Friday, June 15, 2012

8 eyes

The bestest of friends

David's Work Party

 Lizzie's Butterfly facepainting

 Krislynn our little princess
 our Maddie cakes
 Lizzie upset that she got hit by a water balloon, and it messed up her butterfly face.

We had a great time at the picnic this year. The girls enjoyed all the festivities, and we even won five prizes this year. Hooray to a great family day!

The B is for Butterfly

This week in Preschool we talked about the Letter B and Butterflies. We made tons of different butterflies. The life cycle of the butterfly is my favorite. We made it out of different types of noodles. Now onto Caterpillars :)

Going Buggy

 Bug's Name: Allie
Where it Lives: In the trees
Favorite Food: Flowers and Worms
Special Powers or Abilities: Allie has super red powers where she is able to shoot out bows. She also goes into a box, and then turns into a butterfly.

 Bug's Name: Superlegish
Lives: Underground
Favorite Food: leaves, hungry caterpillars, and lots of water
Special powers or abilities: Superlegish stings the ground with his stinger to plant flower seeds in the ground to help them grow. He changes into a Raccoon Mean Butterfly

 Aspen and Krislynn making their bugs
 Cheyann and Lizzie designing their bugs
The bugs cooking in the oven

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lizzie's Drawing of Daddy

I just love Lizzie's drawing. We have about a million drawing go through this house daily, but I just love this picture. Lizzie told me this is a picture of Daddy when he used to have hair :) I  just love my girl!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kids do the darnest things

I had just gotten out of the shower with the girls making sure their hair and bodies were clean. I was in the process of getting dressed and helping Madison get out of a mess she was in when I hear screaming children. I ran towards the screaming and who can it be, but Lizzie and Krislynn screaming a death curdling scream. Can you guess what they decided to play with in the shower? They decided to put shaving cream over their entire bodies and faces included. The shaving cream got in their eyes, and they were freaking out since it was burning. Oh the joys of being a mother!

Madison is Crawling

I can't believe she is crawling. I'm trying to enjoy each moment of each day with her, but she is just greowing up way too fast.

Preschool Pictures

Since we started school we needed to take pictures. I think they turned out pretty cute. I'm excited to see how  they develop their writing skills, and all the fun we are going to have.

Preschool Started

So I finally did it. I started my own Preschool and the kids are having a ton of fun. We started with a Bug Unit and the letter A. We talked about ants, we read books about ants, we made fingerprint ants, we made egg carton ants, we sang songs about ants, we counted ants. Now onto the Letter B and Butterflies :)


This is what Insanity plus Cub Scouts does to Katrina!!!!

Bath Time

The girls just love their baby sister Madison. They thought that Madison would like to play Hide and Go Seek. So they covered themselves with Daddy's towel and would all hide under the towel and then pop out! 

Oh girls!!!

I guess Lizzie had a bad dream so she decided to snuggle Krislynn in her bed. Oh I just love moments like this!

The Jurassic Classic

One day we were heading into Lizzie soccer game, and I saw a drawing for a free entry to the Jurassic Classic so I entered David by placing his business card in the bucket. A couple days before the race David called and and told me we had won, and that I would be running the race since I entered his business card. I convinced him to run it with me, and we had a great time in the mud together. I love spending time with my Davie :)

Free Samples

My girls love to go visit their Dad at work. Since he works in the construction business there are always a lot of great things to see at Whitehead. The other day we walked in the cabinet department and there are a zillion different kinds of samples on the wall. Of course the girls love free stuff so they helped themselves to some samples. Then the girls continued their adventure in each department and collected a variety of samples. Lizzie's favorite sample was a piece of glass, but as she was getting in the car it fell and chipped. She was so sad that her dad had to bring her a new sample from work the next day.

Soccer Season has come to an end

The Lions had a great season. Lizzie won an award for best goalie. She loved being the goalie and did her best at not letting the ball pass her in the goal. This is Abram Lizzie's great friend from soccer. We just love his family. Abram has the hugest crush on Lizzie and always gets so shy around her. 
What great little friends :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Our Farm Unit

We started a farm unit today working: on animal sounds and colors, writing our letters and reciting their sounds, and then working on a collage of animal placing them from smallest to largest. We also talked about where milk came from and we are going to make a graph of what milk is preferred: strawberry, white, or chocolate.
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stART Project

I found this book as I was looking through the girls bookcase, and thought I would do a stART project with it. This is such a cute book about a cow that only knows how to oink, and a pig that only knows how to Moo. We starting working on a farm unit, and this stART project worked perfectly.
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Friday, February 17, 2012

The yummiest soup

Okay I found this recipe through my Google reader, and let me tell you it is AMAZING!!! You totally need to make it. It is called Lasagna Soup.

Lasagna Soup
(print recipe)

for the soup:
2 tsp. olive oil
1-1/2 lbs. Italian sausage
3 c. chopped onions
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
2 T. tomato paste
1 28-oz. can fire roasted diced tomatoes
2 bay leaves
6 c. chicken stock
8 oz. mafalda or fusilli pasta
1/2 c. finely chopped fresh basil leaves
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

for the cheesy yum:
8 oz. ricotta
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp. salt
pinch of freshly ground pepper

2 c. shredded mozzarella cheese

Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add sausage, breaking up into bite sized pieces, and brown for about 5 minutes. Add onions and cook until softened, about 6 minutes. Add garlic, oregano, and red pepper flakes. Cook for 1 minute. Add tomato paste and stir well to incorporate. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the tomato paste turns a rusty brown color.

Add diced tomatoes, bay leaves, and chicken stock. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add uncooked pasta and cook until al dente. Do not over cook or let soup simmer for a long period of time at this point, as the pasta will get mushy and absorb all the soup broth. You may even want to consider cooking the noodles separately, and then adding some to individual bowls before ladling the soup over them. This would be an especially smart move if you are anticipating any leftovers. Right before serving, stir in the basil and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

While the pasta is cooking, prepare the cheesy yum. In a small bowl, combine the ricotta, Parmesan, salt, and pepper.

To serve, place a dollop of the cheesy yum in each soup bowl, sprinkle some of the mozzarella on top and ladle the hot soup over the cheese.

Servings: 8


Well I have been MIA since October 31st... and hopefully since I'm writing that means I'm back for good. Sorry to all my followers I promise to do better :)

Well let's start off with my goals from last year: They are still hanging on my bathroom mirror, and David crossed off 2011 and wrote 2012 since I didn't complete many of them. I like to view this as a reflection... meaning I need to get on the ball more and work a little harder this year. I did complete my LARGEST goal which was to get pregnant again, and still work out. Madison Kaye was born on October 25th. She was my smallest baby weighting in at 7 lbs 3 oz, but she is the happiest baby I know. She loves to smile and coo and try to talk. I also met my weight goal for the year as well. So all in all I didn't get much accomplished, but the things I did I'm really proud of.

So here is another year and what do I have in store... A LOT!!!!
  1. Work out everyday 2-4 hours and rest on Sundays
  2. Run Ragnar (April 20-21st) Team: Are we there yet?
  3. Maybe do a full Marathon.. this is still in the works.. if so I would love to do St. George, Utah
  4. Work on my upper body strength, and finally be able to do a pull up
  5. A will/living trust
  6. Get down to my goal weight of last year 142 pounds
  7. Attend the Temple Regularly (this goal hopefully will start this month)

So there you go... my goals! Hopefully this year I will accomplish all of them, if not I guess I will roll them to 2013 :)

I also received a new calling in the church. I have been the extra meetings coordinator for Relief Society, but now I am in Cub Scouts as the Bear Leader. I'm really excited about this calling. It allows me to use my teaching ability, and mix in some fun with the boys. I grew up as an only child with my grandparents, and knew nothing about the scouting program, but with David's help and knowledge I'm learning a lot, and my boys are working hard.