ponedeljek, 23. april 2012
Dream Big Birthday
Kot obljubljeno še ena objavica na mojem blogu danes. :) Zadnje čase me pri ustvarjanju privlači blago kot dodatek. Tako sem ga uporabila tudi na svoji naslednji kreaciji. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "The Play Date Cafe Challengea PDCC128". Pritegnila me je tudi pikčasta kravata na sliki in pa čudovite rožice. Postavitev je z aktualnega izziva na blogu "Card Positioning Systems #262" - njihove skice so res čudovite, morate jih preizkusiti. Sama imam celo njihovo knjigo, ki jo večkrat vzamem v roke. Upam, da bo kdaj priložnost, da si priskrbim še manjkajoči dve. Tole pa je moja druga današnja voščilnica:
As I promised, another card for today. :) Lately I am drawn by a fabric in my crafting projects and so I used it also on my latest creation. The color inspiration comes from this week's "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC128". I was also drawn by a spotted tie on the picture and by gorgeous big colorful flowers. The sketch is from the current challenge over at "Card Positioning Systems #262". I love their sketches, they are realy functional, you have to try them. I even have their book with sketches, that I often use as a help with my projects. Hope to be able to get the other two books with CPS sketches soon. And this is my second card for today:
Za osnovo sem uporabila roza blago z velikimi belimi pikami iz kolekcije "Tilda". Nanj sem pritrdila oranžen pravokotnik in povrhu še pravokotnih vzorčastega papirja iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Všeč mi je njegov "shiny" izgled. Po robovih sem ga zluknjala. Na levi strani sem dodala pas iz belega filca in oranžnega pikastega papirja, ki sem ga okrasila z oranžnimi perlicami. Kot osrednji element sem izbrala rožico iz lepenke, ki sem jo pobarvala z akrilnimi barvami in dodala "Raspberry Ultra Fine Flower Soft". Povrhu sem pritrdila velik gumb v kombinaciji roza in oranžne barve "Blumenthal Lansing Company - Button Conversations", v center rožice pa razcepek, za katerega ne vem točno od kje prihaja. :) Verz je freebie digitalna štampiljka, za katero se tudi ne spominjam izvora.
I used "Tilda's" pink fabric with white spots as a base of the card. I attached orange square and on top of it the patterned square from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I love its shiny look. :) I pierced it along the edges. On the left I added a banner from white felt and patterned paper with spots (again) from the same collection. I embellished it with orange pearls. As a main motif I added an orange flower from chipboard that I colored with acril colors and "Raspberry Ultra Fine Flower Soft". On top of it I added a huge orange and pink button from "Blumenthal Lansing Company - Button Conversations" and on top of it a brad from... well actualy I don't know exactly where the brad is from. :) The sentiment is a freebie digital stamp also from an unknown source.
Naj se vam še enkrat vsem zahvalim za komentarje, ki jih puščate ob mojih objavah. Vedno sem jih zelo vesela in mi dajejo posebno veselje in energijo, ki jo je težko opisati. Lepo se imejte in uspešen ter blagoslovljen jutrišnji dan vam želim.
I would like to thank you all again for your lovely and sweet comments that you are leaving by my creations. I always enjoy reading them and they are giving me special joy and motivation for my work, which is hard to describe. Enjoy the rest of the day and I wish you successful and blessed day tomorrow.
Thank You for being an Angel
Obožujem CAS dizajn... vendar le, kadar se ga lotijo drugi. :) Sama ga težko osvojim. Vedno se mi zdi, da še nekaj manjka. Zato sem se tokrat morala prav potruditi, da sem voščilnico čim manj "okrasila", saj sem jo želela prijaviti na izziv na blogu "Less is More Week #64: How Charming". Izziv je bil uporabiti kovinske dodatke na voščilnici. Tole je moja voščilnica (upam, da je dovolj CAS za tale izziv):
I love CAS design. I realy do! :) But only when others are doing it! :) Somehow I have hard times creating something CAS that I like. So it was an additional challenge for me this time not to add to many embellishments, since I wanted to enter my card into the challenge over at "Less is More Week #64: How Charming". The challenge was to use charms on your creation and I loved the inspiration. This is my card (I hope it is enough CAS):
Za osnovo sem izbrala papir z vzorcem "K&Company - Terri Conrad Designs: Lovely" in nanj natisnila verz v črni barvi (verz je bil freebie digitalna štampiljka, vendar se ne spomnim od kje). Nato sem izrezala bel kvadrat, ga embosirala in olepšala z okrašenim spodnjim robom, ki sem ga naredila s pomočjo robnega luknjača "EK success". Bel papir sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na osnovo, nanj pa pritrdila srček z istim motivom kot dizajnerski papir, dodala pa sem mu dve angelski krilci.
I choose patterned paper from "K&Company - Terri Conrad Designs: Lovely" for the base of the card. On it I printed a sentiment which was freebie digital stamp (unfortunatelly I don't remember where have I downloaded it from). I than cut out the white square which I embossed and cut out the bottom edge with edge punch from "EK success". I attached it on the base of the card with 3D foam tapes. On top of it I attached a heart with same motif as the patterned paper and added two angel wings (charms).
Upam, da vam je všeč. Sledi pa še ena objava voščilnice, ki sem jo izdelala včeraj. Lepo se imejte!
Hope you like it! I will be back with another post of the card that I made yesterday. Enjoy the evening!
nedelja, 22. april 2012
Shabby Chic Roses
Že od nekdaj se mi zdijo kolekcije izdelkov iz programa "Tilda" čudovite. Blago s čudovitimi cvetličnimi vzorci sem si že nekaj časa ogledovala, vendar ni in ni bilo ideje kar z njim narediti. Ob pogledu na inspiracijsko sliko na blogu "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #110: Beautiful Roses" pa je ideja le prišla. V zadnjem času se učim delati rožice sama, s katerimi okrasim voščilnice. Kar nekaj jih je, ki bi jih v prihodnosti rada preizkusila. Res pa je, da so večinoma kar zamudni. Tale moja ni iz blaga, ampak iz papirja in zelo nezahtevna za izdelavo.
I love things from "Tilda" collection. I was admiring a beautiful fabrics with gorgeous roses for a long time, but I haven't had the idea what to do with them. When I saw the inspiration photo from "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #110: Beautiful Roses" I finally had it! I also learn how to make handmade roses and flowers for my craft projects by myself. There are few that I would like to try in the near future, but they all take quite some time. This one I tried is not from fabric but paper and is realy simple to make.
Jutri se bom malo pozabavala s pisanjem postopka izdelave in tako dopolnila tale današnji post. Danes je že pozno, vikend je bil zelo naporen, jutri pa me čaka dan poln obveznosti. Tako vam do jutri želim lep večer in mirno noč!
I will be back tomorrow with some details of making this card... it is allready late today and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and also the weekeend was exhausting. I wish you all a great evening and a peaceful night!
Thank You Very Much
Voščilnice za zahvalo pri nas niso tako zelo popularne. Pa vseeno so nekatere prav neizogibne. :) Tako je nastala tudi tale. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #133", skica pa s prejšnjega "Retro Sketches Challengea #7".
Thank You cards are not that popular in Slovenia, but still, some of them areinevitable. :) And so I made another one. The color inspiration comes from ths week's "Colourq Challenge #133" and the sketch is from last week's "Retro Sketches Challenge #7".
Motiv je digitalna štampiljka freebie - ne spomnim se več od kje. Natisnila sem jo in pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Nato sem motiv pritrdila na nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir "Docrafts Papermania - Hampstead: A warm welcome", ki sem mu spodaj prirezala rob z robnim luknjačem. Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na bel filc, okrasila s trakcema, okraskom in perlicami, pritrdila na nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir iz iste kolekcije, ki sem ga na sredini pretrgala. Na osnovo voščilnice sem nalepila belo svetlikajočo se mrežico in na vse to pritrdila tako pripravljen motiv.
The motif is a freebie digital stamp - unfortunatelly I don't rememder from where it is exactly. I printed it out and colored it with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. i attached it to a little bit larger designer paper from "Docrafts Papermania - Hampstead: A warm welcome", which I embellished with edge punch at the bottom. I attached this to a white felt, embellished with a ribbon, a charm and orange pearls. I attached all of it to a little bigger designer paper which I thorn into two pieces. On the base of the card I attached a white, shiny net and attached a main motif.
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev in predlogov. Želim vam lep preostanek dneva. :)
I will be happy of your comments and suggestions. I wish to all of you a nice evening. :)
petek, 20. april 2012
Spring Swing
Kot sem že omenila, resnično občudujem delo ustvarjalke Iwone Palamountain. In ker so mi všeč njene voščilnice, so mi seveda posledično všeč tudi skice, ki jih objavlja na svojem blogu, vsako soboto, v "Sketchbook Saturday Challengeu". Tokratni, "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #55" mi je bil zelo zanimiv, vendar pa do danes nisem našla pravega navdiha zanj. Danes pa se mi je le porodila ideja, skico pa sem sicer malo prilagodila svojim potrebam. :) Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "Colorthrowdown Challengea #188".
Like I mentioned before, I realy admire the art of a crafter Iwona Palamountain. And since I love her cards I also love her sketches that she publishes on her blog, each saturday, in a "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge". This week's "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #55" was realy appealing right from the start but I kind of didn't find the right inspiration for it. But today I finally got the idea, although I addapted a sketch a bit to my own needs. :) The color inspiration is from this week's "Colorthrowdown Challenge #188".
Najprej sem natisnila tole ljubko deklico od "Paper Shelterja - Spring Swing" in jo pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Perforirala sem spodnji rob in osenčila robove z distress blazinicama "Antique Linen" in "Vintage Photo". Deklico sem pritrdila na živahen zelen dizajnerski papir "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" in nekoliko večji dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "Tilda". Natisnila sem verz - zastonjček od "Craft's Meow", ga izrezala in olepšala rob z robnim luknjačem "Marthe Stewart". Vse skupaj sem pritrdila na osnovo voščilnice s 3D blazinicami. Odtisnila sem dva metuljčka s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butteflies", enega v vroči roza barvi in drugega v zelenkastem odtenku. Izrezala sem ju in ju pritrdila v zgornji levi kot sentimenta. Dodala sem še nekaj perlic in nekaj biserčkov.
I started out with printing the little girl from "Paper Shelter - Spring Swing" and coloring her with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush. I perforated the bottom edge and distressed edges with distress inks "Antique Linen" and "Vintage Photo". I attached the girl onto the bright green designer paper from "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" and a bit larger designer paper with pink stripes from the "Tilda collection". I printed out the sentiment - a freebie from "Craft's Meow", cut it out and embellished the bottom edge with an edge punch from "Martha Stewart". I attached it to the base of the card with 3D foam tapes. I stamped two butterflies from "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies", one in hot pink and another one in a green color. I cut them out and attached them on the upper left corner of the sentiment. I added some pearls and some rhinestones.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Zdaj pa šibam v posteljo. Oči se mi kar same od sebe zapirajo. :) Nočko! :) I hope you like it. Now I am off to my sweet bed. My eyes are slowly closing by itself. :) Good night to all of you! :) Aleksandra
Cherish you
Večjih količin črne in sive barve se pri voščilnicah na široko ogibam. Nekako mi jo je težko vkomponirati, ne da bi voščilnica izpadla monotono. Vendar pa je tokratna ideja, ki je prišla z inspiracijo na blogu "CASE Sudy Challenge #87" enostavno kričala po njej, saj voščilnica brez nje ni izpadla tako kot sem želela. Zato sem sprejela še ta izziv in se odločila, da ji dam priložnost. Moram priznati, da sem z voščilnico zelo zadovoljna.
I have this funny habit to stay away from large areas of black and grey color in my projects, since I kind of have troubles to implement them in the way they wouldn't reflect monotonically. But the card that I made from inspiration for this week's "CASE Study Challenge #87" was literally screaming for it and the card just didn't seemed right without it, so I took another challenge for me and decidec to give it another opportunity. I have to admit I like the card that came out of the whole idea.
S tiskalnikom sem natisnila digitalno štampiljko češenj ustvarjalke "Beccy's Place" in spodaj dodala besedo "cherish". Motiv sem pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem v številnih odtenkih rdeče in sive. Izrezala sem ga s "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large", perforirala ob robu in osenčila z distress blazinico "Pumice Stone". Izrezala sem še eno obliko s "Spellbinders Grand Nestabilities - Grand labels Four" in embosirala s cuttlebug srajčko. Po sredini sem dodala "washi tape" v barvah rdeče, sive in nežno rjave barve. Odtisnila sem črki "I" in "U" od "Inkadinkado - Rosewood Alphabet" v črni barvi in jih izrezala. S 3D blazinicami sem jih pritrdila na večjo obliko, prav tako tudi osrednji motiv češnje, v zgornji desni kot pa sem dodala rdeč gumbek. Za osnovo sem uporabila rdeč papir "Bazzill Basics Paper" in dizajnerski papir "Best Creation Inc - Mr.& Mrs.". Ti lepi beli cvetovi so me spomnili na cvetočo češnjo, zato je bil papir popolna izbira. V spodnji levi kot sem odtisnila še "Thank you" s štampiljko "Just Rite - Fleur de Lis Labels Eighteen" v črni barvi.
I printed out the digital stamp of cherries from "Beccy's Place", and at the bottom added a word "cherish". I colored the image with aquarel color pencils and waterbrush in various shades of red and grey. I cut it out with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large", perforated and shaded the edges with distress ink "Pumice Stone". I cut out another shape with "Spellbinders Grand Nestabilities - Grand Labels Four" and embossed it with cuttlebug embossing plate. In the middle I added "washi tape" in shades of red, grey and light brown. I stamped letters "I" and "U" from "Inkadinkado - Rosewood Alphabet" in black and cut them out. I attached both letters and the main motif on a larger shape with 3D foam tape. I added small red button in upper right corner. For the base I used red cardstock from "Bazzill Basics Papers" and a designer paper from "Best Creation Inc - Mr.& Mrs.". Those cute little white flowers reminded me on a cherry blossom, so it fitted perfectly. I stamped a "Thank You" sentiment from "Just Rite - Fleur de Lis Labels Eighteen" in black in the bottom left corner of the card.
Vesela bom vaših komentarjev, zvečer pa se oglasim še z eno objavico. :) Uživajte v današnjem dnevu. Čeprav je deževno, je pred nami vikend. :)
I am always thrilled reading your comments. I will be back late evening with another post. :) Enjoy the day. Even though it is raining, there is a gorgeous weekeend awaiting for us! :)
četrtek, 19. april 2012
Birthday Picnic
In še druga voščilnica za danes - otroška rojstnodnevna voščilnica. Inspiracija je z enega prvih izzivov, ki sem se jim pridružila, "Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Week 197: Spots and Stripes".
And another card fort oday - kids Birthday card. The inspiration is from the very first blog challenge that I participated in, but haven't beencthere for a while now, "Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Week 197: Spots and Stripes".
Najprej sem odtisnila motiv s štampiljko "Penny Black - Hedgehog Birthday" v črni barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Robove sem osenčila z distressoma "Antique Linen" in "Vintage Photo". Spodnji rob sem zluknjala z robnim luknjačem "Marthe Stewart". Na osnovo sem nalepila papir iz kolekcije "Bo Bunny - Newspaper" in nanj papir iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Robove obeh sem pritrgala. Na osnovo sem nato pritrdila motiv s 3D blazinicami. Dodala sem še rjav trakec in rdeč gumbek.
I started out by stamping a motif with "Penny Black - Hedgehog Birthday" stamp in black and coloring it with aquarel pencils and waterbrush. I shaded the edges with distress inks "Antique Linen" and "Vintage Photo". I punched the bottom edge with an edge puncher from "Martha Stewart". I attached two papers to the base of the card, "Bo Bunny's - Newspaper" and "Firts Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I cutted the edges of both a bit. On the base I attached a motif with 3D foam tapes. I embelished the card with a twine and a res button.
Upam, da sta vam moji današnji voščilnici všeč. Lep večer želim vsem!
Hope you like both of my today's creations. :) I wish a nice evening to all of you!
Love Birds
Tokrat za spremembo voščilnica z nekoliko bolj igračkastim motivom. Tele digi štampiljke sem že dolgo dolgo ogledovala in se jih včeraj končno odločila naročiti. Zdaj so že pri meni in jih veselo barvam. Vse so čudovite, sploh za tiste, ki imamo radi take ljubke motivčke za barvanje. :) Inspiracija za tole voščilnico pa je z izziva "Color Combos Galore Challenge - Inspiration Board #226".
This time, a little bit for a change, a card with more playful image. I waited long long for this digi stamps and I am so happy to finally order them yesterday. I am now happily coloring them. They are all gorgeous, especially for those, who like those cute little stamps to color. :) The inspiration for the card is from this week's "Color Combos Galore Challenge - Inspiration Board #226".
Digi štampiljko zaljubljenih ptičkov "Paper Shelter" sem najprej natisnila in jo pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem. Nato sem motivček izrezala s "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen" in osenčila tobove z distressom "Antique Linen". Na osnovo sem pritrdila papir z motivom ptičkov iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Spring Feast", nanj pa s 3D blazinicami nekoliko manjšo osnovo, kateri sem robove okrasila s pomočjo robnega luknjača "EK success", ter ga embosirala s srajčko z motivom notnega lista. Spodaj sem dodala še roza in moder trakec, ki sem ga zavezala z mašnico in okrasila s srčkom. Na vse skupaj sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila motivček zaljubljenih ptičkov.
I printed out the digi stamp of two birdies in love from "Paper Shelter" and colored the image with aquarel pencils and waterbrush. I cut out the motif with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen and shaded the edges with distress ink "Antique Linen". I attached a paper with birdies from the collection "First Edition Papers - Spring Feast" to the base of the card. I cut out a smaller square that I embellished with edge punch from "EK success" with hearts and embossed with an embossing folder with a motif of a music sheet. I added blue and pink twine and a small heart. I attached this to the base of the card with 3D foam tapes and on top of this with 3D foam pads a motif of birds in love.
Kasneje se oglasim s še eno objavico. Imejte se lepo! :)
I will be back with another post. Have fun till then! :)
ponedeljek, 16. april 2012
Because It is your Birthday
Tale voščilnica je imela že kar nekaj oblik. Ideja je bila prava, izbrani papirji tudi, samo postavitev nikakor ni funkcionirala. Danes sem jo končno uspela sestaviti tako, da mi je všečna. Barvna inspiracija prihaja iz tokratnega "Colorthrowdown Challengea #187", skica pa iz enega izmed preteklih "Sweet Stop Sketch Challengeov" in sicer SSS124. Izziv na omenjenem blogu je namreč uporabiti eno izmed preteklih skic v tokratnem "SSS154".
Today's card allready had a few various compositions. The idea was right, so were the papers I chose, but it didn't feel right. Today I finally finished it, so that I am pleased with it. The color inspiration comes from this week's "Colorthrowdown Challenge #187" and the sketch is from one of the past challenges over at "Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge", SSS124. This week's challenge over at "Sweet Stop SSS154" is to use one of the past sketches for your creation.
Za osnovo sem uporabila vijoličen karton in dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". Osrednji motiv sem odtisnila s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" v temno rjavi barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrush čopičem. Izrezala sem ga s pomočjo "Spellbinders šablon - Standard Circles Large". Iz belega papirja sem s šablonami "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen" izrezala obliko, jo embosirala, dodala srednji pas v vijolični barvi iz iste kolekcije papirjev kot je osnova, dodala temno rjav trakec z gumbkom in vse skupaj pritrdila na osnovo s 3D blazinicami. Na to sem pritrdila motiv, prav tako s 3D blazinicami. Za popestritev sem dodala še rjave perlice in zlate biserčke v centre rožic.
For the base of the card I used lilac plain cardstock and designer paper from "Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". I stamped the main motif with "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" stamp in Chocolate Chip and colored it with aquarel colorpencils and waterbrush. I cut it out with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". From white cardstock I cut out the shape with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Eighteen", embossed it, added a lilac layer in the middle from the same collection of papers as the base of the card, added a brown twine with a button and attached all to a base of the card with 3D foam tape. I attached a motif on this also with 3D foam tape. I embelished all of it with brown pearls and yellow rhinestones in the centers of the flowers.
Hvala vsem za vedno čudovite komentarje in se beremo. Uživajte v dnevu!
Thanks to all of you for your allways nice comments. Enjoy the day!
nedelja, 15. april 2012
A Birthday Note
Danes je bil čudovit večer, ki sva ga po dolgem času preživela sama z mojim dragim hubbyjem. Ker pa sem za danes obljubila še eno objavo, se bom obljube tudi držala. :) Tale voščilnica čaka že nekaj dni na svoj trenutek pa ga kar ni in ni. Zdaj pa je končno prišla na vrsto. Navdih je bil tokratni "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 156", barvno zgodbo pa sem povzela po čudovitih barvnih paletah na spletni strani "Design Seeds".
It was a beautiful evening today which me and my dear hubby after a long time spent all by ourselves. Since I promised another post for today, I will keep my promise and show you one more card that I made allready few days ago but there wasn't the right time to post it to the blog. I took the inspiration from current "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 156" and the color story comes from wonderful color paletes over at "Design Seeds".
Za osnovo sem odrezala dva pravokotnika, kraft in rožnat dizajnerski papir iz kolekcije "K&Company - McKenna". Nato sem izrezala tri pasove v bež barvi iz kolekcije papirjev "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Prirezala sem spodnji rob, jih ob robovih osenčila z distress blazinico "Vintage Photo" in jih perforirala, nato pa sem jih pritrdila na osnovo. Po sredini sem izrezala dodatno plast iz sivkastega dizajnerskega papirja "K&Company - Elegance" in jo pritrdila na belo osnovo, katere rob sem obdelala z luknjačem "Marthe Stewart". Vse skupaj sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na osnovo. Dodala sem še bel trak z motivom vrtnice. Osrednji motiv cvetlic sem odtisnila s štampiljko "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrush čopičem. Izrezala sem ga s šablono "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". Nato sem iz papirja "K&Company - McKenna" izrezala obliko s "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" in nanjo s 3D blazinicami pritrdila motiv rožic. Spodnji in zgornji rob sem okrasila s sivimi perlicami. Vse skupaj sem pritrdila s 3D blazinicami na nekoliko večjo podlago, ki sem jo s "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" izrezala iz belega filca. To sem pritrdila s 3D blazinicami na prej pripravljeno osnovo ter ob obeh straneh dodala še po dva gumbka.
I started a card wit cuting two papers - kraft and a designer paper from "K&Company - McKenna". Then I cut out three layers from a collection "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I cut a bottom, distressed the edges with "Vintage Photo", perforated them and attached them to the base. In the middle of the card I added another layer in grey from a designer paper "K&Company - Elegance" and attached it to a white base which I embellished with a punch from "Martha Stewart". I attached all of it with 3D foam pads to the base of the card. I stamped a main motif of flowers with "Just Rite - Botanical Butterflies" in black and colored it with aquarel color pencils and a waterbrush. I cut out the motif with "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Standard Circles Large". I cut out another shape from a designer paper "K&Company - McKenna" with "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen", added a motif of flower with 3D foam tape and embellished it with grey pearls. I attached all to a little bigger base which I cut out with "Spellbinders - Labels Eighteen" from a felt. I attached an image to a base of the card with 3D foam tapes and added two buttons on each side of the card.
Upam da vam je všeč, jutri pa novim izzivom in novim zmagam naproti. :) Lep večer želim!
I hope you like it. Tomorrow is another big day full of new challenges and winning situatuions. :) I wish to all of you a nice rest of the evening!
Beautiful Birthday Roses
Tole objavo sem sicer obljubila za včeraj zvečer pa nekako ni zneslo. Inspiracija za tole voščilnico je prišla iz barvne palete tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #132" in tokratnih "Retro Sketches #7". Nastala je tale voščilnica:
I promised this post for yesterday but didn't make it, so here it is... better late than never. :) Inspiration for this card came from this week's "ColourQ Challenge #132" and "Retro Sketches #7". This is the card that I've made:
Najprej sem izdelala osnovo, uporabila sem dve vrsti papirjev "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Osrednji motiv vrtnice sem odtisnila s štampiljko "La Blanche" v črni barvi in ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi barvicami in watercolor čopičem. Izrezala sem obliko s "Spellbinders šablonami - Labels Ten". Robove sem osenčila z distress blazinicami "Antique Linen" in "Shabby Shutters". Podlago sem izrezala s "Spellbinders šablonami - Labels Eighteen" in jo prepolovila. Motiv sem s 3D blazinicami pritrdila na podlago, vse skupaj pa s 3D blazinicami na osnovo voščilnice. Na paus papir sem odtisnila napis v črni barvi, ga izrezala in pritrdila na spodnji del motiva. Na desno stran sem namestila gumbek.
First I made a base for the card from two different "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". I stamped the main motif of a rose with "La Blanche" stamp in black an colored it with aquarel colorpencils and waterbrush. I cut them out with "Spellbinders - Labels Ten" and distressed edges with "Antique Linen" and "Shabby Shutters". Then I cut out the shape from "Boho Chic" papers with "Spellbinder - Labels Eighteen" and cut it into two pieces. I attached the roses with 3D foam tape od the cuted shape and then attached all of it with 3D foam tapes on the base of the card. I stamped a sentiment on the translucent paper in black and attached it on the bottom edge of the roses. I added a button on the right side of the sentiment.
Upam, da mi zvečer uspe z vami deliti še eno voščilnico in postopek izdelave ter uporabljene materiale. Do takrat pa se imejte lepo. :)
I hope I will manage to post another card in late evening hours when kids go to bed. Have fun till then!
ponedeljek, 9. april 2012
Make A Wish
Eden prvih blogovskih izzivov, v katerih sem se preizkusila, je bil "Less is More". Imela sem občutek, da težko izdelam preprosto voščilnico, z malo elementi in belim prostorom in želela sem zapolniti to vrzel. Danes mi je to vedno manj težavno, čeprav mi še vedno bolj ležijo malo bolj polni dizajni. Pa vendar sem se tokrat po dolgem času spet odločila, da se pridružim izzivu Chrissie in Mandi in "Less is More Week 62 Colour Challenge", katerega tema je "trije odtenki zelene". In tukaj je moja voščilnica:
One of the first ever bloger Challenges in which I participated was "Less is More". I had a lot of troubles making simple and clean cards with little embelishments and a significant portion of white space and I wanted to remove that deficiency. Today it is a lot easier for me to make clean and simple cards, but I have to admit I still feel more fond to the richer cards. Without regard to that I decided to once again join the Challenge of tallented Chrissie and Mandi "Less is More Week 62 Colour Challenge", which is "Three Shades of Green". And here is the card that I've made:
Štampiljke so "Inchiji od Inkadinkadoja" (ja, že spet...), papirji so "Bo Bunny". Uporabila sem dva embossing folderja - črte in pikice, in robni luknjač Marthe Stewart. Upam, da vam bo všeč. Navdušena bom nad vašimi komentarji! Rada jih prebiram in polepšajo mi dan! :) Uživajte v preostanku večera!
Stamps are from "Inkadinkado - Inchies" (yes, again...), papers are "Bo Bunny". I used two embossing folders - with stripes and with swiss dots, and the edge punch from Martha Stewart. Hope you like it, I will be thrilled to read any of your comments. They make my day! :) Enjoy the rest of the evening.
nedelja, 8. april 2012
Home Tweet Home
Da se ne bo vedno vse vrtelo okoli rojstnodnevnih voščilnic, sem se odločila, da tokrat izdelam drugačno. Za inspiracijo sem vzela barve tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #131" in skico tokratnega "The deconstructed sketch #46 Challengea". Nastala je tale "vselitvena" voščilnica:
I decided that I won't be making just Birthday cards all the time anymore :) (no seriously... a long time ago allready but they catch me again and again), so this time I made a card for moving into a new home. The inspiration came from this week's "ColourQ Challenge #131" and from "The deconstructed sketch #46 Challenge". This is the card that I've made:
Uporabila sem štampiljko od "Inkadinkadoja" (ja..., res so mi pri srcu njihove štampiljke). Papirji pa so "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company Tim Coffey - Cotage Garden" in "Hot off the press Paper Pizazz - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". Robna štanca pa je seveda od Marthe Stewart. Hvala še enkrat za vse prijazne komentarje, ki mi polepšajo dan. :) Uživajte v preostanku Velikonočnih praznikov.
I've used the "Inkadinkado" stamp (yes... I do love working with them). Papers are "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company Tim Coffey - Cotage Garden" and "Hot off the press Paper Pizazz - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". The edge puncher is from Martha Stewart. Thanks for all of your sweet comments that make my day! I love them! :) Enjoy the res of the Easter holidays.
Vintage Love Birds
Vintage stil mi nikoli ni bil najbolj blizu. A moram priznati, da mi zadnje čase prirašča k srcu in vse več voščilnic je, ki imajo vsaj nekaj njegovega pridiha. Tako je nastala tudi tale, za katero je inspiracijo predstavljal tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #85" in nadarjena "Laurie Schmidlin". Barvno inspiracijo pa sem povzela po barvni zgodbi na tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe PDCC126". Ker pa je voščilnica z Vintage pridihom je primerna tudi za prvi izziv na novem ustvarjalnem blogu "Crafty Friends Challenge #1 - Vintage". Nastala pa je tale voščilnica:
Vintage card stile was newer my strongest one. But I have to admit I am growing fond of it and more and more of my cards have a Vintage touch. The inspiration for the latest one was this week's "CASE Study Challenge #85" and talented "Laurie Schmidlin". I took the color inspiration from this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC126". And since the card has a Vintage touch it is appropriate also for the very first challenge over at the new crafty challenge blog "Crafty Friends Challenge #1 - Vintage". This is the card that I've made:
Upam, da vam je voščilnica všeč, jutri pa morda še kaj več o uporabljenih materialih. :) Uživajte v današnjem večeru in lepo preživite Velikonočne praznike. Obilo Božjega blagoslova...
Hope you like the card, tomorrow I will probably be back with the details regarding the materials I've used. :) Enjoy today's evening and have a wonderful Easter holidays. Be blessed abundantly...
petek, 6. april 2012
Drugi današnji voščilnici pa sta inspiracijo predstavljala skica na blogu "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #155" in barvna ter tematska inspiracija na "Jeweled Color Trends Challenge" na blogu Embellish Magazine. Nastala je tale voščilnica:
My second card today was made after the sketch inspiration over at "Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge #155" and after the color and theme inspiration of "Jeweled Color Trends Challenge" over at Embellish Magazine blog. I've made this card:
Uporabila sem štampiljko od "Artemia" in papirje "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden". Hvala vam iz srca za vse vaše prečudovite komentarje, želim vam lep podaljšan vikend in mirne velikonočne praznike. Obilo Božjega blagoslova vsem!
I've used stamps from "Artemio" and papers "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden". Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your nice comments on my blog! I love them! :) I wish too all of you a great wekeend ahead and peaceful easter holidays. May God bless you abundantly!
"Catch the Sun"
Pozdravček vsem. :) Danes bi vam rada pokazala dve novi voščilnici, ampak kar lepo po vrsti. Navdih za prvo je bila skica tokratnega "Mojo Monday Challengea #235" in pa barvna paleta tokratnega "Color Throwdown Challengea #186". Malo sem se poigrala s svojimi distressi, želela sem namreč ustvariti sončni zahod, in nastala je naslednja voščilnica:
Hello to all :) Today I would like to show you my two new cards that I've made. The first was made after the sketch inspiration od this week's "Mojo Monday Challenge # 235" and after the color inspiration on this week's "Color Throwdown Challenge #186". I've been playing with my distress inks a bit , I wanted to create a sunset scene, and this is the card that I've made:
Uporabila sem štampiljke od "Inkadinkadoja - Fall Trees". Papirji so "First Paper Edition - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden" in "K&Company - Tim Coffey Blossomwood". Upam, da vam je všeč. Zdaj pa se lotim priprave svoje druge objave danes, do takrat pa se imejte maksimalno lepo... :)
I've used stamps from "Inkadinkado - Fall Trees". Papers are from "First Paper Edition - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cotage Garden" and "K&Company - Tim Coffey Blossomwood". The sentiment I've made by myself and it sais something like: "Catch the sun in your palm, and let all the shadows stay behind." Hope you like it. Off to publish a post with my second card today... Have fun till then! :)
torek, 3. april 2012
A Touch of a Butterfly
Nekaj moram priznati. Izjemno občudujem delo avstralske ustvarjalke Iwone Palamountain, ki ustvarja pod umetniškim imenom "Chupa". Njena kreativnost je brez meja, raznolikost in pestrost materialov, ki jih uporablja pa občudovanja vredni. Rada spremljam njen blog. Vsako soboto na njem objavi skico in povabi svoje soustvarjalke, da se ji pridružijo pri njeni interpretaciji. Tokrat sem se tudi sama pridružila njenemu izzivu "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge #53". Barvno inspiracijo sem povzela po čudoviti, že nekoliko poletno obarvani barvni zgodbi na "CR84FN Color Challengeu #51". Nastala je tale voščilnica:
I have to admit that I extremely admire the work of Australian crafter Iwona Palamountaion aka "Chupa". Her creativity has no limit and the versatility and diversity of the materials used are impressive. I love to visit her blog. And each saturday there is a challenge called "Sketcbook Saturday Challenge", which I also joined this week. The color inspiration is from a gorgeous, allready a bit summer color palette over at "CR84FN Color Challenge #51". This is the card that I made combining the two of them together:
Uporabila sem papirje "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic" in štampiljko "Artemio", čipka je od "Tilde". Upam, da vam je voščilnica všeč. Hvala za komentarje, zelo jih cenim. Zdaj pa k počitku... zadnji dnevi so bili kar polni, a zato toliko bolj prijetni, zdaj pa si je treba nabrati novih moči za dneve, ki prihajajo. Lep večer in mirno noč želim vsem.
I've used "First Edition - Boho Chic" papers and a stamp from "Artemio". The lace is "Tilda's". Hope you like my card. A big thank you for all of your comments, they are very appreciated. Now I have to go to res... the last few days were full but also very nice. Now I have to recharge my batteries for the days to come. I wish to all of you a nice evening and a peaceful night.
ponedeljek, 2. april 2012
Nature Birthday Card
Pozdravček vsem. Tale voščilnica pa je nastala že nekaj dni nazaj, vendar je še nisem uspela objaviti. Zdaj ko so otroci v posteljah pa je ponovno čas za delo. Voščilnica je nastala po barvni inspiraciji na tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe PDCC125".
Hello to all. The card I am going to show you tonight was made some days ago but I didn't have time to publish it yet. Now that kids are in beds it is again time for work. The card was made after the color inspiration at this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC125".
Uporabila sem štampiljko "La Blanche", papirje Boho Chic in pluto. :) Lepo se imejte do naslednjič in spokojen večer želim vsem! :)
I used "La Blanche" stamp, some "Boho Chic" papers and some cork. :) Have fun till next time and I wish to all of you a peaceful evening! :)
nedelja, 1. april 2012
Pink Daisy
En pozen večerni pozdravček, da vam na hitro pokažem s čim sem se igrala danes zvečer. Žal so slikice večernemu času primerne, obljubim, da jih jutri zamenjam z lepšimi. Voščilnica je izdelana po barvni predlogi izziva "Color Throwdown #185".
One late evening hello to all, to show you what I've been up to in the last hours. Unfortunately the pictures are not so bright due to the lack of evening sunlight, but I promise to replace them with better ones tomorrow. The card was made after the color inspiration on this week's challenge over at "Color Throwdown #185".
Štampiljka je od "Inkadinkadoja" "Inchie". Papirji so "K&Company - Elegance" in "First Edition - Spring Feast". Mimogrede... res iz srca hvala vsem za obilo komentarjev in pohval mojih zadnjih objav. Vsakokrat mi polepšate dan! :) Lep večer želim vsem!
The stamp is from "Inkadinkado - inchie". Papers are "K&Company - Elegance" and "First Edition - Spring Feast". By the way... thank you all from the heart for your sweet comments on my last posts. They make my day! :) Have a great evening and peaceful night!
petek, 30. marec 2012
A little Birdie told me ...
Tokrat sem sprobala novo tehniko - embosiranje po predhodnem nanosu distressa. Moram priznati, da mi je rezultat več kot všeč in se bom tega lotila še kdaj. Sicer pa je voščilnica nastala po barvni paleti na "Color Combos Galore Inspiration Board #224". Dodatni izziv je bil uporabiti kovinski dodatek na voščilnici, bonus izziv pa odkriti svojo lastno inspiracijo na podlagi interpretacije fotografije. Zelo mi je bil všeč kovinski ključek na sliki, zato sem se odločila, da ga uporabim tudi na moji voščilnici. Pa še dobro se je povezoval s temo in verzom, ki pravi: "Drobna ptičica mi je povedala" (bila je skrivnost in ključek do skrivnosti je bil ptiček). Za postavitev sem uporabila tokratni "Mojo Monday 234", le da sem ga malo preoblikovala. :)
Yesterday I tried a new tehnique - embossing with applying a distress ink. I have to admit I more than like the result so I will be definatelly using it again. The card was made after the color palette on "Color Combos Galore Inspiration Board #224" and another challenge in it was to use any type of metal accent. Bonus challenge was to draw your own inspiration from the picture provided. I love the metal key on the picture, so I decided to use it also on my card. It is in a connection with a sentiment which says: A little Birdie told me (it was a secret and a key to it was Birdie). Since I only had one left I used leafs as metal accents on other three cards. I used a sketch from this week's "Mojo Monday 234", but I changed it a bit. :)
Uživajte v današnjem večeru in se beremo jutri, najverjetneje z objavo moške rojstnodnevne voščilnice.
Enjoy today's evening and I will probably be back tomorrow with another post, this time it will be a male's Birthday card.
Blessings, Aleksandra
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