ANNOTATION: Comment about the project
I am studing administration at the University of Buenos Aires
and I would like to receive more information about the project
and its results.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,
Gustavo Seijo
Author: Anonymous Date: Aug 7, 1997
How do you like to hearing about your Web site are excite
my way of looking the things. I use to see in an another way.
What about, ordinate A,B,and Z dimension of the thing in the sharing space
in a raster system, don't you think that the elements could be mapped in
such a way. That's means that any reduced piece of the material world could be
reduced to an ordinate specific cell in a system related to A,B or Z (3D).
An the attribute related to each piece of the frame are just done.
By the fact of their on nature that is autonature of the things.
The fact is that the interpreting system as we are, in fact of our's
autopoyesis, given at one time and a specific space can not have the
real dimension I guess, what you have to comment about?
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