Friday, September 06, 2024

Gather Pumpkins

Gather Pumpkins
by Hands On Design

I've had these stitched up forever but never finish finished them until today. They're super easy to put together so I don't know why I kept putting it off!
A few more shots...

After what feels like a month of being sick I am finally starting to feel better. It took two doctors, three prescriptions, and one shot but something must finally be working. I'm still going to bed at 8pm every night but I've been slowly regaining my energy and my appetite has returned with a vengeance. I'm glad I'm feeling better because Fall is my absolute favorite stitching season! I have so many projects I want to get to!

Monday, August 19, 2024

August Truckin'

I'm loving these fun vintage trucks!
Aida took a nice long nap earlier so I was able to get quite a bit done today. If she's awake, I spend half my stitching time tossing toys!
All play, all day!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We've been super busy here so it was nice to be able to sit and stitch for a change. I need to do some serious restructuring of my days so I have more time for the things I love to do!

Friday, August 09, 2024

Truckin' Along

September Truckin' Along
by Stitching Housewives
For once I feel like I'm ahead of the game with a September finish in August! This project has been languishing in my WIP pile for a few years. I know I was working on it when Aida was a puppy because the pattern corners have all been chewed on and the thread was a tangled mess! I learned to keep everything tucked away!

I've already been looking for my next project. I know I should stick to finishing my WIPs but it's so tempting to start something new! Maybe one of each?

Have a great weekend!

Monday, August 05, 2024

Move In Ready

The Little House
by Hand On Design
AKA Cattywampus Cottage
built by Ninnyhammer Construction

I'd love to have a little housewarming party and invite you all over but it may be a little cramped inside. We could hang out in the garden but Hurricane Debby has left it a bit of a shambles. We'll have to make do with a couple of photos for the time being.

Aida has been reminded several times that even though it looks like a toy, she is not allowed to play with it. Strictly paws off!

The sun is actually trying to come out so I think Aida and I are going to take a quick look-see at the yard and get a start at picking up some of the mess. I took a chance and left my plants on the patio and a couple of them took a beating. We'll have some trimming and tending to do but they should bounce back.

I hope everyone is warm and safe and dry!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Five Easy Pieces

Okay, if I'm being honest, maybe not so easy. Mostly due to my own ineptitude at counting and reading instructions. But here they are at last...
Those two rectangles at the bottom were much harder than I expected them to be due to having to stitch them on a diagonal. For whatever reason, I couldn't see the holes unless I tilted my head one way and turned the fabric the other. I also had to employ some crazy counting hijinks, yet still managed to make several mistakes. I swear, I watched the entire Aurora Teagarden catalog twice just doing this backstitching!

I need to run to Hobby Lobby for some interfacing before I can start assembling the pin cushion. Aida is napping here next to me so it'll have to wait. I took her out for a nice romp after lunch so she's a tired puppy!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Two Weeks Later...

Has it really been two weeks since my last post? At least I have a little bit of progress to share on The Little House.
I had to do a bunch of frogging on the front part because I had the 'pitch' of the roof wrong. I was off by one stitch, and as bad as I wanted to just leave it, I knew it might make assembling the pin cushion more difficult and goodness knows I don't need the extra challenge. I'm really hoping there's enough of the light pink thread left for the restitching. It's going to be a close one!
Aida is once again recovering from the trauma of having her nails clipped. To make matters worse, I clipped one too short and it started bleeding. I didn't realize how bad it was until after she'd jumped all over me and the living room furniture. If a forensics team ever came here, the whole place would light up like a discotheque!
Poor baby!

Monday, July 01, 2024

Wake Up Call

Good Morning!
by The Prairie Schooler
stitched with DMC on 28-count lambswool linen

I saw this in February 2002 issue of Just Cross Stitch and knew I had to stitch it! It turned out bigger than I envisioned, but then I stitched it on 28-count rather than the called for 32 so that's on me. I thought I might be able to snuggle it into my tier tray or maybe a basket of wooden eggs but it's having none of that. I have plenty of shelf space in my kitchen so I'll tuck it in with the cookie jars or teapots. It's a happy little piece and I want it someplace I can see it every day!

I worked on The Little House over the weekend and have the side pieces done except for the back stitching. There's at least a mile of it so I'm saving it for last.
Yesterday I started reading a book called A Lady by Hannah Honegger. If you ever watched the series Turn on Netflix, it is set in that same time period and follows the whole spy ring plot but is told from a woman's point of view. I thought it would be a good read since we are coming up on Independence Day. 
As soon as I finish my laundry, my nose is either going to be stuck in my stitching or a book for the rest of the afternoon!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Little Cottage Finish*

I added the asterisk because I have two boo-boos I need to rip out and fix. Plus this is only the front of the cottage. I still have the back and sides to do. They won't involve as much stitching but at my pace it might still be a couple of weeks until I'm to the point where I can start assembling the pin cushion.
This week has flown by but I haven't the foggiest notion why! I would love to have a complete replay of the last four days to see exactly where the time has gone!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

On a Thursday

The Little House by Hands on Design
(I finished the right side of the cottage last night. I love the pink curtains peeking through the windows! So homey!)
I've fallen in love with Ruth Ware after finding one of her books (One Perfect Couple) in the "popular books" section of the library. I want to read the rest of her books in the order they were published so I hopped on eBay and found the first three. I scored another one while out thrift store shopping. (Library books must be kept out of reach of Miss Aida who loves nothing more than chewing on the covers!)

Publix Everything Bagel Dip!
I had this a couple of years ago and, good golly, was it ever good! I haven't seen it since then and I'm worried that it wasn't only a limited edition but a final edition. I've resorted to making my own with sour cream and everything bagel seasoning from Trader Joe's. (Publix, if you're listening, please bring this back!)

Miss Aida!
(And Miss Chick Chick who fears for life and limb every time she is chosen from the toy basket!)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I have been focusing on WIPs these past couple of months, and have actually finished a few which I will get around to sharing soon. I wanted to work on something cottage-y so I picked The Little House by Hands On Design for my next project.
The back and sides of the cottage are also stitched so you end up with a cute little pincushion. I've never attempted a project like this before so I'm counting on Cathy's amazing finishing instructions to lead me through!

The fridge needed cleaning out almost as much as my WIP box so I made a delicious stir fry for dinner last night.
The green pepper is actually one from my patio garden! We've had so much rain lately that my peppers plants are in hyperdrive! Aida's little pot of flowers has also gone *kaboom*! I will try to remember to take a picture of it to share.

Speaking of Aida, she wasn't too happy with me. We had a Nail Trimming Day and afterwards she hid in her bed under her toys.
We really really REALLY hate Nail Trimming Day!

I'm going to try to get some stitching time in before dinner and then head to an HOA meeting. I believe the hot topic tonight is gutters. Should be riveting. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

January Wreath Swap

I'm coming in just under the wire with my January Wreath Swap.
I have February all kitted up and ready to go as soon as my fabric arrives. I've been using 14-count chalkboard black Aida and it's sooooo much easier to see the holes!

Alexa just chimed with a reminder that I have a dentist appointment in two hours. Ugh! I could have paid off my car with what I've spent on my teeth this last year! I just had to throw one of Aida's toys at Alexa. Nothing like shooting the messenger, right?

I best go tackle my Monday chores before I have to leave. Laundry and trash. Good times here at the Chicken Ottoman Empire!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Post-Thanksgiving Post

Another Turkey Day is in the books! The Macy's parade was watched. The National Dog Show winner was declared. All the meal planning and prep paid off with a delicious meal. The dishes have been washed and the counters wiped clean. Leftovers have been parceled out. The "gravy explosion" will be a funny story to tell next year. Not quite a scene from a Norman Rockwell painting but I have no complaints!

Today is recovery day, even for Aida. We're enjoying lower temps here in Florida so I have the windows cracked to let in some fresh air and my little fireplace going to make the room nice and cozy. With Aida snuggled in under the blanket next to me, I couldn't want anything more.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and has a chance to put their feet up today!

Thursday, November 02, 2023

I'm Back!

I've had quite a stitching drought here but for good reason... or maybe not so good! I managed to almost slice off the tip of one of my fingers back in September. The middle finger of my right hand to be exact, which is also the finger I use for pushing the needle through the fabric. I'll spare you the gory details but suffice to say, don't ever use a mandolin without the guard! This was by far the worst I've ever cut myself but did I go have it stitched up? Of course not! I wrapped it up in a towel until the bleeding stopped, then slapped a bandage on and went back to slicing potatoes. I really had my heart set on that au gratin casserole, LOL!

It's still super tender but I've been able to stitch again. The first thing I did was finish my PS Summer Breeze sampler...
I also finished the Gather Wildflower rounds from Hands on Design and have started the Gather Pumpkins set.
I've had plenty of time for cutting and gluing stuff in my scrapbook journal notebook thing. I really don't know what to call it because it's just so random. I did a lot of Halloween themed pages which seemed to trend more towards the creepy side. I'm sure any psychiatrist would raise an eyebrow! I did do a few fun ones, too. My favorite was made from pictures I cut out of a Richard Scarry book.
There was more to the story but I wanted to keep it simple. (Sorry Lowly Worm!)
Aida did have a costume for Halloween but I neglected to get a picture of her in it. I made her a "pillowcase" to wear so she could be Dobby the House Elf from Harry Potter. Every time I get near her with it now she runs and hides under the bed!
Myself, I was the scavenger version of Rey from Star Wars.
My brother helped me make the costume and we participated in a truck or treat event held by the local police and fire departments. We had a great time hanging out with other Star Wars costumers and passing out treats.

The best news of all is that the Texas Rangers won the World Series!!! I've been a fan since the early 80s so I'm super happy to see them finally win! Aida and I are going to celebrate tonight with Ball Park franks and ice cream in little plastic batting helmets! Woohoo!

Thanks for stopping by! I promise I will try not to injure my stitching hand again!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

The House Idalia Built

Idalia has come and gone and we are none worse for wear. A lot of rain but not much wind. I did err on the side of caution though and rescheduled my appointment with the endodontist!
Aida and I camped out on the sofa most of the day. She slept and I stitched. My goal was to finish the house at the bottom of Summer Breeze and I had it done before dinner time. I'll get some flowers planted today and put the fence up. Then I can move on to sodding the lawn. Not sure I'm on track to finish by Labor Day but I'll give it the ole college try!
The scene yesterday...
"Wake me when it's over!"