Creative Researcher Of New Experiences

Friday, June 25, 2010

Mad Tea Party

Hello everyone,

Today we are joining Vanessa and countless others in blogland as we celebrate our Mad Tea Party

Thank you so much for stopping by and we hope you enjoy. Yes I said we. Genghis has been rather jealous of me lately with all the parties I’ve been having - soooooooooooo - he decided he should be included in this one.

Of course this Party almost didn’t come to fruition - due to technical difficulties and terrible storms and tornados. As soon as they were all fixed Genghis tried to help me sort the pictures and we deleted way too many with the stoke of a paw or two. - so we had to make due with the few that were left.

So without further ado let us begin. Genghis tells me that you might have to make all the pictures bigger so you don't miss anything.

Well that's all for now. Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rush Day and Friday Foto Collage Challenge

Hello Everyone,
First I want to tell you about the Sorority I joined. Karen over at Some Days are Diamonds has started the Bloggerette Sorority and I just joined up today. Heck my college never had Sororities and I always felt I must have missed out on an important aspect of my education; so when this opportunity arose to join one I knew I had to go for it.

Tomorrow is rush day for the sorority and that means we were required to make a project using a special picture, have our picture taken with our project (probably the only real time picture you'll see of me - so scrutinize now. LOL) and then post to our blogs by Friday.

My name is Penny and I hail from Illinois - State of corrupt Governors.

And since I just found Karen this morning - my project is not of the same caliber as some of the Ladies who may have joined weeks ago - but I did give it the good old college try.

I will try to make more complicated projects as we go on.

Also up is Friday Foto Collage day - the rules for this weeks collage was to use a body, any body and attach a different head.

Well like I told you before every thing, I make has to be pretty to me, so although easy to do, this challenge did not really appeal to me - but I continue to keep plugging away trying to expand my creative horizons. So using two pics from a 1988 Victoria Magazine this is what I made. Ok go ahead and laugh get it out of your system now I don't want to hear any snickering later you understand. Pellie has not gone stark raving mad - nope, not yet - any way.

If you made it through this post do come back Saturday to see "Genghis in Wonderland and our Mad Tea Party"


Friday, June 18, 2010

Where Pellie Creates

Welcome to my blog, where I, the scribe, record my ideas, projects, likes and dislikes. Today we are thrilled to be joining in on Karen's Where Bloggers Create Party. Come and join us on a
whirlwind tour through blog land.

(View as you come in the door)

Welcome to my Craft room, My Studio, My Shed of Enchantment. My Sanctuary where I am free to learn new skills, polish old ones and create a variety of treasures not always with great talent; but always with great love.

(my dryad tree & fairies to your left)

(View with my work station out)

Again let me bid you Welcome - do come in make yourself at home, and do help yourself to some refreshments and then we will begin the tour.

(following around the left side -showing my work station put away when not in use, the cubby for my sewing machine and my desk with small shelves above it to hold embossing powders & glitter. My new fairy lights hanging from the main self are sure sweet when night falls.)

(A few of my cross stitch projects waiting for Sir Knight to make them frames.)

You can’t help but notice as you walk into the room that it is filled with delights to satisfy my inner child; yet has a simple elegance to appeal to my mature adult along with a vast array of pretty things to coax my creative muse out to play and create.

(Continuing on around the left side,a peek at some of the upper storage space, one of three of my storage cabinets this one filled with rubber stamps and painting supplies and a great looking guest chair - painted with roses and a bear having a tea party. Large spools of ribbon are stored in the basket under the chair and a small tray I use some times for quilling, hangs on the wall out of the way till needed.)

(A great shot of my Memory Board and the small set of shelves above it.)

This room though only created last year has already evolved to better meet my needs. So, If you stopped by to visit last year, you will notice that while a good majority, such as basic floor plan, is the same - there are many changes.

(A wonderful mosaic with a few close up shots of some of my projects.)

(My Cedar chest now holds material and there is a book case with many of my craft books. A closed cabinet which holds office supplies and the hatboxes are even called into duty to hold either my collection of Vintage books or vintage postcards.)

The loud burst of colors - I had hoped would inspire me - ultimately just gave me a headache My brain crying out - TOO LOUD - TOO BUSY.. So a few things were repainted and a softer palate of color was chosen.

(My new baby chandy, the telephone and an emergency candle come into view as we move to the right side of the room.)

(Old China Cabinet turned computer cabinet, also holds many little trinkets and gifts from family and friends all right here for my viewing pleasure.)

Areas found to be dark and dreary required new lights. The small chandelier added to the corner by the computer and painted to match it’s bigger buddy (which is in the center of my room. but some how managed to stay out of all the pictures) - being one of those new additions.

(Another view of Computer Cabinet and another book case full of books.)

(A collection of Cat prints I just love and also a print of Beatrix Potter characters to keep me company on rainy nights such as this one.)

The sun as it rose over my curtains - caused changes in the temperature of the room - which could not be adjusted by the thermostat - without the rest of the house suffering. So an additional curtain was hung, and just to be a bit different it was hung a bit forward from the window - giving the window a rather Victorian Gypsy/Fairy wagon look to it. I can still see all my Teddy friends behind it but they appear to be covered by a thin mist - that same mist that veils our world from the land of the fairies; or childhood from adulthood.

(My loveseat used for reading or stitching )

(Bringing us right back up to where we started, but on the right side is another of my storage units, this one holds stitching supplies.)

New Storage containers and systems were added - as I strove to also clean up my basement storage annex. Bringing different supplies up that I am finding I use more often and taking those that while a good thought at first -I find I have used little if ever, (A true crafter never throws anything out - we just rearrange to suit our current priorities.)

(This picture is a solo shot of the picture above my desk. It has been with me many years - but is as true today as when I first hand lettered it.
The Quilled bird and flower are also some of my handiwork.)

Well I know you have many more places to drop by today - so I won't detain you any longer. Please do leave a comment and let me know you stopped in here for a visit. Thanks.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

I took up another challenge

Hello Everyone,

One of the reasons I started this blog, besides the obvious, as a way to connect with family and friends without having to write long newsy letters to each. (which depending on my Fibromyalgia can be either a delight or a total bummer.) was to keep my fibrofog mind chugging along and firing on all burners and not get stagnant and lapse into Part Timers disease.

To that end - when I am having my good days - I try to keep busy and trying new and different things. I was always a crafter - but never felt like I was doing anything artistic.

When I was real young I used to doodle all the time and the good nuns approached my parents that I should be given art training - my Dad went ballistic and told her I need to learn things that would help me to earn a living - not a hobby; when he came home from that particular parent teacher meeting he informed me that I was not to waste my time drawing pictures - I needed to study the real important stuff like Math and Science. After that, Art classes in grade school and high school were always a disaster for me. I guess I just wouldn't let my brain wrap itself around the serendipity of the task. So now 50+ odd years later I am finding relaxation in that very subject I avoided - while I learned all the facts I needed to be a good efficient Nurse.

So Thanks to my friend Dana over at Sinderella's Studio, I found a new blog that offers challenges to work on It's called Friday Foto Collage. The Parameters of her challenge is that you had to use a page from a magazine as a background and a picture of your choice .

Finding a magazine around our house is a bit of a challenge in itself. I never let frivolity enter into my reading habits either. If it isn't a cross stitch magazine or a craft magazine - it never comes home with me. So I had to turn to my old issues of Victoria Magazine to look for a picture or too.
Anything I found had to be photocopied - because I would rather cut off my arm than cut anything out of my Victoria collection.

So here is what I came up with:
A Serta Mattress add which was in the August 1999 Victoria
An add for Sweet Romance Jewelry( I forgot to write down what issue this came out of & I refuse to go back and look now.)
A floral postcard that was given as free to use by the graphics fairy
A clip art figure which came from a CD of Clip Art, which I purchased called Witches & Wizards.
On the picture it reads copyright 1995 by Nami Sasaki All Rights Reserved ( Not sure how all that copyright stuff works when they put all this stuff on a CD for use in your home computer.)

Collage is an art form I never felt comfortable with - something kids did in kindergarten with safety scissors & paste. So It takes me a while to do all these pieces I show you. I like things feminine and romantic so when I decide what to do it has to have those traits. Probably not the way everyone else goes about it - but hey I’m trying.

And this is what I came up with:

The add itself had the words, Never, Never, Stop Dreaming - that sounded like a good enough title to me.

What do you think?


Monday, June 14, 2010

My 5th Teacup Tuesday

Hello Everyone,
Once again it is Teacup Tuesday, over at Martha‘s and Terri's. And since there was no holiday to get me confused on what day it us - I’m participating.

All of today’s teacups came from various auctions and my theme that ties them together is the color purple.

I bought this cup and saucer as one of a few in a collection that was being sold.
Violets signify humility, modesty and purple violets signify you occupy my thoughts.

I have always liked this set but never, ever paid much attention to the detail of it until today. Oh my, I never realized they were not a matched set. I’m bad, I need to be more vigilant at checking things like that out. In my defense this is one of the earlier cups I bought for crafting with - so I doubt I would have cared back then-it just needed to make a pretty bird feeder or whatever I had in mind at the time.

This next cup with its pale yellow background and pretty violets I picked up not too long ago.

Made in Japan- nothing special

This last cup was in a box of miscellaneous item I bought - don’t remember - what was in the box I wanted - but this cup and saucer were extras. It had it share of dings and dents - but I kept it because I liked the Wisteria on it and the fact it was from Austria. Wisteria - signifies welcoming a new person into your life.

While cleaning up from my Mad Hatter Tea Party last weekend - it’s poor saucer hit the ground and was broken beyond repair. so now I have an orphan cup.

Thank you for coming by to visit. See you soon on your blog.
