Tuesday, 1 February 2011

* 29 *

Jeez I can't believe it's February already can you - scary but good at the same time.

So the end of January means that my giveaway ended last night. I added up all the comments from the first one on the first of January to the last one on the tenth of January and there were 103 in total.
Went to the good old number generator and it picked out number 47 .......... that was Lyn from Everyday Life.

So congratulations Lyn, if you'd like to drop me a line and we can have a chat about what you would like..

Monday, 31 January 2011

* 28 *

Well here we are at the last day of the month already, time to show you my photos for the January Scavenger Hunt.

An Abandoned Building - this is the practice tower at the old fire station in town.

A Stained Glass Window - the main window in Sunderland Minster, gorgeous colours.

A Goldfish - I was in two minds whether or not to use this as the reflective surface entry as there is actually only one fish here .

Yarn - I have to say I didn't have too much trouble with this one !

Playground Equipment - I did show you some of my other choices but this was the one I settled with ( Hub chose it )

Library - These windows are in the childrens part of our library and are 100 years old.

A Tombstone Over 100 Years Old - I was lucky enough to have quite a few to choose from in this category but went with this one as I liked the ' lost at sea ' .

My Front Door - no explanation needed here I think.

A Reflective Surface - this was also one of the choices for playground equipment.

Now I better give you a warning about the next two and my apologies in advance if I cause any offence or if you have a delicate stomach. The first photo was actually taken last Summer whilst we were in our Town library 'childrens ' art room. At the time I had no idea this was there and Hub only noticed it last week when he was looking back through the boys photos. The second ' nature' is something that me and Gabe found on our beach walk last week .

Something Out Of Place .

Nature .

Bubbles .

I really enjoyed doing this and am looking forward to next month.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

* 27 *

You know, I was going to try and do a post a day for January but on Thursday night after I got home from Stitch 'n' Bitch I was just so tired and aching plus when I really thought about it I didn't have anything to say ........ yep, I was totally stumped for words.

Hub went back to work today after having a week off. It was lovely having him home all week , it felt like we were a proper family . Oh I hate jobs with shifts , why can't everyone have the 9 til 5 jobs like my dad used to have when I was young?

So today I did all the little jobs I'd been putting off all week. I managed to do most of my homework last night so that was one that was already ticked off the list. I also managed to get the last of my photos for the Scavenger Hunt and finally take some pics of my January Bunty for the KAL on Ravelry.

She's supposed to be a snow queen / princess.

On the subject of Buntys don't forget to enter my giveaway if you haven't already back on post number 10 . Not long until the big draw .

Now I'm going to try and catch up with replying to e-mails and blog reading.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

* 26 *

It's raining, it's pouring,
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and he bumped his head and he couldn't get up in the morning.

We love singing this little rhyme and it's been sung quite a few times today seeing as how it hasn't really stopped raining since roughly 8.45am.

But you know something, I really don't mind . Mother Nature is just giving the earth a good drink in preparation for all the green that is beginning to burst it's way skywards.

Speaking of green and things starting to grow you must pop across to this website as not only are the seeds very very reasonable but they are also giving away free seeds for schools.

I ordered these and they arrived just a couple of days later. I didn't know what was coming but I'm very impressed that they have a variety of tomato called Green Sausage !!

Guess who has been put in charge of planting all these little beauties .... looks like fun times ahead for me and all the kiddies . I was thinking of planting the seeds in used toilet rolls so they could easily be put straight into the ground or rolled up newspaper thingys . Has anyone got any other suggestions that would make easy handling for four year old fingers?

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

* 25 *

Knowing that I only have 6 days left to get the rest of my photos for the Scavenger Hunt I took Gabe off to town to see what I could get.
First stop was Sunderland Minster.

I got the ' stained glass window ' and also another option for the tombstone . There was so many to choose from.

Alice is from 1820.

This one who I think is called John is from 1802

and this last one is 1716.

I didn't choose any of these.

Oh and thanks to Anna I now know there is a Flickr group too .

Monday, 24 January 2011

* 24 *

Just a quick post today as it 8.10pm, the boys are tucked up in bed, my tea is nearly cooked and then we're going to settle down and watch Avatar with a few cheeky glasses of Rose.

Remember the other day I said I took some photos in the park and couldn't decide which one to use for the Scavenger Hunt playground shot. These are the ones I didn't choose.

I went for colour - can you tell.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

* 23 *

Today is Hubs birthday --- Happy Birthday Babes , we all love you X