Slunecny pozdrav vam vsem. Leto je v plnem proudu,zahradka zkveta a my jsme stale v jednom kole. Neil dava na dum novou strechu a i kdyz ma pomocnika,vetsinu prace dela on.Snazim se pomahat jak muzu ale zrucnosti a silou se jim nemuzu rovnat :))
Just a quick hello to you my friends. Summer is in a full swing,garden is doing well and we are busy.Neil is working on the new roof and even though he has someone to help he is doing the majority of the work himself. I try to be helpful as much as I can but can't match the guys skills and their strength :)))
úterý 20. července 2010
pátek 9. července 2010
Reka River
Doufam ze si vsichni uzivate krasne leto.U nas se konecne teplomer splha kazdy den na 30 stupnu ve stinu. Vcera jsem stravila cely den na jedne z rek, ktere tady protekaji z dcerou Terezou, Makeefem, nejmladsim synem Dominikem a hrstkou pratel. Voda byla nadherne tepla,koupali jsme se cely den,pojidali a relaxovali. Nadhera!!! Uz se tesim az si to zopakujem. Co budete delat vy tenhle vikend ?
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer. We are enjoying hot,hot days with the thermometer climbing up to 30 degrease in the shade. Yesterday I spend the day at one of the rivers we have around here with my daughter Tereza,little Makeef, my youngest son Dominik and a bunch of friends. The water was so warm, we swam all day, snacked and relaxed.What a treat!!!! I am looking forward to do it again.What are you up to this weekend ?
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