Our blogging days are over.

I am no longer going to be updating our blog. Find me on facebook if you would like to stay up to date.

Trunk or Treat

Family Pumpkin Patch

Eli's school carnival

Kaya's Preschool Fieldtrip

Visit from New York

My Aunt came to visit my from New York. We had a lot of fun. We went to the LA Zoo and she even ran a 10k.

1st day of School!

Spectacular Spiderman

Spidey is 5!

Our homemade Pinata.

Rocky Mountain High, Colorado

We had the opportunity to drive to Colorado to see my sister who lives in Florida. It was great to see them.
The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins.

Riley and Eli.
Painting Pottery.

Paul and Eden.

Eden and Kaya with their matching shirts:)

I am sitting next to Adam and Crystal is standing next to Paul. We were playing a twin joke.

I tried to take a picture after swimmng but apparently they didn't like looking into the sun.

We went to see Harry Potter and yes we are wearing matching shirts:)

An attempt at another group picture.

Hancey and Bryan cousins.

We also visitied my Grandparents in St. George.