A Mauling at the Mall...

A few weeks ago, I took the kids to the mall with my friend Mandy. Kaya had just fallen asleep in the stroller when out of nowhere a little girl ran out of a store and attacked. At first I thought she was just going to run by but then she stopped and then a split second later she was slapping Kaya on the face (Smack, Smack,Smack, and Smack!) I mean really smacking. Probably four or five times. You could hear it. One quick smack after another. Before we could react, she ran off (she was there smacking Kaya one second and gone the next.) Kaya was okay. I soothed Kaya back to sleep and she only had a little red spot on her forehead . She didn't even have time to react. She stirred and started to whimper during the attack but quickly fell back to sleep after.

Babies are resilient. I was probably more traumatized then her. It was so strange; the parents didn’t even say anything. They weren’t concerned about Kaya. They smirked at us, shrugged and then ran after the little girl. The little girl must have been four or five years old. It was clear that the little girl was out of control and possibly had some other problems.
I was in disbelief. They could have at least said a quick sorry. It happened so fast. I didn’t say anything, I just stood there in shock trying to see if Kaya was okay.

It seemed like the twilight zone… It seemed intentional and malicious. You don’t see kids hitting other kids unprovoked, let alone a baby. Usually kids hit when someone steals their toy, if someone is being mean to them or in retaliation. I’m still not sure if it even happened. Kaya’s fine but it still haunts me. I wish I had but the stroller’s sun visor up. The other day I found myself flinching when a little boy was looking a Kaya in her stroller.

Disneyland and California Adventure

Feb. 9th 2009

We had a fun time at Disney Land with our friends the Jones. Despite the rain it was was a good first experience for me and Eli. Eli really loved Casey Jones Jr. and Dumbo. Surprisingly he was really scared on the Nemo Submarine ride. Hopefully next time we go it won't be raining but the rain definitely made the park less crowded. We got on most of the rides in 10 minutes or less. Kaya stayed home with Grandma.

California Adventure
Feb. 17th 2009

Yesterday we went to California Adventure. It was a little rainy in the morning but was pretty nice the rest of the day. We had a fun time hanging out with the Beck Family. We went to the Aladdin Show and the Playhouse Disney Show. Eli had a fun time riding the Caterpillar train and King Triton's Carousel. He rode the Carousel 5 times. He thought it was fun to ride the different sea creatures. Kaya came and did really well. She was able to ride the Caterpillar train but most of her day was spent smiling at everyone as they walked by. Shes our little smiler.