Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mulan's Haircut

I attempted to trim a little off of Daradie's hair tonight. As I was almost done, we had a slight turn of the head and...well, we had to go shorter than expected. I ended up cutting her hair to her shoulders (which is about 4 inches off). I mentioned to Daradie that her hair is a little shorter than what she wanted but it looks really sassy and sophisticated. She looks in the mirror and runs upstairs. Yells to Dan, "Mom cut my hair with a sword! It looks just like Mulan's!" **if you're not savvy on the Disney show, Mulan cuts her hair with her father's sword to disguise herself as a male so she can fight for the army in disguise.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Me, the Kids, Doctors and Christmas

So, like always, Christmas plans are arriving and once again, I'm in the doctor's office with my children. Koen had asthma attacks that would not stop--he'd cough for over an hour straight. Daradie, her coughs are like barks and they go on for days. Who would've known that I was only suppose to give my children their inhalers once/twice a week instead of every 4 hours every day for weeks? I just randomly took them in just wanting to have a prescription for something stronger and hours later, I'm sent home with a case of liquid steriods to give to Koen twice a day and told to be home within 2 hours to get their nebulizer (something similar to an oxygen tank but not nearly as high-tech and scary). Until things are looking better, they are on "breathing treatments" three times a day for the next few weeks. I've tried to make this fun and bought them new PJ's (Koen's is superman with an attached cape, it's quite funny to see him fly to bed) and a ton of Dora shows--that's the only movie they can both agree on and the only time they are "rewarded" to watch it. No worries, we are not contagious, just pumped up on steriods!

Plus, some of you may be wondering where your Christmas cards are...well, I was told that I was going to have the house painted yesterday and it would take the next three-four days. Like a good wife, I took down decorations and pictures, etc. Later to be told that Dan ended up having enough work scheduled at the last minute and they won't be coming after all. Somewhat relieved and bit disappointed, I started getting things back up for the holidays (only because we're having a few festivities here or else I would've just left all the decorations in the box--except the tree, we still need to make the kiddos happy). Those cards...well, they ended up somewhere and I don't remember where exactly. Besides, due to delayed holiday mailing, you'd get them all after the holidays anyway. Those of you that were lucky enough to get mailed out in the pre-painting era--consider yourselves blessed. The rest of you, have an awesome time wrapping and unwrapping all those presents.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Heaven's Watching Over Me

So during Daradie's prayers she asked Heavenly Father and Jesus to help me get the laundry done. But the bizarre thing is, I hadn't even started to do it....ummm. Can a 4 year old possibly sense the need of a chore to be completed?