Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday with the girls

Oh how I LOVE matching dresses! Thanks Jean for the cute dress Krislynn has on. It used to be Lizzie's, and thanks Andrea for Lizzie's dress!

We go visit Dadddy for lunch

We decide one day to go surprise David at work and take him to lunch. We ended up at the Spaghetti Factory and had a great time. Lizzie loves to go there and see the trolley "Train" Hooray for dates with Daddy!

Lizzie's new thing

Whenever Lizzie can't figure something out or she just doesn't want to try....she says," Mom I'm too busy!" I guess I say that way too much!
Oh Busy Lizzie!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Homemade Playdough... lots of fun!!!

We love playdough! So today we decided to make some homemade playdough
Here is the recipe:
Ingredients: • 1 1/4 cup flour • 1/4 cup salt • 1 pkg unsweetened Kool-aid (just the dry koolaid, don't mix it into juice) • 1 cup boiling water • 1 1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil
Directions: 1. In a bowl, mix flour, salt and kool-aid. 2. Stir in water and oil 3. Knead with hands for about 5 minutes. 4. Store in ziploc bag for up to 2 months. 5. Use like playdough. 6. Smells wonderful and takes on the color of the koolaid.
Hours of fun!!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Eating Machine!!!!

to EAT!!!!!

Mohawks and Giggles!

The other day at Oma and Papa's house we got a little bored, and wanted all the girls to have mohawks. I know.... but aren't they the cutest mohawks you have ever seen? Lizzie hasn't been in the mood to pose lately, but she has a killer mohawk.

I just need one!

My SUPER CUTE girls!

Oh how I love this little girl.
These girls just bring a smile to my face. I love that they are so close in age and of course will be the bestest of friends. Thanks Marla for giving Krislynn the coolest best friend a girl could ever ask for. I love Camille in this picture... her mohawk is sick!

Thanks girls for all the giggles and being such good sports! We love you!

Enrichment Night-Rebekah

For our Enrichment in March a couple ladies in our ward were asked to portray different women from the Bible, and I was Rebekah. Don't you just love my outfit... I didn't have to pay a penny for it thanks to the young women in our ward. It was an amazing night where our hearts could be touched while helping us become better sisters of Zion.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Disneyland with The Dosey's

Sierra, Minnie, Lizzie, and me

Lizzie exploring
Gigi, Krislynn, Justin, Lizzie, and Sierra
so fun!!!

Gigi and Sierra
We got to celebrate one more time before our pass expired to Disneyland, and we had a great time! The weather was perfect, the crowds weren't too bad, and Lizzie and Krislynn FINALLY got to ride Dumbo the Flying Elephant. What more could you ask for right? We are sad that our pass expired, but at least we had a great year at Disneyland. Thanks Mickey!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday BFF Andrea

Andrea happy birthday!!! Hope your 30th birthday brings smiles, laughs, and ohhh sooo gooood times!

The Wild Animal Park

Lizzie on the Hippo

Lizzie and her boyfriend Brody

Lizzie and Emma as worms
Emma, Regan, Lizzie, Deagan, and the lion

The girls enjoying the baby elephants

The petting zoo with Parker

Petting the goat
Learning Adventures went on a field trip to The Wild Animal Park and had a great time. Lizzie and Krislynn loved all the animals while they explored with all their friends. Lizzie loved the lion and wanted to pet it, but I think we will save that adventure for another day. Krislynn loved the baby elephant.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

We had a fantastic Easter. We got to watch General Conference from the comforts of our home, and then go over to Oma and Papa's to meet some of David's cousins that came down from Utah. Lizzie and Krislynn had a great time meeting more of their cousins while playing outside and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Well my great friend Amy and her beautiful girls (minus her husband Jason) came to visit us, and oh did we have a great time! 5 girls under the age of 5 under one roof couldn't equal more fun. David needed some man time due to the 7 girls in his house, and he thought only 3 was bad. :) This is how lame I am and I only got one picture, but at least it is of us! We went to the library for story time and a craft, then to McDonald's for lunch and energy release, then David whom I love so much watched all the girls and Amy and I got to go out for a Girl's Night HOORAY!!! Amy took some family pictures of us, and then they were back on the road again. A short visit, but so much much!!!
Thanks again Amy for such a fun and eventful visit!