Thursday, October 30, 2008
Not To Worry, I Survived!
Monday night we had dinner at my grandparents condo in Salt Lake which was really fun, I absolutely love my grandparents and feel so lucky to be so close with them. They live in SLC in the fall/winter and Oregon in the spring/summer so I love being able to see them so much while they're here! They're so "with the times" I even taught them how to read text messages! Haha, my goal is to teach them how to write texts also but I'll give it some time so as not to overwhelm them!
Tuesday night we headed down to Provo and went to Jason's football game at UVU, went shopping, then went over to Justina's house. The boys played SO cute with Aiden! We took them to Taco Bell for dinner and, as always, they made a huge mess and people looked at us like we're the worst parents ever. Oh well, we had fun right Justina? Haha.
Wednesday we headed up north to visit some people in Ogden and Layton. I went up to Ogden to visit my old office, Adult Probation and Parole. It was fun seeing my old friends (and enemies, haha) but I am sure glad I don't work there anymore! Then I headed down to Layton to visit my other old office, Dept of Workforce Services. It was super weird being back there because I haven't worked there for like 5 years but it was so fun to see people and show off the boys. Then I met up with my friend JaNae and we hung out the rest of the night and had so much fun! She has two precious little girls and my boys had so much fun with them! It was fun watching them play together, and they have all these fun girl toys that my boys loved! Kitchen set, dress up clothes, purses, shoes, haha!
So I kept busy so I wouldn't miss Parker too much. The weird thing is, I didn't work out once this week! Those of you who know me know that that is a BIG deal for me. I never ever miss going to the gym but this week, for some reason, I could not get myself there. So now I'm 50 pounds heavier, haha, but oh well.
Update on Parker's interviewing trip...his interview in Eugene went ok, but we don't really expect anything to come of it. His interview in Portland went really well and they will probably bring him back on Christmas break for an interview with all the partners. Then he flew to San Francisco and went to a dinner social thing last night which went well he said and then he's in an interview with Deloitte right now! So we'll see where life takes us, I have mixed emotions about where I want to be. I know I do not really want to be in DC, Vegas, or Cali. Haha, ok so I just want to be in Oregon or Utah. Portland would be our first choice, I just love the Pacific Northwest but I will really really really miss my sisters and in laws if we leave Utah! We'll just be prayerful and hope for the best.
This is a boring post, I'm sorry, I'm just not myself without my honey. =) We have a fun weekend ahead so cute pics to come!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lonely Night #1...
So it's 10:45pm and Josh is still in his room fighting going to bed so I figured I may as well blog since I can't sleep until Josh does! is Parker's birthday post....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY PARKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a fun celebration weekend, Saturday we went to the BYU football game then went out to dinner with his family at RUBY RIVER!!! It was SOOO yummy, it's our favorite restaurant hands down but quite spendy so we don't get to go there except like once a year. THANKS MOM AND DAD! =)
Sunday we had my whole family over for another birthday dinner! My mom and I made sweet and sour chicken for 18 people! It was crazy and I could NOT have done it without her, thanks mom!!! My grandparents, aunt, cousins, sisters and their families, and parents were all there so we had so much fun. Parker got some nice presents and I hope he didn't mind all the attention (Parker's not big on being the center of attention, haha). I was so busy cooking and entertaining that I didn't take any pics, but my sis got a few...
Anyways, I hope my honey had a good birthday. I love him so much and wish we had the money so I could just spoil him. He deserves so much and I want him to have everything! I LOVE shopping for him! He is an amazing husband, ask anyone, he treats me like a princess and I couldn't ask for anything more. He hates contention so we rarely fight and he always does his best to make me feel good about myself. He never ever criticizes me and puts up with me being me. He is the perfect dad for Jackson and Josh and they 100% adore him, (case in point Josh is in his bed right now screaming, me want daddy me miss daddy). He plays so cute with them and is very patient with them, especially when I've lost all patience. He has accomplished a lot academically and I'm proud of all he's done. I love you with all my heart babe, and miss you already!!!!!!! Happy 29th birthday you old man! ;)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Football Games...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The great pumpkin carver and the boys...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sweet Jackson...
His favorite possessions are his legos, balls, and his la la. He is also obsessed with mommy's shoes just like Josh. He usually picks out the black and white ones. He loves to help daddy get dressed in the morning, he picks out his shoes and belt and it's so cute to watch him admire his daddy.
Jackson used to be a little more easy going then he is now. He is becoming more stubborn, bossy, and disobedient. It's interesting to me how they've changed roles, when they were babies Josh was the easy baby, then when they were about 1 Jackson became much easier, now that they're two, Josh is the easy one again! Jackson can be very dramatic over little things, for example, the other morning he cried for over an hour because his banana broke in half. He absolutely hates when things break in half, like a cracker or cookie. He seriously threw a fit for an hour. He even went up and got Parker's tools asking mommy to "fick the nana." Hahaha!
Jackson is definitely my better sleeper though! He is such an angel at bed time, he just lays in his bed-watching Josh crawl in and out and get in trouble-then he just falls asleep. He is so easy to put down and he wakes up SO happy! He's about an inch taller than Josh and about 4 pounds bigger, he seems pretty tall compared to other kids his age. He is also a good eater, he likes most things and will eat quite a bit.
Jack has always been my special spirit, so many times in his life I have felt the spirit through him. Every night when we sing I Am a Child of God he looks at me with this smile, a different smile than his normal smile, and I know he is feeling the spirit. He loves church and loves to tell us how he learned about Jesus. Sometimes he'll bring our Sunbeam manual to me and ask me to talk about Jesus! I just melt inside. He loves to give mommy big hugs and kisses, which I love!
I love you so much Jackson, and thanks for making your mommy so happy!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Out with Friends...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Why Parker is NO LONGER in the doghouse...
For those who don't know, I absolutely LOVE See's candies!!! It was a little gesture that meant a lot. He knows I have been so down lately and I appreciated him thinking about me, thanks babe, I love you so much!!!
Update on my stomach situation...they did some blood tests and it looks like I may have celiac disease, just like my mom (thanks mom!) Celiac disease is a gluten intolerance so I pretty much can't eat breads, crackers, chips, cookies, pastas, cereals, etc. AKA, everything I love. My stomach just cannot process wheat and that is why I have been so incredibly sick. The only way to know for sure if I have it is to do an endoscopy which I will have in November, we'll see what they find. Thanks for your concern everyone!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Taking a break for some Kit Kats...They had this wooden room full of corn and the boys LOVED playing in there. When we got home and changed their diapers we found a bunch of corn, Joshy goes, "me got cornbellys down my diaper!" Hahaha, it was so cute! At first Jack just wanted to watch Josh from the outside...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sweet Josh...
He is growing up so fast I cannot even believe it. At least five times a day he does or says something that just amazes me! He loves to learn and will struggle at something until he masters it, he does not give up. He is extremely coordinated (he obviously got his daddy's genes) and can hit, throw, and catch a baseball. He loves to play football with daddy, he's even thrown some spirals! He could spend his whole days shooting hoops with his basketball and loves to yell, MADE IT or MISS whenever he shoots. He also loves to play "bolleyball" just like his aunties! He is always jumping, he'll jump all around the house and he will jump off anything, no matter how high. The crazy thing is, he always lands! He seriously never falls! Again, daddy's coordination. =)
He has learned his colors, can count to 10, and knows his shapes. He is talking very well and uses full sentences now! He used to call Jackson, Jack, and now he says Jackson and it's so cute! He loves to read books and color, and still has no interest in TV or movies. He is just now getting into songs and music, he likes the Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Monkeys, Itsy Bitsy Spider, I Am a Child of God, and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes.
His favorite possessions are his balls, especially his batman ball. Every night he sleeps with at least two balls and his la la (cloth burp rag). He is also still very into mommy's shoes, every day after I get him dressed he goes into my closet and picks out a pair of my flip flops to wear. Unfortunately, he usually chooses the pink ones but sometimes will settle for my black or white ones. He also loves purses, the other day he had on my pink flip flops, my red purse, and daddy's football and he goes, "bye mommy, later, me going to my football game!" Hahaha, it was hilarious.
He used to be my more difficult child but he has actually become much easier lately. He usually only cries when Jack picks on him (which is quite a bit) and he usually invents the games that he and Jack play.
He is a total night owl and would stay up till midnight if we let him. He would love to sleep in in the morning but Jackson wakes him up every morning bright and early! He is still not a very big eater, which is probably why he's still the little one (24 pounds at 28 months). He is quite picky but things he does love are oatmeal, fruit, granola bars, yogurt, peas, and ANYTHING sweet!
He absolutely loves his family and friends. He loves to go to other people's houses and talks about it all day and the things he remembers about that person's house. "Aiden golf clubs," "Gamma Morrill, okie, puppies," "Bampa Cluff's big boat," "Lindsay's house no toys," and "Jackie's house, BABY COLE!" He has a really good memory (like his mommy!) and always amazes me at the things he remembers.
A cute story that happened last night was when Parker was laying down with him in his bed trying to get him to sleep. He was saying that he was scared because it was dark and daddy was telling him that he doesn't need to be scared because Heavenly Father, Jesus, mommy, daddy, and Jack are all here and love him. He just listened to Parker then, about 5 minutes later, just randomly goes...."Jesus loves me!" I wasn't there but Parker said it was the cutest thing ever to hear him say that, and I hope he does know that Jesus loves him!
I know this was probably boring for most of you to read but I want to remember this stage, I am just loving my precious little Joshua and he makes me so happy. I love you Joshy!!!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What We've Been Up To...
Haha, Josh loved the safety goggles and the tool belt, my little nerd....