Hi and welcome to my blog. I hope you like my new look, I needed a change from black. Here you can share my miniature endeavours, perhaps be inspired by some of my photographs taken in France and of 'real world' treasures that can be made in miniature. My love of parterre-style gardens and study of horticulture made my decision for the theme of my little shop an easy one. I just hope I can successfully interpret my ideas in 1/12th scale!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I know I haven't posted since last year, sounds ages when you say it like that. There's been lots going on and I have only been able to make the occasional comment on your blogs. The heat is getting to me this summer too, it's been over 43 degrees celsius here today, must be a record.

Welcome to all new followers of my blog, there hasn't been much new to see but I hope you will stay in touch and come by occasionally. I am trying to catch up with what you've all been doing, so inspiring, and I hope it will inspire me to get myself back into making some minis. Until then, keep up all the great work everyone!
A bientot!

Friday, December 3, 2010


I have reached 300 followers - can't believe it. I welcome all newcomers and will enjoy catching up with what your are doing. I hope you will find something of interest here from time to time and I love hearing your comments too.
A bientot!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mini Wreath etc ...

Well I had to try a mini version of the paper wreath, the first was rather gigantic, the second more in scale. The paper was not so good so it isn't perfect but I can live with it. I found these old mirrors in a Brocante, don't you just love old mirrors. What images may they have reflected, what faces might have peered into them. Well only mine so far, they are quite age-worn but I think they have some real character.
A bientot!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Diversion ...

I saw this project on Paint Me White
the other day and had to dive straight in and make one. I didn't have any old hardcover books that I could carve up so made do with some old photography mags I acquired a while back. The paper isn't as firm so not quite as neat as Sandy's but I quite like it on our big mirror. The centre bit is my own creation. Oh, and I am sporting a couple of whopper blisters from the hot-glue gun (ouch) hadn't used it for ages.

Also dived in and made this low, long stool from ice-cream sticks I bought last week. A spur of the moment idea and not much pre-planning but there will be a use for it in the Petit Parterre I am sure. I made lots of pitchers a couple of weeks ago and I have added some patina of age since I took the photo, they look a bit too new.

Oh, and just to let you know where the giveaway items are headed, the chandelier is going to Ewa, The Sunny Hours in Poland, and the bed to Patty, Mini Babies in the USA.

Welcome new followers, I am slowly catching up on everyone's blog, it is great to see what projects everyone is working on.

A bientot!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Winners Are ...

Sorry everyone for the delay in announcing the winners. A combination of computer trouble, a very sore wrist from tendonitis and a bad headache has conspired to slow the process. After my partner Brad printed out all the comments of everyone wishing to enter the competition, I cut out all the entries and drew two winners.
The first drawn from the first 200 followers chooses which prize she prefers, the second drawn from all followers receives the remaining prize. I must wait to hear the decision of the first prizewinner, who is ...
Ewa, The Old Maid.
Second drawn is ...
Patty, Mini Babies!
Congratulations to you both, I hope you are happy with your prizes. Thank you everyone who entered, it would be great to be able to give a prize to all of you. You may have better luck next time.
A bientot!