Thursday, December 16, 2010

Silhouette's For Christmas

I finished the last of the Silhouettes that needed to be completed for Christmas. Here are the ones I did of my nephew Sammy and my Niece Abby.


And here are the ones I did for a Christmas order.

Big Sister

Twin 1
Twin 2
They turned out pretty well and they will be there in plenty of time for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pretty Wreath's

I found a couple of really cute and clever ideas for Christmas wreaths over at My Blessed Life.

Myra at My Blessed Life made both of these wreaths and has shared the tutorials with us.
Isn't this Peppermint Wreath the cutest thing!

Click here for the tutorial.

This one is a Pine Cone & Book Page Wreath, very pretty.

Click here for the tutorial.

Check out My Blessed Life for more great tutorial's.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Louie and Otis

Sounds like the names of a couple of serial killers doesn't it?

No just my next door neighbors dogs.  They have adopted us and now expect a treat every time they see us. I not only have to come up with a treat when we go outside but now they beg for one everytime I pull up in the car...I now have a large bag of treats in my car.

This is Louie...he sits and looks innocent until he gets his treat. 

This is Otis he isn't so innocent he usually jumps and yelps until he gets his ..he refuses to sit for his treat but won't shut up until he gets it. 

We've created a couple of monsters here...what was I thinking when I promised them that first treat!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just a silly picture.

Here is a picture of our silly Isabel in the tub.  She is such a clown.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Busy December

It has been a busy December of rehearsals for my daughter Cherie. 

Here she is with her sister Amanda after her performance in A Christmas Carol last week.

No time to rest after her play because she had a big Christmas program on Thursday night and a recital on Friday night.

Congratulations Cherie you did awesome in all of your performances.  All those late nights of rehearsal really paid off. 


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