terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2014


Momentos são eventos que fazem o meu amor por meus filhos crescer mais e mais. Momentos em que vejo um sorriso. Momentos em que eles querem morder a minha bochecha. Momentos que o Thomas abraça o seu Elmo para dormir. Momentos em que o Lawrence me dá um abraço. Momentos em que eu sento no chão e dois bebês vem correndo para a minha direção.

Alguns pais são privados desses momentos, e meu coração dói por eles. Hoje lí sobre um casal que perdeu sua filha antes mesmo dela nascer, ela estava quase full-term (aqui). Na página da fotógrafa no facebook ela dá mais detalhes do que aconteceu. Meu coração partiu em mil e um pedaços e eu, que ultimamente estou mais chorona que o normal, desaguei por essa mamãe. Meu coração doeu por ela.

Isso me fez pensar nos meus filhos. Nos momentos que as vezes passam despercebidos. Ou no que fica depois dos momentos e como o depois existe porque meus filhos existem. E cada momento é importante ser vivido, mesmo quando ele é constuído de berros e choro. Momentos passam mas, para alguns, eles nunca nem chegarão.

Aqui estão algumas imagens que procederam momentos com os meus pequenos.

Hoje fui lembrada que eu tenho que contar minhas lucky stars que eu tenho os meus filhos, que eles estão sadios, vivos e felizes. Tenho que aproveitar cada segundo, mesmo se os segundos forem que nem hoje, cheios de choro e dor de dente nascendo.

Eu tenho dois peixinhos. Eles amam água!

 Quando eles comem toda a comida que eu faço pra eles, eu fico no céu

Eles são serelepes, então eles amam o pula-pula e eu amo os giggles e risadas enquanto eles pulam

terça-feira, 22 de julho de 2014

What Will I Choose? [Updated]

Because this is something that is going on in the country I live in, I will write this in English.

To make it clear, before I start, the purpose of this post is to share my feelings and thoughts as I sat on the fence on this very topic, Ordain Women. Honestly, I was way against it, and then I got on the fence. And then at that point, I really needed to decide where I was going to stand. So, I thought a lot about it and I want to share the thoughts I had and how I chose where I now stand on this subject.

Well, I guess I need to start from the beginning. I didn't know much about it, I just knew that it was someone that thought that women should have the Priesthood. To me, that was absurd and I didn't even want to have anything to do with it. Then I read a blog post by c.jane where she wrote a letter to her daughters explaining how she got involved and how she felt. It was very heartfelt and I appreciate her thoughts.  She made me understand where the Ordain Women and its followers were coming from. But it only felt informational, if anything. Later, her sister, Stephanie Nielsen, wrote a post about Mormon Women and where she stood regarding this topic. Then my heart stirred - I felt the Spirit. So I thought, ok, I guess I'm good...

So, how did I get on the fence? When I found out that a really good friend of mine supports it - or at least seems to. She's a good friend and I look up to her, a lot! She has motivated me to be a better person. Because of that, I had this horrible feeling inside me and the thought "what if I am on the wrong side of the fence?" "What if I am supposed to be praying for this too?" "If she does indeed supports it, should I support it, too?" - side note, I don't know if she really supports it but it seemed to.

But, at the same time, I couldn't grasp why I needed to support something if the person that led it was excommunicated and had all of her eternal blessings taken away from her because of it. In a logical sense, it didn't make ANY sense... If A=B, B=C, then A has to equal C, right?! Well, based on her followers, that's not the case, the movement is going forward.  Then I thought, perhaps it's not the belief that got her in trouble, it's how she went about because of it. Well, I needed to research.

I talked to another friend and she told me that her excommunication letter is available online and it explains why she was excommunicated and what she needs to do in order to be able to re-join the Church. So I found it and read it.

Then I thought about it all morning long. These are the thoughts that played and played in my mind the whole time.

1. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You find this line in the scriptures ALL THE TIME. On my mission, that's the first thing we taught people in order for them to understand why we have a living Prophet today (because we've ALWAYS had one, why would God change it?). So, why is it that I never heard of women in the scriptures with the Priesthood? Why is it that women in the scriptures always had a Prophet to help them, whether it was their husband, sons, or someone else? (Sariah, Sara, Maria, Ruth, Emma, Marta, etc etc). Was it omitted from the scriptures?
2. Matthew 7:15 (16-20 is good too)
3. My dad said this many, many times while I was growing up - If your priesthood leader tells you to do something, even if you don't agree, be obedient because you will receive the blessings of obedience and, if what your leader is telling you to do is unreasonable in the eyes of the Lord, His judgement will be upon that leader. But, the Lord will still always bless you for your obedience.
4. There is a Conference Talk by Elder Groberg that I can't find, that he says that the first step to personal apostasy is to criticize and go against your leaders
5. Elder Oaks' talk about the priesthood this last conference and how many talks we had in conference about it, explaining the order and importance
6. Questions they ask you when having a Temple recommend interview regarding affiliations with different groups

Seriously, these thoughts would not leave my mind as I struggled to know which side of the fence I should be. Then that moment of peace came.

These thoughts flowed in my mind after the above thoughts were pounded on me.

It's not up to how much I ask for something that the Lord will give it to me. To be honest, all the big blessings in my life came when I wasn't asking for them (like having children). If it's not the right time, it's not the right time and I can keep on asking until my face turns blue and the Lord will not give it to me.

If this series of events was what the Lord really wanted, why would the leader of this movement be excommunicated? What are the fruits of her labor? What happened to her membership in the Church? What happened to some of the women that believed her? Are some of them not active anymore? Is the Church more united because of her?

Based on the letter from her Bishop, did she heed to their counsel? Was she humble to be obedient? Was Emma humble when the Lord told her that her husband needed to have multiple wives? Was Sariah humble when the Lord told her husband they needed to leave everything behind because the city was going to be destroyed? How does the Ordain Women's leader compare to these women? Was the founder of Ordain Women humble to leave her website and her group in order to enjoy the blessings of the gospel? What was and still is more important to her?

Why would the Lord inspire the general authorities to talk about the Priesthood and explain its order all the time?

Because of the answer to these questions I cannot support the ideals of Ordain Women. I love the gospel, the Temple, partaking the sacrament too much to jeopardize it.  If the Prophet tells me I have to have the Priesthood, I will accept it and be humble about it. But while he doesn't, I will follow him, honor him, and obey his counsels. And, under his authority my local leaders are called and sustained so I need to honor them too. If I stop living up to all of God's commandments, I cannot be protected by Him, prepared to be what He wants me to be, trusted - if I break commands I made with God how can I be trusted with promises I made to other people, or empowered with His spirit to be a strong and faithful person.

God lives and He is an active God. He leads this Church through Prophets, Apostles and other leaders. There is an extra chair where the first presidency meets, and where the Apostles meet in the Temple. I've seen it, I've been in the very room. I know their counsel and revelations come from Christ Himself. I have no doubt and never will. My love for my Father in Heaven and for His son Jesus Christ is great and I hope I will never put myself in a position that, at the last day, I'll feel how I felt that morning I was terrified that I might be on the wrong side of the fence. Yes, my leaders may one day be off, but I rather receive the blessings of obedience than of being cast out of eternal blessings.

I am updating this post and adding this video I just watched from Mormon Channel. I think it sums up well what I should be doing as a member of Christ's Church.

quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2014


Em Utah eu quase não escutava passarinhos cantarem enquanto eu estava dentro de casa. Bem, no inverno com certeza e eu acho que nem tem passarinhos por perto nessa época do ano.  Mas, as poucas vezes que eu consegui escutar foram quando o Sam e eu ficávamos até o amanhecer assistindo seriados de tv (uma vez com o Lost e outra com o Bones).

Mas também pudera, lá as janelas são completamente vedadas para não escapar ar quente no inverno e ar frio no verão. Porque lá o inverno e o verão são bem distintos e bem extremos.

Aqui em Houston, as janelas são que nem no Brasil. Procurei casas com janelas igual de UT e são raras... Mas eu não reclamo. Eu vou dormir com o som dos grilos e acordo com o cantar dos pássaros. Como eu amo o som da natureza. Eu sinto tanta paz quando escuto e me lembra da minha infância também.

quarta-feira, 9 de julho de 2014

Crises Mentais - Que Dramático!

Depois que virei full-time mom, é gugu gagá o dia inteiro.  Antes disso era "Hi, This is Patricia from ____. I am conducting your company's audit and I need to ask you a few of questions regarding your environment..." "The numbers show that your company owes ____ $x million dollars. We will give you a deadline and when it's past, our lawyers will contact you"

Bem diferente né? As vezes eu penso, se eu voltasse a trabalhar, será que iria saber ser normal e falar tudo isso sem gaguejar?  Ante-ontem eu fui no supermercado comprar frutas pros meninos. De repente me deu um aperto no peito e parecia que eu ia ter um ataque de pânico.  Parecia que todo mundo ficou scary. Mas, ainda bem que estudei psicologia então consegui levar meus pensamentos pra um lugar um pouco mais sano.

Se eu não me conhecesse, eu ia achar que estou ficando doida.

Quando chegamos aqui em Houston, conhecemos a dona da casa que alugamos. Ela falou que depois que os gêmeos delas nasceram ela parou de trabalhar. Daí ela falou brincando "o nosso vocabulário começa a diminuir." Eu rí mas nossa, como concordo com ela. As vezes me pego esquecendo palavras tanto em português como em inglês.

Mas, não dá para reclamar. Amo meus bebês e eu não voltaria a trabalhar se não precisar.  Mesmo que eu comece a ter social phobia ou comece a ficar ainda mais anti-social do que já era.  Amo meus meninos e quando eles me abraçam, lambem minha bochecha e abrem aquele sorriso, eu dou graças que eu não preciso ficar longe deles cobrando dinheiro de cliente que vai pro bolso de todo mundo menos o meu... hehehe...

segunda-feira, 7 de julho de 2014

Biscoito de Goiaba

Aqui está uma receita que ví em um post de festa no Facebook. Parece super fácil de fazer e gostoso. Acho que daria para substituir a goiabada por doce de leite (eu não sou muito fã de goiabada).

250 gr de manteiga ( usei qually), 1 xícara ( chá) de açúcar, 1 ovo , 2 xícaras (chá) de maizena ,2 1/2 xícaras ( chá) de farinha de trigo e goiabada

Misture todos os ingredientes deixe descansar na geladeira por 30 minutos, faça bolinhas pequenas pois elas crescem .Leve para assar em forno pré aquecido por 15 min ou até dourar em baixo.Depois é só rechear e passar no açúcar de confeiteiro
OBS: Amasse a goiabada com um garfo até ficar molinha

quinta-feira, 3 de julho de 2014

Coisas Simples e Home

Esse verão tem sido uma aventura, to say the least.  Tem horas que eu amo, tem horas que eu odeio.  

Eu nunca pensei que o primeiro ano de vida dos meus bebês seria em 4 casas e estados diferentes.  

As partes que eu amo realmente compensam pelas partes que eu odeio.  Bem, só tem duas coisas que eu odeio disso tudo: 1. Viagem no carro 2. As viagens deixam meus bebês super fussy.

As partes que amo:
- Conhecer um lugar novo como moradora, e não visitante
- Conhecer pessoas novas
- Conhecer lugares novos
- Poder explore com o Sam e os meninos nos sábados
- Poder ganhar uma nova perspectiva

Eu amo estar em Houston. No que chegamos no bairro onde moramos eu me apaixonei! 

O clima, as árvores, os pássaros cantando lá fora, tudo me lembra da minha infância.  Até cigarra tem aqui.  

Até o certo ghettoness do Brasil aqui tem. Postes por todo lado, mato nascendo nos vãos da calçada, as paredes manchadas pelo tempo e humidade. Lagartixas.

Em momentos assim que eu noto como minha memória é fraca e como eu esqueci das coisas da minha infância, e outra é de como eu tenho saudades do Brasil.

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

Música Faz Bem Para a Alma

Eu amo música. Amo cantar, apesar de que minha voz é horrível e sou desafinada. Amo cantar até Galinha Pintadinha, principalmente porque meus bebês amam! Cada fase da minha vida tem uma música que quando escuto, me leva direto de volta para ela.

Desde que viemos para Colorado, eu quase não escuto música. Eu escuto mais no carro com os bebês. Escutamos um CD que ganhei no Book Club que é instrumental de piano. Eu AMO!

Eu trouxe as caixinhas de som mas ficam no meu quarto porque o laptop fica na escrivaninha no quarto.  Eu esqueci como é bom escutar música mas hoje eu lembrei quando a música "I Pretend" da Priscilla Ahn começou a tocar. Me fez viajar na mente (quase na maionese! hehehe)

Antes de virmos, eu sempre colocava músicas da Marisa Monte enquantos os bebês brincavam na sala.  E sempre que eu acordava eles eu começava a cantar "Deixa eu dizer que te amo..."

Quando eu era jovem, eu queria ter uma banda! hahahaha... Imagina o desastre!!!

E para terminar, aqui vai a música que eu DELIRAVA quando começava a tocar no rádio quando eu tinha uns 14 anos. Como a banda está velha! Mas eles ainda sabem rock it!

quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2014

Brasil - World Cup 2014!

I was born in Brazil. I watched all World cups with my family.  I even prayed that Brazil would win the 1994 World cup! I rooted, I got my hands sweaty during penalty kicks, and I screamed when we won! Romario, Dunga, Bebeto, Ronaldinho! Ah, my heroes.

Now, world cup 2014, here I am, sitting in the couch with the tv on waiting for the second time.  I watched the opening ceremonies and all I wanted to do was cry.  Weird though, I wasn't crying because I missed my country or because I was so happy the World cup is in my country. I cried because they showed all the diversity and richness of my country and yet, all I had in my mind was the poverty, corruption, and how all that richness and beauty could be even richer and even more beautiful.  I have never felt such deep sadness for my country as I did today while watching the opening ceremony.

I watched this clip posted on Facebook and it made me so sad... In a nutshell, other countries have spent 10-15bi on getting ready for the cup and Fifa has paid all taxes.  Brazil has spent 30bi and has allowed FIFA to not pay taxes. Ask any Brazilian why the difference, they will all say that it went to someone's pocket.

Brazil is a wonderful country. Believe it or not, even after all this, Brazilians are just generally happy.  They may be in the worst situation but given the opportunity, they will serve those in need.  How many times was I in a public bus with a heavy backpack going home from school and someone sitting offered to hold it for me until I got off?  Or how many times a stranger opened the door for me or allowed me to go in first? Banks, grocery stores and anywhere that offers service to the public have priority line for the elderly (it's part of our constitution to look after the elderly), pregnant women, and people with children. And if a line is not present and these three kinds of people show up, they will let them go first, even if they will be in line another 30mins.

Don't get me wrong, I am excited for this world cup, but I am conflicted. The sport is a wonderful thing. It brings nations, people, and families together. But what it has represented for my people while they were getting ready, makes me feel conflicted inside.

I wish Brazilians were patriotic all year round - and that includes Brazilians in government.  I wish they wore the flag on independence day like they wear it during a world cup game. I wish good people would have the hope to drive them to run for office in government.

Brasil, the green and yellow country. Full of happy people and richness. I love my country and I will never lose hope that someday it will be a wonderful place.