Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

The Parkers want to wish you a spooky Halloween!!!
Love: David, Katrina, Lizzie, Krislynn, and Madison

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lizzie's Pumpkin Shirt

So after multiple jack o lantern faces this is the one Lizzie FINALLY picked! Hooray for fun holidays to make fun crafts!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Krislynn's pumpkin shirt

"Look at me!"

Krislynn's pumpkin silly face

I did it!!! Krislynn LOVES it, and now I'm one to making one for Lizzie. She said she wants a cat, but then she changes her mind every 3 seconds... The joys of being a 3 year old.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The girls

Oneies for Devyn's Baby Shower

My great friend Devyn is having her third baby in November, and she isn't finding out what she is having. This caused me some stress of deciding what to make her since I didn't know if it is going to be a girl or boy. I called multiple friends, and they gave me their take on what I should buy her, but nothing stood out to me, until late Thursday night I found this AMAZING Etsy shop with super cute unisex oneies. I LOVE the Hungry little caterpillar, and an owl to go with her owl theme. She loved them, and now I'm on to making the girls some jack o lantern shirts. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Classical Lizzie

Lizzie has said some super funny stuff lately that I want to remember:

Saturday Conference Morning: David went over to our friend's house to pick up some baby items. Conference had just started...
(L) "Where is Daddy"
(K) "He went to go pick up something for Madison"
(L) "He went to Heaven to get Madison?"

Yesterday in Church during sharing time they were taking about Conference, and showed a picture of Pres. Erying
(Primary worker)"Can anyone tell me who this picture is of?"
(L) yells out "Georgie Porgie!"
(Primary worker) "Good guess, but he is not Georgie Porgie!"

I guess we have been reading our nursery rhymes book too much lately!

Here is the rhyme:
Georgie Porgie pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry
When the boys came out to play,
Georgie Porgie ran away.