Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Going Down...the hall

Me: Mikey, what was one thing you liked about your karate class tonight?
Mikey: Going down the hall
Me: Oh, you mean when you guys went down the hall to get a drink half-way through class?
Mikey: No, when we went down the hall because class was over

Kind of reminded me of the end of this music video (which I love)

Smart boy

Mikey wasn't a big fan of karate (I know it's technically "Hapkido", but I will refer to it as "karate"). He tolerated it, but he did not get very excited about going, he just went to be obedient.
After almost a month of classes and all of the other new kids had already gotten their uniforms I asked Mikey and Roger if they were committed enough to karate for me to purchase them uniforms. Roger had already asked to get uniforms previously and jumped at the thought of continuing karate. Mikey replied with a "No, don't buy them".
Sorry Mikey, if Roger is going to be taking the are you.
Now Mikey has really gotten into karate. He is doing so well. He participates more and listens more. He comes home and teaches William how to do the moves (so cute).

Then the other day I walked into my bathroom to find Mikey standing in front of the mirrors doing one of his counting punch-thingy. I knew right then that Mikey was enjoying karate.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sibling Rivalry Addressed

Mikey and Roger have always had an ideal relationship. They love one another, they help eachother, and play very well together. They do have disagreements and will fight, but very very rarely.

It has been difficult for me to have my boys get along so beautifully and then have William and Grant suffer from a sibling rivalry. I have to admit, it is probably mostly my fault. I have "babied" both of them, William because he's a little small for his age and Grant because he's the youngest. This caused them to feel in competition with eachother.

Growing up, our house rule was "the older one adjusts". Obviously this rule stems from the reality that parents are much more interested in quiet than they are in fairness. I do understand this rule and have been known to apply it. Every one of my boys have had to sacrifice something for their screaming younger brother. I finally decided enough was enough. Grant was no longer a baby and I was not going to take his terrorist-tactics anymore. I started saying "No" to Grant!

At first it was really difficult (and loud), and there still are times when I have to roll up my sleeves for a fight, but it has been amazing, even empowering, to be putting my foot down. And would you believe it, Grant has been acting so much better. He has just wanted more boundaries, he just didn't know how to tell me!

A friend of mine once said that when kids are young, they are naturally selfish and that as parents we should allow this "selfishness", not require them to share. At first I was in total disagreement. My boys had learned very young how to share and they are the best share-ers I know. But then I listened to my friend's reasoning about allowing kids to be selfish. She explained that young children seek security. When a young child has an object, it is part of his/her security, a part of his/her needs. When the child is forced to share the object, the child feels as though they have lost the object, that his needs have not been met. Whereas when a child feels secure and knows that the object will not be taken away, they understand that their needs will be met. When a child feels secure that their needs will be met, they will share, willingly.

After much thought, I have decided that I agree with my friend. I have even see it occur with my children.

Part of my resolve to tell Grant "No" was to also make sure that I didn't require my other boys to give in to him. I was going to protect all of my boys.

Grant has always wanted whatever William has at the time and it was not uncommon for me to require William to share the toy with Grant. One day William had a toy that Grant had wanted. There was an attack and much crying and screaming. I use to tell William to just run away from Grant when Grant was trying to get his toy, but those days are gone, I was the empowered mother that could tell her baby 'no'. Plus this way I am addressing Grant's behavior rather than letting it go unchecked. I grabbed Grant, struggled with him as he freaked out over my firm, but loving 'no'. He cried for several minutes, cries that sounded as though something were terribly wrong. Of course it broke my heart to hear him cry and be disappointed, but I needed to protect William as well.

After several minutes Grant calmed down, and even though he was sad, he sat at the table near me. Just then, because he now felt secure that his needs would be met, William offered the toy to Grant. Grant happily jumped down, shouted "Thank you" and ran off with the toy.

That incident was over a month ago and I have to say that William and Grant's relationship has improved tremendously. They are playing together better and more frequently. They are sharing with each other on their own.

I knew things were looking good when they were both eating a snack at the counter and Grant reached his arm over to William and started to lovingly scratch his back.

I love brothers.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Goodbye Grandpa

Today my grandfather passed away.

Walter Curtis Lichfield

It seems a little weird that I have lost both my grandfathers in just 6 months, but I do believe that it was my grandpas' time to go. I really do not feel too much sorrow, more acceptance and a calming feeling that my grandpa is in a better place. Here are some things about my grandpa:

He married my grandma, Wilma Browning. They too had four boys and THEN a girl - there's hope for me yet! After that they had another FIVE boys and THREE girls - 13 kids total! I could end my post right there and everyone would be impressed, 13 is a lot of kids.
I remember when I was like 3rd grade my grandpa got his four fingers on his left hand chopped off by a snow blower. I always thought that his stubby little fingers looked very interesting, and so did my kids. My boys asked him about it and he took the time to tell them the story. He said that he was using a snow blower when something got caught in it, causing it to stop. He reached his hand in to unblock the snow blower, but that caused the snow blower to do one last chop. He told my boys and I that just as he was reaching into the snow blower, the Holy Ghost prompted him not to do it, so his stubby fingers were a constant reminder to listen to the promptings of the Spirit.

If you can't tell, my grandfather was very religious. He knew the scriptures backwards and forwards. He was a seminary teacher for the LDS church for many, many years. There have been many people tell my dad that my grandpa changed their lives when he taught them. My dad has always said that one thing he admired about his dad was that my grandpa always tried to follow the commandments.

My grandpa obeyed the Old Testament very well - I'm almost not sure if he didn't quite understand that the Law of Moses had been fulfilled. He refused to eat pork - I didn't have the heart to tell him that the stuffing that I made for Thanksgiving a few years ago had sausage in it. He was a firm supporter of a Patriarchal society, but did say that men need the priesthood so that the women would need them for the women have the great blessing of carrying and raising children.

Grandpa loved duck tape and had a firm belief in "waste not-want not". While staying with us when I was 12, I was pulling the raisins out of my toast (I do not like cooked raisins). As he watched me do this, he kept on saying how when he was in China he saw men eating out of trash cans and if his kids had ever wasted food they would be in big trouble. He gave me subtle hints, but he didn't make me eat the raisins, and I didn't eat them.

He was very creative. He jimmy-rigged many things to fit his idea of how things should be. Cabinets, chairs, sofas, rugs, cars, were all not safe from his hand. Using a black marker and white tape he was able to change a "No Parking" sign into an "Ok Parking" sign.

His creativity did not just stay with physical items. While traveling in China with my dad, he had gone to some sort of market and had found something that he had wanted to purchase. The problem was that it was on a Sunday and being the very religious and devout man that he was, he could not purchase something on Sunday. He was a little sad until he realized, "It's still Saturday back it is okay for me to purchase this today". His creativity helped him out more than once.

He came to my wedding in Nauvoo and I remember him saying afterwards that during the ceremony he had a strong feeling, almost like a lightening bolt, run through his entire body and that he knew good things were going to come from our marriage (I definitely agree with that).

He was always very complementary to me, but I think it may be because he pointed out one time that I have a good head on my shoulders and keep out of trouble. The last time I visited with him, which was last fall, he told me that he sure was proud of me and the choices I had made. I am glad that I was able to make him proud.

I love you Grandpa. Until we meet again.

The good news is that I was leaving for Utah on Tuesday, so now I will be able to be at his funeral.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Mikey and Roger have taught their brothers some moves.

When William and Grant got the karate belts on, the moves came out.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Green Love

This kid loves his greens.
Grant will grab the spinach leaves and dip them into salad dressing and it is such a treat for him.
They're almost as tasty as his thumb

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love homeschooling. There are so many benefits and it really just fits our lifestyle.

Every morning the boys do a "writing assignment"

This is basically just a short journaling for them to practice writing, understanding the calendar, and practicing coming up with their own answers. I also have the boys do a page of math.

They usually do this as I finish reading my scriptures and make breakfast.

Of course William and Grant have to participate.
Sunday morning Mikey wanted to get going on his writing assignment early, he obviously loves doing it. He woke me up and told me that he couldn't find everything he needed for his writing assignment.

"Mikey.........did you forget that it's Sunday and we don't do our writing assignments on Sunday?"

He was a little more happy about that than I think he should have been.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I walked in to this:
I must be doing something right

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

...but I am all Valentine'sed out.

Even though the boys don't go to school, they got enough Valentine's Day.

The first celebration was at the end of January. We went to a local homeschooling co-op valentine party. The boys spent the day before writing their names on valentines to pass out. At the party the boys decorated valentine bags, then lined them up on the table to have Valentine's dropped in. Then they made little Valentine decorations. When we got home, the boys went through and enjoyed their spoils for many days.

The next celebration was a PTA party that I was in charge of. Why am I in the PTA while I homeschool my children you ask? Well, it's an early childhood PTA, so it's for everyone with kids 0-6 years old. I like it because I've been able to meet a lot of friends through it.

Last year the ECPTA needed someone to be in charge of the Children's Parties, which puts on 3 big parties every year for all the members, their husbands and their kids, so the VP asked if I would do it. Because I'm terrible at saying 'no', I agreed to head it up. Then because no one volunteered to be in charge of the parties again, I offered to do it. The good news is that you can only do the same thing for two years, dang it!

The Valentine's Party went well. It's not really that difficult to be in charge of, but it is stressful because we usually have 100 kids plus their parents (and in these areas, most people have 1-2 kids) and there is an overwhelming sense that if anything goes wrong with the party, it's my responsibility.

We usually have some form of entertainment, and this party we had Outback Ray. He's a guy that brings these exotic animals and tells the children about them and lets them pet them. He was awesome and was able to keep most of the children's attention.

The next celebration was this afternoon. My friend Katie (thanks again) watched my boys so Todd and I could go out for lunch. It was so nice to have some alone time with Todd.

At first when we got to the restaurant, Todd and I were a little unsure of the place. The seating is a little cozy and close and our table was very close to tables on both sides of us. I was very annoyed by the guy at the next table as he went on and on about his previous relationship. I'm pretty sure his date was annoyed as well. But after he left, it got a lot cozier and Todd and I were talking nonstop.

Our final Valentine celebration was tonight. Though I had hopes of a great family Valentine's Dinner followed by a Family Home Evening about loving one another, I just ran short of time. Dinner was nothing special. But FHE was good. Roger was in charge of the lesson, so I helped him plan it. We put together a lesson and a game on saying nice things and showing people that you love them. I will just say FHE was a success. The boys were hugging each other all over the place.

Then Todd pulled out my gifts. He and the boys had gone shopping last week and picked me out some things (honestly, I enjoyed having the time off more than anything). Of course the boys picked out things that they wanted, a teddy bear, candy, singing monster, spinning light ball.

But I am done with Valentine's day, I think if I hear "Be Mine", I may just punch someone.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Power of Speech

I do not know what has happened!

It is pretty much a miracle!

Mikey is talking to people!
Mikey has always been shy and not very vocal. Even as a toddler he was very quiet. I would think that he just didn't understand things or was a little slow, but then he would suprise me with something he would say or do. There have been only a few people, adults and children included, that he would talk to. I would ask him things and he would ignore me. I was nervous for him. What was wrong? I was really shy growing up, and I grew out of it...when I was a teenager. I didn't know how to open him up to people.

But since one night that it was Mikey's turn to sleep with me and we had a really engaging conversation, Mikey has opened up to almost everyone.

The first instance was the next day we were at Costco. I left the boys at the cart as I walked down the aisle to pick up something. I came back and Mikey told me, matter of factly, "Mom...I said 'hi' to that man, but he didn't say 'hi' back". My jaw about dropped to the floor. I have never known Mikey to do this. Being the teacher/parent that I am, I took a moment to explain that it is polite to respond to people when they are talking to you, pointing out that Mikey hasn't always done that in the past.

Little did I know the effect of that conversation.

Now wherever we go, Mikey is saying "Hi" to everyone. We go down the hallway, "Hi......Hi.......Hi......Hi.....Hi" He is striking up conversations with the lady at the library.

He has never been known as one to talk on the phone. I could never get him to talk to my parents on the phone, not even to say "I love you". When I had been out of town and called to check in on him, he still didn't talk on the phone. He'll put the phone by his ear, then look at me and ask if he could get off.

My mom called the other day and Mikey talked to her for a good 5 minutes! I cannot even describe how amazing this is.

I really am not sure exactly what caused the switch. Was it the engaging conversation with me one night? Was it the discussion that it isn't nice to ignore people? Is it just because he is getting older? I think it's probably a combination of all plus more. Whatever it is, I am so grateful. Mikey has been much more open and expressive, which I have loved.

Now I need to talk to him about Stranger Danger.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

28 Things I Have Done

1. Married my best friend
2. Went Skydiving
3. Made my own comforter for my bed
4. Had 4 boys
5. Broke a bone - sternum
6. Homeschool my boys
7. Qualified for Boston
8. Painted my kitchen cabinets
9. Lived in Ohio, Utah, New York and Iowa
10. Had a homebirth
11. Learned how to play the piano
12. Got a degree in Microbiology
13. Ran 7 marathons
14. Had a drunk person cut my hair
15. Played soccer in high school
16. Taught two of my boys how to read
17. Got married in the Nauvoo Temple
18. Learned how to swim
19. Was a Cheerleader, Varsity Head
20. Passed out at the finish line
21. Ventured with my fellow 19 year-old roommate to New York City for a weekend and never did get lost
22. Did a Half-Ironman
23. Ran down the switchbacks from Machu Picchu with some locals in Peru
24. Kicked in the face by a horse
25. Been to Africa, Israel, South America, Australia, Russia, and more
26. Rode my bike from the Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York to the Temple in Kirtland, Ohio
27. Play on a soccer team now
28. Ran 28 miles in celebration of turning 28 years

Originally Kara, my running partner, was supposed to do a big chunk of my 28 mile run with me on Saturday, but she got an IT band injury and cannot run very far/hard right now. I had been wanting to run 28 miles, but without Kara, I wasn't sure of what I was going to do. There is a local running group that meets on Saturday to do about 10 miles, so I decided that I could run with Kara, then run with the group, then finish up whatever else I needed to do.

I met with Kara early Saturday morning at a local metro-park running/bike path. We ran 8 miles. It was really nice, not too cold, but a little icy on the path and still a little dark, making it hard to see. We ran 4 miles from our cars, then 4 miles back. I was planning on making it back to my car to get some more water and gels, but the running group approached us about 500 yards from our cars. I decided it would be better to just run with the group than to run by myself.

I met a lady named Chris. She was cute, sweet, and as old as my mom but she still had speed. While the group was only running 10, she offered to run 13 with me. I really did appreciate her. She was pleasant and asked me a lot of questions. She had never had any children and was shocked to find out that I had four. We went about 6.5 miles out, stopped and admired the waterfalls, and headed back.

Running back with Chris turned to be more eventful. At one point she slipped on the ice, tried to catch herself, then finally accepted that she was not going to be able to catch her balance and did an awesome "Superman" landing. She didn't really get hurt, and even though it looked hilarious, I never like to see people older than me take a spill.

Because I wasn't able to make it back to my car before running with Chris, I only had the water that was left in my water bottle, not even 8 oz. I was getting really thirsty, but I tried to just endure. About 3 miles left of the 13 I was feeling dehydrated. I felt as though my blood was made of pudding and I was feeling lightheaded. I grabbed some (white) snow off the side of the path and tried eating it, then I filled my water bottle with snow. I don't know why I filled my water bottle because it's not like the snow is going to melt while in there. My hot watered drink freezes and has ice chunks in it by the end of the run, but I guess I'm an optimist. I continued running but would have to take a mouthful of snow every once in awhile to get some fluid in me.

Chris and I finally made it to the car. I thanked her then went to my car and guzzled some fluid and gel. I only had a little more than 8 miles left. 8 miles is nothing but after having run 20, it was going to be a little challenging. I knew I could do it, but I also wanted some support from my family. I called Todd. I asked him if he wouldn't mind driving out to where I was running and cheer me on a little bit. He agreed.

I started running, the same road I had run the last 20 miles on, feeling like I was running so incredibly slow. I looked down at my watch and was surprised to see that I was running 9 minute miles. That was incredible, especially since I wasn't trying to go fast and that the snow and ice was making my run more like a trail run. I was thinking that I would probably make it to the 4 mile turnaround before Todd got down there. I know first hand how much work it takes to get the kids into the car. I was surprised to see him come up behind me after running only 2 miles.

Todd parked at the first parking spot and the kids all jumped out (except for Grant). It was so good to see them and they were so excited to see me. I asked Todd if anyone was wanting to run with me and he said that they had said it was too cold. William got to me first and I asked him if he wanted to run with me. He gave me an enthusiastic "Yes" and we headed off.

William is such a natural runner and it was great to have him there with me. He kept pretty good speed, 15-16 minute pace. I was nervous with him running on the ice, so I held on to the hood of his jacket, but he never did slip. It was great having him there with me. He gave me so much joy and strength. After half a mile he started to wear down. We walked until we met up with Todd, who had driven on ahead.
When we reached Todd, Mikey and Roger jumped onto the running path and William went with Todd into the car. Roger had brought along Joey and we all were running. 15 seconds into their running, Mikey and Roger slipped on the ice and fell on their bottoms. They slipped right behind each other. It was hilarious and they were good sports about it. After that I gave them pointers on how to avoid the ice or how to run on it if you had to. They didn't fall after that.
Mikey and Roger were so much fun to have with me. They talked and talked. I guess in the car Todd had asked if they wanted to train for their Ironman, Mikey responded with, "I hate Ironman.......I only like Ironkids". He then told Todd, "After my birthday....when it gets warm....I'll train for Ironkids". As we were running and having such a great time Mikey said, "I think we need to run every day" and Roger asked, "Can we run with you all the time?"
The boys kept a pretty good pace, not really slowing down at all. They helped me get to a good pace, which after having to slow down for William, my legs were aching (going slower does hurt more) so it did feel better. I had such a great time talking with my boys and being with them.
After awhile I asked the boys if their hands were warm enough. They had their winter coats on, but no gloves. They responded that their hands were a "little cold". Luckily I wear two pairs of thinner gloves while running, so each boy got a pair. We started running again and Roger reached his hand towards me and said, "Here Mom, hold my hand so it can make your hand warm." Such a thoughtful little boy.
Soon afterwards my boys were getting tired and started walking. I walked with them until we caught up with Todd again. I was proud of my boys, they ran about 2.5 miles!
I wanted to have Grant run with me for a little, little stretch, but because he fell asleep in the car, I decided it was best to just let him be.
I ran the remaining 3 miles by myself. It wasn't too bad. Don't get me wrong, it was hard and long, but not unbearable. Seeing Todd and my boys had given me such incredible strength. My morale was refreshed. I ran the remaining three miles without even putting in my headphones.
I got to the end and was disappointed to find that I was still 2/10 of a mile short of 28 miles. I considered just not worrying about it, but then I decided that 27.82 miles is NOT 28 miles. I ran past the parking lot entrance and did the required amount. When I finished, I finished AT 28 miles. I did it! That is the farthest I have ever run, to date. It felt good to be done, but I was glad I did it, and so grateful that Todd and my boys came.
I went home, showered (I smelled just a little bit) and stretched. Then my good friend Missy had offered to watch my kids so Todd and I could go out, so we dropped the kids off with her. Todd and I went and ate and really enjoyed being able to talk and be alone.
This morning Todd had to go to early morning meetings at church, so I didn't get to see him too much. In our family we have big birthday breakfasts where we put a candle in the birthday person's breakfast and sing. I was a little disappointed that it was Fast Sunday today, but then remembered that I love Testimony meeting, so I guess it works. We ended up breaking our fast a little early and having waffles for an after church meal.
Todd let me take a nap, with this angel which was much needed. Then we had dinner and cake and presents. For the first time in a long time, I did not make my own birthday cake. I was going to, but I was in charge of a PTA Valentine's party on Friday in which everyone brings a dessert or side dish to share. When it's time for us to clean up, there are always several plates and dishes that haven't been taken and we have to decide what to do with it. Roger was with me and saw this pink cake from the grocery store that hadn't even been opened. He asked if we could take it home. Not really wanting it, but wanting Roger to make some choices of his own, I told him he could, only if he was in charge of carrying it and bringing it home. He did an awesome job and got the cake to our house without any injuries. I decided to use it for my birthday cake and that I'll make my own cake later this week or for Valentine's Day.
After singing and blowing the candles out, we had to re-light the candles and sing again....FOUR more times. Grant had insisted on blowing the candles and so all the boys got a turn.
Then I opened my presents. Last night Roger had found a picture in a frame of LeNae and put it in bag and had that be my present. All day today Mikey has been obsessing about what to get me for my birthday. I told him that all I wanted was a picture drawn by him. Roger asked Todd if they could go around to the neighbors' houses and ask them if they had anything really cool to give their mom because it's Sunday and we don't shop on Sunday. Todd had gotten me gifts that he found off a "Triathletes Wish List". My mom sent me an ABC scrapbook she had made. But I am convinced my mom hates me....why else would she include in my package all these little red streamer things!?!!! Talk about an annoying mess that kids just love! They go everywhere and you cannot vacuum them up or else you would destroy your vacuum, so you have to pick them up one at a time!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Roger's Frustration

"William started talking and it BUSTED out the thing I was going to say....out of my HEAD!"

Brothers can be difficult.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Helpful Four year-old

With all the snow, Todd decided to clear off the trampoline the other day. He didn't want the snow destroying the taunt of the trampoline.
Before heading out, Todd asked the boys if any of them wanted to join him in this endeavor. Everyone said "No", except for William.

I wasn't sure William would really go out, or once he was outside, if he would stay out. You see, William is our cold little boy. He is always cold, no matter what. He has to have the space heater turned towards him all the time, during breakfast, during story time, etc. He will fall asleep by the heater. He will cry when I suggest he go upstairs and get some clothes on, leaving the heater for a few minutes.

I helped William get his snow clothes on, thinking to myself that it was a waste of time and effort for he would be in in just a minute, but William seemed so excited.

Surprise surprise, William stayed out with Todd for a LONG time. It was one of the coldest days, the wind was like ice hitting your bones, yet my boy stayed out in it. Opening the door to take these photos was enough to make me cry and there was William smiling as he helped his daddy.

When the trampoline was all cleared off, Todd played with William on it for a bit. When they came in, I had hot chocolate waiting for them.

After seeing William and Todd playing outside, Mikey and Roger wanted to join them. Unfortunately we had to leave soon, so there wasn't enough time for them to join William.

Later that evening, after snowing all day, William opened the door to look outside. "Oh, 'nap, there's 'now on the t'ampoline! Me and daddy have to clean it off again."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Weather

With the winter storms that have closed local schools and businesses, I'm pretty sure that the Groundhog did see his shadow and we'll have 6 more weeks of winter (at least).

It has been so cold here, freezing cold winds, snow falling constantly. The worst is that my mom who lives in Sunny Southern Utah is complaining about her weather. Are you kidding!?!

But winter is not all bad. It really allows a change of pace. Life is slower. We spend much more time at home....and not necessarily watching television. We get a lot more schoolwork done. Plus, when the day is somewhat nice, we can play in the snow.

For our treat for Family Home Evening, we decided to make lemonade out of lemons...or in other words, make ice cream out of snow.

Snow Cream

It was great. The kids had a blast making it, and it really did taste like homemade ice cream. All we did was add a few teaspoons of sugar to a bowl of snow (making sure it's clean snow) then add a couple of tablespoons of half-and-half with a drop of vanilla extract. Mix it all together and it is delicious!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


For the last month, Mikey and Roger have been taking Karate...actually their particular class is called Hapkido, but it's all karate to me.
They take it at the local Rec center twice a week. My only complaint is the time the class is at. It starts at 5:30 and goes for an hour. I wish that it was either an hour earlier or an hour later because it's right when dinner should be. It's also a difficult time because Todd is rarely ever home in time to take them, so I have to get 4 boys shoe-ed and in the car, then I have to take them from the car into the rec center in the freezing cold.

They have enjoyed it....well, Mikey tolerates it while Roger LOVES it. I hadn't gotten them a karate uniform because I wasn't sure if they would like it or keep taking it. A week ago I asked the boys if they were serious about taking karate because I didn't want to pay for uniforms if they weren't going to do it. Roger gave a very enthusiastic "Yes!" whereas Mikey said that he didn't want to keep taking classes....too bad kiddo, if Roger is going to be taking it, you're taking it as well.
Roger has been asking when they would get Karate suites. I guess it is pretty difficult when they are the only kids in the class not wearing one. We got their uniforms and they wore them for the first time Monday. They were pretty excited and they did look pretty good. I think the uniforms helped Mikey feel like he fit in more. The only problem is that I am not able to sit in the Karate class room because of the 2 other noisy children with me, so I usually will glance in, now that they match everyone else and don't stick out like sore thumbs, it takes me an extra minute to locate them - and even then I'm not 100% sure that I'm looking at the right kids. Another downside to their new uniforms is that when they had street clothes, the instructors knew by experience to not let them stand next to eachother (what can I say, they are best friends), with the uniforms they stood by eachother undetected.
Monday they had their first "Tip Test", so I came in at the end to watch them. They lined up with all their fellow classmates. To my horror, it seemed as if Mikey and Roger were the only ones not standing still. They were twisting and turning, constantly fidgeting.
I asked my friend's husband Jim, who is usually in there watching, if my boys were always moving around this much. He replied, "Oh, no, their actually being better right now. Usually they spin all the way around."
Though he claimed to be joking, I don't think he actually was.

But I guess I can't say I really minded that much, for Roger was very focused on turning to me and smiling, winking, and blowing me kisses....he is my boyfriend.