Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Going Down...the hall
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sibling Rivalry Addressed
It has been difficult for me to have my boys get along so beautifully and then have William and Grant suffer from a sibling rivalry. I have to admit, it is probably mostly my fault. I have "babied" both of them, William because he's a little small for his age and Grant because he's the youngest. This caused them to feel in competition with eachother.
Growing up, our house rule was "the older one adjusts". Obviously this rule stems from the reality that parents are much more interested in quiet than they are in fairness. I do understand this rule and have been known to apply it. Every one of my boys have had to sacrifice something for their screaming younger brother. I finally decided enough was enough. Grant was no longer a baby and I was not going to take his terrorist-tactics anymore. I started saying "No" to Grant!
At first it was really difficult (and loud), and there still are times when I have to roll up my sleeves for a fight, but it has been amazing, even empowering, to be putting my foot down. And would you believe it, Grant has been acting so much better. He has just wanted more boundaries, he just didn't know how to tell me!
A friend of mine once said that when kids are young, they are naturally selfish and that as parents we should allow this "selfishness", not require them to share. At first I was in total disagreement. My boys had learned very young how to share and they are the best share-ers I know. But then I listened to my friend's reasoning about allowing kids to be selfish. She explained that young children seek security. When a young child has an object, it is part of his/her security, a part of his/her needs. When the child is forced to share the object, the child feels as though they have lost the object, that his needs have not been met. Whereas when a child feels secure and knows that the object will not be taken away, they understand that their needs will be met. When a child feels secure that their needs will be met, they will share, willingly.
After much thought, I have decided that I agree with my friend. I have even see it occur with my children.
Part of my resolve to tell Grant "No" was to also make sure that I didn't require my other boys to give in to him. I was going to protect all of my boys.
Grant has always wanted whatever William has at the time and it was not uncommon for me to require William to share the toy with Grant. One day William had a toy that Grant had wanted. There was an attack and much crying and screaming. I use to tell William to just run away from Grant when Grant was trying to get his toy, but those days are gone, I was the empowered mother that could tell her baby 'no'. Plus this way I am addressing Grant's behavior rather than letting it go unchecked. I grabbed Grant, struggled with him as he freaked out over my firm, but loving 'no'. He cried for several minutes, cries that sounded as though something were terribly wrong. Of course it broke my heart to hear him cry and be disappointed, but I needed to protect William as well.
After several minutes Grant calmed down, and even though he was sad, he sat at the table near me. Just then, because he now felt secure that his needs would be met, William offered the toy to Grant. Grant happily jumped down, shouted "Thank you" and ran off with the toy.
That incident was over a month ago and I have to say that William and Grant's relationship has improved tremendously. They are playing together better and more frequently. They are sharing with each other on their own.
I knew things were looking good when they were both eating a snack at the counter and Grant reached his arm over to William and started to lovingly scratch his back.
I love brothers.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Goodbye Grandpa
His creativity did not just stay with physical items. While traveling in China with my dad, he had gone to some sort of market and had found something that he had wanted to purchase. The problem was that it was on a Sunday and being the very religious and devout man that he was, he could not purchase something on Sunday. He was a little sad until he realized, "It's still Saturday back it is okay for me to purchase this today". His creativity helped him out more than once.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Mikey and Roger have taught their brothers some moves.
When William and Grant got the karate belts on, the moves came out.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Green Love
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I must be doing something right
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
At first when we got to the restaurant, Todd and I were a little unsure of the place. The seating is a little cozy and close and our table was very close to tables on both sides of us. I was very annoyed by the guy at the next table as he went on and on about his previous relationship. I'm pretty sure his date was annoyed as well. But after he left, it got a lot cozier and Todd and I were talking nonstop.
Our final Valentine celebration was tonight. Though I had hopes of a great family Valentine's Dinner followed by a Family Home Evening about loving one another, I just ran short of time. Dinner was nothing special. But FHE was good. Roger was in charge of the lesson, so I helped him plan it. We put together a lesson and a game on saying nice things and showing people that you love them. I will just say FHE was a success. The boys were hugging each other all over the place.
Then Todd pulled out my gifts. He and the boys had gone shopping last week and picked me out some things (honestly, I enjoyed having the time off more than anything). Of course the boys picked out things that they wanted, a teddy bear, candy, singing monster, spinning light ball.
But I am done with Valentine's day, I think if I hear "Be Mine", I may just punch someone.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Power of Speech
Sunday, February 6, 2011
28 Things I Have Done
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Roger's Frustration
Friday, February 4, 2011
Helpful Four year-old
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Winter Weather
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
But I guess I can't say I really minded that much, for Roger was very focused on turning to me and smiling, winking, and blowing me kisses....he is my boyfriend.