Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blessed Beyond Measure

Its been a few weeks since I've posted. Life is hectic and busy as usual. I've shared so many of my trials with you all lately that today I really wanted to share some blessings.

First is the blessing of time. I've managed to find some joy filled hours over the past few weeks to finish up a few projects and start a few more. Time with art is time to heal, to regroup, refocus and find a place of serenity within.

I created this piece today from an antique glass optical lens which I have drilled a hole through the middle of in order to attach the two antique buttons that swing freely around the hand forged center pin. The back has been collaged with text from a 1914 interest table book.

I love the mix of materials, notice the bit of antique purple cloth with the slightest green cast that backs the piece, and though it is hard to tell in the photo, it matches the purple and green hues of the vintage mother of pearl button nearly perfectly.

I have finally put to use some of the skills learned in a class taught by artist Keith Lo Bue to create the iron wire armature and handmade clasp that match the antique cuckoo clock chain so perfectly, but I really have to credit the awesome artist Richard Salley for his long distance help in understanding the technique. If you'd like to try your hand at it, Richard has generously posted a step-by-step photo workshop on his web site. His art is amazing!

I have titled this piece "The Number of Our Days" based on Psalm 90:12
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom". How much I take each day for granted. I pray the Lord would help me to grow and learn from his word each day and appreciate every hour he has blessed me with, no matter what the task he gives me for that time.

This piece is titled Morning Light "he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from earth." - 2 Samuel 23:4,
Also created from an antique glass optical lens, a hole has been drilled through the glass on this piece as well, to enable the antique button (or is it some type of cuff link?) and the vintage dog tag to swing freely.

I have collaged the back of the glass with vintage text and music using a technique that creates a translucent effect. This enables the bit of pale pink and gold antique cloth to be viewed through the glass as well.

The clasp is the ring and hook that were attached to the antique cuckoo clock chain that I have used as the necklace.

I'll be listing both necklaces on Etsy later today.

A few blessings this month involve opportunities God has brought my way for my art. One is the opportunity to be published in a book about collaborative jewelry making. One of my goals for this year was to be published in a book and that opportunity came very early through the charm swap that I participated in last year. I won't be able to share what I've been working with you for a while, but you can read more about how the book came to be on Kelly's blog.

You might remember this piece titled "Tree of Life"....

And this one titled "Faith"....

And "Sublime"...
I've had the privilege of having them professionally photographed at work (thanks to Gus in the creative department for his help!) and all 3 have been accepted into a juried art show titled "Women's Works 2007". This is a first for me and an answer from God to another goal for this year. I have wanted to enter local art shows for a while and have not had the nerve before now.

I truly am blessed beyond measure. I am loved and highly favored. Saved by grace. When hope is gone and darkness has fallen, I will Rise Up and call myself blessed. I have a Savior in heaven. He sees me and knows my name. He has held me up by His right hand and leads me. When I stumble He will not let me fall, and if I fall He will pick me up again. My eyes will look with hope to the hills for I know my Savior lives!