a talk – meaning would his wife like to help Todd sit with my rambunctious four for two hours?!
The topic I was assigned was a wonderful topic – Raising a Righteous Posterity. I was excited and went to work studying, pondering, and researching. I had a lot of great quotes, some good ideas, but nothing was coming together. Then two days before I had to give a talk, I was fervently praying for direction.
Afterwards I grabbed my scriptures and they fell open to Alma 17 (mind you I am focusing my scripture studying time to Old Testament right now). After reading a couple of verses, I came to see and understand my talk. It came together so quickly and beautifully right then. The searching and pondering and researching was not in vain, for there were quotes and ideas that were added to the talk. Ah, how much is this like life?
Since I use my blog as my own personal journal (it is my own personal blog mind you) I decided to post my talk. I apologize that I did not give references (you can tell I'm a scientist, can't you) but these are my own personal notes. I actually had to add in a lot of words so that it would make sense and complete sentences.
Enjoy (if you really want to)
Todd & I met in at BYU in a Research lab, the focus of our research was on cancer prevention. The professor over us would often say,
"An Ounce of prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure"
This conference we have heard a lot about Rescuing God's Sons and Daughters. I have been asked to talk on prevention – Raising a righteous posterity
I prayed about what to say, and after much prayer the Lord took me to the sons of Mosiah – which is ironic for two reasons: they were on a mission to "rescue" the Lamenites, and two, I have 4 sons
In the book of Alma, chapter 17 the Sons of Mosiah are about to go and perform missionary work to Lamenites. While in the wilderness, and after much fasting, the Lord counseled them:
Be comforted. And they were comforted.
And the Lord said unto them also: Go forth among the Lamanites, thy brethren, and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.
Alma 17: 10-11
Because children are much like perspective converts, I want to examine this council from God, but remind us that our huge advantage is that the people we are working with - our children - are not "a wild and a hardened and a ferocious people"
Before God gave council, he visited the Sons of Mosiah with His Spirit and comforted them.
God is the greatest teacher – we can learn so much from him
He knows that for someone to really learn, they need to feel comforted with love and acceptance.
The child is teachable when he is comfortable and calm, these are the times to teach a child to not hit, – NOT when his brother has taken his toy - for then reason and emotions are out of tune. The best time to teach a child morality is before it ever becomes a temptation. And the best time to teach a child about temple marriage is long before they start dating.
Best time to teach is during soft moments – when love is expressed, moods are positive – when conversation is open, when noise is at a minimum, when schedules are not rushed, when anxiety is low – sounds similar to the temple atmosphere, no wonder we go there to learn.
After setting the tone, the Lord told the Sons of Mosiah to
"establish His word"
Prophets have counseled; Study Scriptures, Pray, have FHE, go to church, Sabbath observance etc.
These are all the Sunday school answers – There is a reason they are Sunday School Answers – THEY NEED TO BE TAUGHT
Children need to know what the scriptures say, they need to know their Heavenly Father, that He loves them, and What He expects from them.
Don't feel that you have to trick your children to follow and believe the gospel. Teach them correct principles and allow the Holy Ghost to confirm the teachings.
Teach them to recognize the Holy Ghost – Often heard phrase in our home is: "What's the Holy Ghost saying to your heart?"
God counseled the Sons of Mosiah to be patient in long-suffering and afflictions,
As parents, mothers especially, there are some hard, long, frustrating, even mundane days. Whether it has to do with the never-ending dishes and diapers or a child's disappointing choices, you must not succumb nor try to escape what is needed from you as a mother. In today's world with activities and technology advances, there are so many ways to escape the life of a mother…even while in the walls of your own home.
Sister Beck, the General Relief Society President said,
"Wise mothers are selective about their own activities and involvement to conserve their limited strength in order to maximize their influence where it matters most.
[These] Mothers DO less. They permit LESS of what will NOT bear good fruit eternally. They allow LESS media in their homes, LESS distraction, LESS activity that draws their children away from their home. [These] mothers spend MORE time with their children—MORE time eating together, MORE time working together, MORE time reading together, MORE time talking, laughing, singing, and exemplifying. These mothers choose carefully and do not try to choose it all. Their goal is to prepare a rising generation of children who will take the gospel of Jesus Christ into the entire world. Their goal is to prepare future fathers and mothers who will be builders of the Lord's kingdom for the next 50 years. That is influence; that is power."
Sister Marjorie Hinckley encouraged mothers to "have joy in your mothering… don't wish away your days of caring for …children. THIS is your great day"
The Lord encouraged the Sons of Mosiah to "show forth good examples"
President David O. McKay once said, "Children are more influenced by the sermons you act than by the sermons you preach".
To teach our children, we must practice what we preach. We must be reading our scriptures, praying daily, etc., must not do it begrudgingly or as if we are checking off a list, but rather with love and diligence.
I was listening to a Conference talk on my iPod. My four year-old Roger came into the room I was in. His eyes lighted up and he exclaimed, "Mom!!! He just said 'Jesus Christ". My son has come to love his Savior because we have tried to always show our love of Christ, He is a constant topic in our home. And how grateful was I that I was listening to God's messengers rather than some pop culture song.
In finishing, the Lord promised the Sons of Mosiah, "I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls."
The scriptures state that "where your TREASURE is, there will your HEART be also."
– if it is our treasure to have these children return to Heavenly Father as we work to return to Him as well, we will succeed.
And God will fulfill his promise by making US instruments in HIS hands unto the salvation of OUR children
I invite you to follow the Lord's counsel:
Be comforted. Go forth and establish my word; yet ye shall be patient in long-suffering and afflictions, that ye may show forth good examples unto them in me, and I will make an instrument of thee in my hands unto the salvation of many souls.
Alma 17:10-11
Thursday, March 18, 2010
How fast
"Mom, how fast is a chicken?"
"Mom, what's faster, a rabbit or a dog?"
"What's faster, a giraffe or a t-rex?"
The boys will swing their arms in a circle "so so fast", then because they are twirling their arm so fast, they'll ask me if I can see their arm. Then they will spin in a circle and ask if I can see them then!?!!
I usually tell them that I can't see them or their arms in these circumstances, but then when they ask me how fast their arm is spinning, I really don't know what to say.
While in Utah, the boys asked LeNae this question, to which she replied, "It was a 7 out of 10"
Mikey then asked, "How fast is that?"
St. Patrick's Day
By the time we got downtown, Grant was asleep.
Grant woke up a little confused.
Literally circles.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Pat!
I'm so glad that you were born Mom, you have been an awesome mother and an inspiring individual!!
I Love You!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Utah part 2
We hung out with Bampa
Took many pictures...