Monday, June 28, 2010

Diet Update Week 2...

Here are my results this week:

*Lost 5 pounds
*Lost 1 inch off my waist
*Lost 0 inches off my hips
*Total weight loss so far: 10 pounds

I'm really seeing a big difference in my body and am so excited! Two weeks down, ten to go!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

And So It Begins...

Now I know that all kids, at one time or another, lie to their parents. I just can't believe it starts at age 4. Jackson told his first official lie today. Up until now he hasn't really understood what a lie was, but now he knows, and he lied. I was downstairs taking care of a FUSSY Tyce and I started to wonder where the twins were. I called for them and they came downstairs and Jack had something behind his back. This was our conversation:

Me: Jack, what were you two doing up there?
Jackson: Taking, I mean...looking at pictures.
Me: Oh you were just looking at my photo albums?
Jackson: Yes mommy.
Me: So you weren't TAKING pictures?
Jackson: No...
Me: What's that behind your back? A camera?
Jackson: Yes, we couldn't find ours so we took yours.

Haha, then of course smart Josh is like..."IT WASN'T ME! I just watched!" Hahaha. It was not a big deal, but it made me sad. I don't want my kids to lie to me. And they will. I know my parents will laugh when they read this because I did it to them! I guess it's just part of parenting...wish me luck!

Here is the PROOF that they were taking pictures...

Haha, like all the artwork taped up above our bed? That is so "mommy and daddy can think about us every night before they go to sleep." Haha, precious Josh, so thoughtful. How do I explain to them how tacky it looks? I guess I don't.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fun in the Fort

The boys love it when I scrub floors because then they get to make a fort with all the kitchen chairs. This morning was particularly cute because it was the first time Tyce was able to play with them in there. Unfortunately Jackson has a really bad tummy ache so he didn't have much fun and ended up going upstairs to lay in bed with daddy (who is home sick today). Once my floors were clean I grabbed some pictures...

Poor Jack...
Cute guys! Nothing else all that exciting going on. Looking forward to our family trip in Eagle Crest in a month! Still on my diet, it's not getting any easier yet, but I'm not giving up! Goodbye chubby Jenn!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Diet Update Week 1:

Well I survived the first week! Haha, 1 down 11 to go! Here are my results this week:

*Lost 5 pounds
*Lost 1 inch off my waist
*Lost 1 inch off my hips
