Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas - An Expression Of His Love

It is just a few days before Christmas and I have gone as far as I am able to go in preparations without more money - just waiting on hubby's current paycheck to show up in the mail.

Every year I say I'm going to get an earlier start - and this year I actually kind of did - as far as I was able to without getting fully paid for one of my own teaching gigs. But somehow here we are again down to the wire with still a few crucial things left to do. Always one kid who doesn't give me a list until the last minute and even with a minimal budget, times seven kids, it adds up to so much money!

And of course it doesn't help that we have a car in the shop (also waiting for the current paycheck).
But really - the tree looks so pretty and the railing up the stairs is wrapped in garland and antique glass Shiny Bright ornaments with the stockings all hanging along the way and it is just such a magical feeling...

I know it isn't about the gifts and the giving and the getting. It is about THE GIFT that we each received when God came to earth and was born as a babe in the manger, preparing to serve and spread the good news of His sacrifice to be freely given to all who ask - But how else could I even begin to express my joy? My desire to give what I have so freely been given? Nothing - NOTHING can even come close to that feeling.

And yet I try. And I will keep trying to express the love he has put in my heart for my family through the decorating and the baking and the gift giving and the wishing of Peace and Merry Making.

And I wanted to share this joy with each of you in some tangible way. But I couldn't because, you know, the money thing. And also the running out of time- which is very nearly as scarce as the money this time of year, especially since I tend to squander it sometimes - but then I remembered HE gave his gift to you too!

And we can just link our arms together over the virtual miles and gaze up at our Christmas trees or at the stockings hanging along the railing and just be content in the receiving of it. and the beauty of it. and the enormity of it.

and the knowledge that everything any of us really ever needs is right there in that gift. HIs gift.
Eternity in His love.

Merry Christmas - it seems like such an inadequate way to express it - those two little words.
and the tinsel. and the presents.

But there it is. My inadequate heart to express His more then adequate gift of eternal love. Merry Christmas to you all!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Introducing Utterings: A Wordless Prayer

Working in my studio in silence my eyes are hearing from the overflow of my heart. I have no words to express these yearnings and longings.

They are known only to the Spirit. I move these scraps of paper around until there is a silent confirmation. Each one is a prayer. An offering. Perhaps a request or a blessing. a silent plea for mercy. grace. peace.

"So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought,

but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance." ~Romans 8:26

* While I may feel an impression or sense what a particular Uttering is about, I have chosen to leave the individual collage's in this series untitled so that the recipient is free from the influence of my words and able to find meaning that is personal to them.

Visit OPF Studio at Etsy to find available Utterings.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Holiday Give Away! Yes, I said Give Away!!

Have you heard? Cloth Paper Scissors has a new special edition holiday publication out called Gifts! I spent the evening last night perusing the pages of this action packed tutorial guide and I have to admit I had a hard time sleeping with so many inspiring ideas dancing around in my head!

Favorites? Of course! But a lady never tells - oh, but who said I was a lady?? I have to say there were TOO MANY favorites to do justice to, but can you say encaustic advent calendar?? Tech savy gadget skins?? or how about no sew tote bags with plenty of style? Okay - I have to admit there was a project that stood out as a must try for me - check out page 72 for a project titled "File It Away" by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. Just what I need to motivate me to get organized!

What's that you say? Don't have a copy to see what I'm talking about?? HA! You are in luck! It just so happens that I have TWO COPIES of this special holiday edition to give away! Courtesy of Cloth Paper Scissors and from my door to your mailbox - leave me a comment (with some way to contact you!) between now and December 23rd and I will enter your name in a drawing to win one of the two copies I have to give away!

Whoot! I feel like Santa Claus!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

It's Not Where I've Been - But Where I'm Going....

Yes it has been well over a month since my last post, but the question is not where I've been, but where am I going?

Today I head to The Merchandise Mart in Chicago where I will be setting up a booth at the One Of A Kind Show and Sale which starts tomorrow and runs through this Sunday. With 600 juried artists, in its 10th year of production, this show is the ideal place to find one-of-a-kind gifts for everyone on your holiday list!

Come find me in booth 8-2013 in the Etsy Emerging Artists Pavilion. I have been working like crazy to produce new work especially for the show and can't wait to see you there!

Philippians 3:12-14