Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Man I Love!

Last night was our weekly temple night. We have a special place in the Celestial Room of the Draper Temple where we always sit after the session. Once or twice another couple has made it their special place and beat us to it. But for the most part, it is ours. David arrived before I did. As I walked in I saw him on our couch. I walked over. He stood and smiled at me. I looked at him with a question in my eyes thinking that we might be leaving immediately. He continued to smile and said, "I'm standing up for you." I know that he meant it as a sign of respect as I walked into the room. It melted my heart. As I continued to think about his words they took on a deeper meaning. The man I love always stands up for me; not only when I enter the Celestial Room but in every situation. I know he has my back.

I read a quote at the beginning of the week that puts my feelings into words. I don't know who to attribute it to but if I was good with words this is what I would say, "No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside." I'm so very blessed! I'm grateful to have eternity to spend with the man I love!


Ever tried talking to a two year old on the phone? It's not always a successful experience. yesterday I spoke with Dax -- told him I love him and missed him. His answer made my day. He broke out in song with the famous line from the Toy Story theme. (Imagine a two year old accent.) "You've got a ME!" I wish I had a recording of it. I don't care that he wouldn't talk. Singing is even better. I'm glad one of my best friends is two years old. Love you Daxinator!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Keagan's Dream

Erica called me this morning to tell me something that Keagan had told her. He said he had gone to Pama's house to play with my toys and he didn't have to go on the airplane because my house is close now. She tried to explain it was a dream. Not knowing what a dream is, he couldn't agree with her. We called them tonight on Skype. It has been a while since we have Skyped but the look on his face at the beginning of the call made me think he was wondering about his dream and why he wasn't seeing me face to face. It's tender and heartwarming to think that the first dream he has talked about was playing at Pama's house. I can hardly wait for my visit in May!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Caught a Glimpse of Heaven

Last night we received Matt and Lindsay's Christmas present. On Christmas Day we were informed that on January 22nd we needed to be in dressy dress ready to be picked up at 5:15 p.m. and prepared to be blindfolded for the beginning of our adventure. (We were able to get out of the blindfold part with a promise not to peek.) Matt took us on a 30 minute wild ride so we wouldn't know where we were going. After arriving we climbed out of the car, still with our eyes shut, and walked a little ways. That part was scary. When we were allowed to open our eyes in front of us, lit up and beautiful, was the Draper Temple. We were going in to do sealings. What a wonderful way to start the evening! The only drawback was I had left my glasses at home so my vision past 10-15 feet wouldn't be as clear as if I was wearing them. I had taken them off when I thought I was being blindfolded.

After getting dressed in our temple robes, we climbed the stairs and found the sealing room we were assigned. We walked in and I saw people already sitting in the corner obviously waiting for us so the sealing session could start. But without my glasses I didn't realize who they were. David took my face in his hands and turned my head towards the corner again. Sitting in the chairs were Talya, Ryan, Carly and Robbie. I was in the temple with six of my ten children! Along with them in the room was another young couple. We later came to find out they were newlyweds of about ten days from St. Louis. He was the only member in his family. She was a convert of a year because of him. They had waited for a year to get married so they could do it right the first time and be sealed in the temple. Utah or "Temple Land" was their choice for their honeymoon. They wanted to spend their time in as many temples as possible. By then they had made it to seven of the temples in Utah. It made me feel a bit embarassed about my honeymoon to Disneyland...

One of Elder David B. Haight's sons was the sealer presiding over our session. He would stop every now and then and teach us about the temple; about the words in the sealing ceremony; about giving and receiving; about eternal marriage. He spoke tenderly of his parents and the love they had for each other. He said that four months after his father died when the grave marker was finally in place, he stood with his mother, his brother and his sister at the grave. His mother pointed to each one of them and said, "You don't need me. He does. He is my eternal companion. I need to be with him." A short time later Brother Haight received a call stating that his mother wasn't doing well. By the time he arrived she had passed away and started eternity with her husband on the other side of the veil. Brother Haight feels that they willed each other to be together. It was then I whispered to David that four months would be way too long for me to be left behind...just so he knew. He challenged us to remember the covenants we make in the temple and apply the principles to our marriage not just to our membership in the Church. If you've been through the temple, think about that next time you go. What a blessing it is to be married to my best friend for time and all eternity and to know that each one of my children also have that blessing in their lives. After a few minutes in the Celestial Room we went off to a enjoy a delicious dinner at Carvers.

It was a beautiful evening; a fabulous Christmas present; a dream come true. It truly was a glimpse of heaven. Thank you to my children who sacrificed to make it happen. We deeply missed the four that were unable to come. I look forward to the day when I can again be with all my children in temple.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Update Comments

I made a deal with myself. I couldn't update my blog until I had finally organized all the photos currently on my computer. That is a process that took me hours and hours. In fact I'm using it as one of my value projects. (Yes. I'm going to work on my medallion once again. This time with my daughter, Talya. Any other takers?) I also promised my amazing husband I would do it since the amount of photos I had was causing major computer issues for him. He finally was able to solve it with a new hard drive and a double backup system. What a guy! Anyway, I will be slowly adding additions to my blog but they probably won't be in order because I am not going to let 2009 slip away into oblivion. It will be blogged about along with 2010.

Rylee's 2nd and 3rd Birthdays

Rylee's 2nd birthday just happened to fall on the same day that Millie was blessed. We had a wonderful day celebrating both occasions. What a princess! I've never seen a two year old get excited about clothing. But if you know Rylee, it's all about the clothes.

On her third birthday, she was old enough to go birthday shopping with Grandma. What a delightful experience! It was completely overwhelming for her but she had so much fun deciding upon which princess and what other toys she was going home with. Eventually the decision was a bike helmet, water bottle, Candyland, and a five pack of princesses.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Top Twelve Reasons For Being Behind in Updating My Blog

Need I say more? No. But I will....hopefully sooner rather than later!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cabin in the Snow

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

We have alot of snow at the cabin this year -- more than ever for this time of year since we have had the cabin. We went up this afternoon to check on the heat. It was snowing hard, and as you can see by the pictures, the depth hasn't changed much in three weeks. We often go up on David's birthday (May 16) and there are usually just patches of snow here and there. I think there will be more than patches this year.

Maybe, just maybe, I'm glad I'm not going to Heber Valley Camp with the young women this year. It will definitely be snowy and cold.

Keagan and bubbles

There's nothing more that I can add to the look on his face and the fun he had chasing and popping bubbles....

Conference Weekend -- April 2009

Per our usual tradition, we went to the cabin for Conference. This year was extra special because we were able to bring our dish receiver and other equipment up for the weekend and actually watch Conference instead of just listening to it. Some of the extended family were able to join us. One of the funnest things we did was build a "King Benjamin Tent" for the grandkids to sit in while listening to the speakers and working on their Conference notebooks. Unfortunately, the girls got too cold before Grandma got outside with her camera. Here is a look at some of the memories we made in between sessions....

Camille Mae's Blessing Day

On March 29th, Camille Mae was blessed and given her beautiful name by her Daddy, Clay. Her Mommy, Jenny, threw a fabulous party afterwards. Here are some photos of the guest of honor. Jenny searched all over for a traditional white blessing dress and fell in love with this outfit. Her comment was, "After all, why wear white when you can wear pink!" Check out Millie's bubble blowing skills. She was doing it the first time I held her when she was less than an hour old and hasn't stopped yet. I can hardly wait to teach her how to blow bubbles with bubble gum.

Mother's Day Survey

I'm in the process of updating my blog. So while you are waiting, give me your unbiased opinion on ward/neighborhood Mother's Day gifts. Would you rather have a geranium for your garden (which is one of my favorite flowers because it reminds me of my Grandma Lula Dastrup)--

OR a chocolate bar?

Please feel free to leave your preference and the reasons behind your preference. While you are at it, see if you can guess my preference....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope all of you know how grateful I am for the gift of the atonement and for Elder Holland's eloquent message.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Remember the sunshine?

Remember back a couple of weeks ago when the sun came out and you could wear flip flops and short sleeves and work in your yard? I have evidence that it actually happened! I did work in my yard and I had two grandsons help me out. Here is the proof....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Millie Mae

What more can I say than these are cheeks worth kissing and squeezing! What a cutie!!!