Friday, May 28, 2010
Massive Embarrassing Moment #48
Good windows, make good neighbors.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Ohhhh, the Joys of a Mom
Been struggling with keeping the house clean and orderly. I showed the kids my temple recommend and told them that there are rules I have to follow to go to the temple. Asked them what they could be. Dan then showed them pictures of Celestial rooms and how clean they were (Daradie loves the SLC and Koen prefers the St. Louis Celestial room). The two kids commented how pretty they were and one said that those rooms made them feel good. We then talked about how Heavenly Father wants our house to be like the temple so we can feel good inside. We need to follow the rules at home to keep things orderly here. It's worked pretty good so far. I accidentally heard one of them say that they want their room to be like heaven. Cute.
Daradie: Mom, I need to talk to President Monson right now.
Me: Why?
Daradie: I'm just a kid and I've got something important to say.
Me: What do you have in mind?
Daradie: I know he talks to Heavenly Father a lot and I'm just a kid that doesn't say very good prayers right now and want Heavenly Father to listen to me.
Me: So, you think Heavenly Father only listens to the prophet?
Daradie: No, but he just has more practice and he is the prophet.
The Adventures at the D.I.
Okay, back to the adventures at the DI. The family headed over to see if we can find some motorcycle, bike, skateboard paraphernalia for Koen's room. (We did find an old front bumper from a car that I thought would be outrageously awesome to hang on the wall but we couldn't figure out how to do it since it stuck so far out and they wouldn't budge on their price.) It was about 10:00 in the morning on a Saturday. There she was. You know those moms that bark at their kids and constantly nag at them to sit down, stop touching, blah blah blah blah. Crazy mom says to two children sitting in cart, "We need to hurry. You need to take a nap so I can get ready to go to Walmart." Really? I'm not quite sure why I stared at her, but seriously? Rushing home to get ready to shop at Walmart? Aren't the clientele pretty much the same at both stores? I understand getting ready for a doctor's appointment or an appointment with your loan officer for a car, but Walmart? People are funny.
PS: Mom, hope you don't mind by I also "discovered" a very rusty water pump behind the fence by the you mind if I borrow it for several long years in front of my house next to my Bird's nest spruce bushes?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Ohhhh, the Joys of a Mom
Daradie: I need to tell you something.
Me: Ummm, okay (I'm not really one that enjoys a whisper--too close, hot breath, heavy breathing.....).
Daradie: Don't tell Dad, but you're my favorite.
Me: Really?!? But, why?
Daradie: Girls have to stick together.
Whisperings of sweet somethings.
These are just some old jokes that stem from my dad's comical background and I try to use the material on my children, but they're just not ready for them but I laugh.
1. While driving past the cemetery....
Koen: Look! The cemetery!
Daradie: Why is there a gate around the cemetery?
Me: To keep the dead people inside.
Koen: Why?
Daradie: Why do the dead people have to stay inside?
Me: Well, we can't have them walking around scaring people out of their skins! (Thanks to dear sweet cousin Kirk, the actual punch line is that other people are dying to get in. But hey, a true comedian can go with the flow, right?)
2. While watching a television show:
Dan: Look at that guy swimming.
Daradie: He doesn't have any arms.
Dan: Nope and he's swimming for 2 miles.
Koen: Why doesn't he have arms?
Dan: Wow! (now the race is finished) He doesn't have any legs either.
Koen: How did he swim without his legs and arms?
Daradie: Who's that talking? The swimmer guy? What's his name?
Me: Bob.
(Go ahead and laugh. I only got the rolling of the eyes from Dan.)
Legally Blonde and Blonde
Dancing from my Little Star
Dancing with my lil' Star
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Ohhh, the Joys of a Mom
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day to Me
The gift of time. A very expensive present. That's what I always want from Dan. Nothing says "I love you" more than a few hours of crossing off the to-do list. Dan wishes I asked for easy things like a spa certificate.
First steps of making our garden. The requested vegetables are potatoes, corn, cucumbers, beets, peas, carrots, tomatoes (3 different varieties), strawberries, raspberries and pumpkins.
The previous owners of the home made a doghouse out of hay bales. One neighbor was excited to see the dog and his home go, he lit the hay bales on fire. We now had a partially burnt, moldy mess to clean up. We thought about having our garden there since it had no grass. Too bad the tree gave it too much shade. But it makes a perfect spot for a sandbox.
And there you have it. The perfect Mother's day gift. This will be much funner that sitting on a plastic covered table getting my back or feet rubbed by a stranger and telling me to relax.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Ohhh, the Joys of a Mom
Daradie: I love mom because she's funny.
Koen: She's not funny. She's pretty.
(Can't help but feel good inside.)
Daradie: No, she's not pretty, she's funny. Her laugh is funny.
Koen: Yea, when she laughs she sounds funny.
(Can't help but feel like there is hope, Julia Roberts has a distinct laugh and look where she's at now.)
Dan has had to start wearing his glasses again (laser surgery lasts only so long). Daradie wants glasses so bad! During breakfast this morning:
Daradie: I want to wear glasses!
Koen: Me too!
Daradie: I want to wear glasses and wear bracelets (braces) on my teeth.
Koen: Me too!
(Let's just see where that comment will take her in 6-7 years.)