My Mom and I were talking about this hike out in Julian. Neither of us had done it, but it sounded like so much fun! It was late at night, and we were just throwing an idea around, a little jokingly, but also somewhat serious, how fun it would be to just pick up and head out to Julian to go hiking! Well, Friday morning my Mom called and asked me how serious I really was about going. I told her I was absolute serious! She said, "Good! 'Cuz at about 1am I booked a house for the entire weekend up there!"
I was so excited! I called Gregg and told him I would be gone all weekend. (He had to work.) I packed up the car and loaded up the kids, at at about 10pm (I know...LATE start....but Friday was a crazy busy day for the both of us!) I met up with my parents and then we made the 1.5 hour drive to Julian.
My Mom had found an awesome 3200 sq. ft. home for the weekend! However, when we pulled up, just before midnight, it middle of now where, I was completely freaking out! I made my Dad search the entire house before I would go in!
The next morning, we took off to go hiking! We didn't get as far as we wanted to, but we did the best we could hiking with a 3 year old and an 11 month old. All in all, it was still fun!
Kip, Sarah and Brooke met up with us at the house that night and stayed the rest of the weekend with us! We all had such a great time, and it was a very much needed vacation! This house was amazing for kids! It was stocked with toys inside and out!
Jake thought it was so hilarious when I would put a block on his head. He would become very serious and not move for the longest time!
Brooke and Hailee enjoyed dancing the morning away!
In the "Kids" bedroom, they had this chalk tree on the wall! It seriously felt like a pottery barn room!
Early morning! Kids snuggling with Grandma and Sarah
We were able to watch some of conference while we were there. It amazes me that when ever the choir would sing, it didn't matter what Hailee was doing, she would run to sit in her chair to listen to them. She is so fascinated by music. I cant wait to get her into singing and piano.
Sunday morning breakfast
Grandpa and Jake snuggling during conference
This house, or in Hailee's words, " 'Cation home" had a dream back yard! It had a zip zip (aka zip line), tire swing, 2 tree swings, horse shoes, quads for the kids, so much room to run around!
Hailee LOVED the zip zip! And Echo loved chasing her!
Little Brooke is so brave!
And so is Hailee! These girls impressed me that they were totally willing to try it and LOVED it! We spent alot of time out back!
This is the "pottery barn" room! Isn't it just so cute!?! You could seriously fit SO MANY PEOPLE in this house! I can't wait to go back again!
Family room
This was the upstairs master suite. One door led to the bed and the other to the bath.
This picture cracks me up. So, when I was packing, I asked my Mom if they had a crib there or if I should bring a pack-n-play. She told me she was pretty positive they had one. I jumped online and looked at the house pictures and noticed there was a crib. But, I did not know how LITTLE it was! It seriously looked like an orphanage crib! Stretched out, Jake was almost the entire length of it! He was definitely not a fan of it either!
On Sunday, my Mom and I took the kids into town to do some shopping and sigh seeing. We first stopped at the old town jail.