Monday, June 30, 2008

1st Tooth

Lizzie FINALLY got her 1st tooth!!! HOORAY!!!!
Oma found it at FHE. Lizzie is growing up so fast!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008


So Wednesday the A/C FINALLY got fixed... HOORAY!!! but when I walked into the house this afternoon the most TERRIBLE THING HAPPENED... the A/C broke... I know it got finished yesterday, and I paid over $800.00 for what? a hot house... I'm so PEEVED right now I could scream. Thank goodness Oma and Papa don't live too far, and they share their A/C with us. The best part of the story is when I called the A/C company, and they said it was after 5 and I have to wait till Monday to have the service man come out and fix the problem... not even 2 whole days of A/C.. they better not charge me a service call or I will throw a fit... Back to the fans we go... hot days again...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our New FAVORITE hangout

Well as most of the blogging world knows we do NOT have Internet. After a couple of days of NO Internet I was seriously going crazy. So I found the local library so I could surf the web, blog my little heart out. Hopefully our Internet gets set up quick, because all the librarians give me crazy looks when Lizzie is loud. I try to bring enough toys to keep her occupied so she will stay quite, but she just loves to talk.

The Crawling Machine

Since we moved Lizzie decided it was time to crawl... My baby is getting so BIG!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

WE Made it!!!

We made the move and are enjoying our new house.. The AC does not work so we slept in a 96 degree house :) The AC man is coming tomorrow to fix it HOORAY!!! Thanks to everyone who helped!!!! We will miss everyone from Riverside, but we are making new friends. We don't have internet for a couple more weeks so we will keep you updated as much as possible.

Friday, June 20, 2008


So the day started out GREAT!!! Mandi, Waimea, Lizzie, and I headed out to Ontario Mills for an afternoon of shopping fun. We ate and shopped our little hearts out, but half way through the day I realized that PIGGY (Lizzie's FAVORITE stuffed animal) WAS MISSING!!!! My heart started to race as we retraced our steps through Ontario Mills, but Piggy was no where to be found. How was I going to tell Lizzie that Piggy was gone FOREVER? I asked so many people of they saw the little pink pig, and I kept getting the same answer... "Sorry no pig here" I called David to give him the BAD news, and he couldn't believe I could loose Piggy.. Let me just inform the world that I felt HORRIBLE! Lizzie is only attached to this pig and no other stuffed animal, and it wasn't like I could go out and buy another one since it was given to Lizzie, and I have no idea if they even sell them anymore. So as we were making it back to the last store we looked in before heading to the restroom to change the girls. The search and rescue effort was complete!


Moral of the story: Never take your child's Stuffed Piggy to a huge mall, and expect it to stay inside the stroller.


The reunion of Lizzie & Piggy after a good wash, and they lived happily ever after!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Parker Photo Shoot 2008

Since most of the grand kids were in town visiting we thought it would be great to get the kids picture taken for Papa for Father's Day. Let's just say 7 kids under the age of 6 trying to get them all to look and smile at the same time is ABSOLUTELY impossible. This is about the best we could get. I love it though since it shows how each of the kids are completely different. Lizzie did a great job; she just sat there and smiled the whole time.
*Remember to always bring treats so kids will cooperate during pictures
*Dance like fools so the kids will smile, and the passerbyers will get a great laugh for the day
*Make lots of noise & sing so the kids will look at the camera
*Last but not least.... Take a nap because you will be physically exhausted from all the hard work of getting a couple of smiles that are PRICELESS

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dancing Daddy

Last night I was sitting at the computer and I hear David singing and Lizzie laughing so I peeked in the bathroom and this is what I found. Lizzie loves her Daddy! She especially loves her Daddy-Daughter time.

Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Truck-a-ly.... Truck-a-ly... Happy Birthday!
Have a great last day teaching your lil' kidlets and party hardy.
We LOVE you and Have a great day!
(P.S. we thought the picture was perfect... your favorite guy, and favorite restaurant... what more could you ask for?)


Look how HAPPY we are!!! Finally we got the DOCS and we signed our life away. Let me just inform you that when you buy a house you sign your name a bajillion times, and maybe you might even get a hand cramp from signing so much. Some of the paperwork was wrong so we have to call escrow and have them fix it, but I get to write a HUGE check today wire it to the bank. I'm so excited moving day is in a week and 2 days.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Happy Birthday to my favorite cousin! Bekah is FINALLY getting older and having the time of her life in UTAH. Remember we love you and party like no one is watching! I made you a special birthday dessert. We sang you Happy Birthday, and enjoyed the yummy brownie trifle in your honor.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

6 Month Check up

I thought this picture was so cute. The other day Lizzie was playing in her crib and I didn't hear her babbling so I check on her and this is what I found Lizzie snuggling Piggy. I was kinda nervous since she had never slept on her stomach before but she was a CHAMP! She took a 3 hours nap, maybe I should have her sleep like this more often.

Well today was her 6 month check up. She did really well and she only cried a little bit. She love visiting Dr. Shah.

Let's examine her stats:

Weight: 20 lbs

Height: 28 inches

Head: 17 inches


Head: 90 percentile

height: off the chart

weight: 95 percentile

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The HUGE Everest in Moreno Valley

I know from this picture that this mountain does not look HUGE but it is! Especially when you are carrying a baby that weights over 20 lbs and a day pack that probably weighs as much as the baby, so in total I was carrying an EXTRA 40 pounds. Let me just inform you that parts of this hike is straight up and trying to maneuver the rocky terrain with the extra pounds wasn't the easiest. Thanks Mandy for encouraging me all the way up the mountain, and all the way down the mountain. You are a lifesaver.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Oh How We LOVE The Beach

Randy & Lizzie are the bestest of friends just like their mommies. They had so much fun playing together. Maybe they will even date someday?
Ashley, Randy, and Lizzie at the beach
Ashlyn & Paker flying kites
Randy and Lizzie having fun
WOW!!! Look at me!
Wendy and Lizzie enjoying the sun

Kris and Ashlyn enjoying the water
Lizzie's 1st sand experience
Randy playing in the sand
Lizzie trying to figure out why this "spoon" is so BIG!

Jaren enjoying the sand and his chips

We had a great time in Oceanside! The weather was beautiful and there was a nice breeze. We couldn't ask for anything more. Lizzie and I were so excited that Ashley and Randy came to play too. That was the 1st time Lizzie meet both of them. After the beach Lizzie and I had a girls night with the kids. We went to IKEA and In-N-Out. It was like we were back in high school, but with kids. Thanks for the great time Ashley we should do it again sometime soon.

I LOVE My Daddy!!

Lizzie LOVES to spend time with Daddy. Everyday when David gets home from work she can't wait to see him. The other day when David came home from work he peeked over the couch and said hi to Lizzie and proceeded to the kitchen to give me a kiss. Lizzie FLIPPED OUT! She wanted her daddy to pick her up and give her kisses and start her Daddy time... Well since that incident David comes home picks her up, proceeds to the kitchen to kiss me, and off they go to start daddy-daughter time... it's the best time of the day!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Lincoln and Teagan helping Lizzie eat... Aren't they the cutest?
They are the GREATEST helpers

Rylan, Wendy, and Lizzie enjoying time together

We are so excited to have Darren ,Wendy, Teagan, and Rylan visiting. They are so much fun! I just wish they lived closer so we could play everyday. Plus, that mean Jello everyday of the week. That would be HEAVEN! It will be sad when they have to go, but that means we just have to go to Texas and enjoy some yummy BBQ with them.

(P.s. Thanks Marla for the pictures! You're the best!)

FHE with The Parkers

Ashlyn is ALWAYS ready for her picture to be taken! She is so cute!
Rylan enjoying spending time with his cousins
OMA in her super great apron we made for her! (CLICK ON THE PICTURE!)-check out all the bears :)
Teagan splashing away in the pool
Jaren enjoying the sun
Time to BBQ... WOW! We even get a police officer to cook for us.
Jaren helping Oma garden
The family getting together for another FUN filled FHE!
We had a great time visiting with the Parker's from Texas and the OC. Please come back and visit soon!