Monday, December 8, 2008

No Training Wheels At Our House!

We are so proud of Dylan! He learned how to ride a two wheeler bike. Adam and my brother in law talked him into taking the training wheels off. At first he did not want to, but a little positive encouragement and he was in. It took him a whopping total of 30 min. before he was off and riding like a pro. Seriously he was born a natural.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Dylan- What a Character!

My bed in between all my pillows

Under my bed

All the many places Dylan has fallen asleep at.
We were trying to get him off the Binky, and he found one of masons and snuck behind the recliner.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rides in the Rhino!

A couple of weeks ago we went four wheeling out in the desert with our friends the Palmers and the Skinners, us girls endoured all the dust, we all looked like we had airbrush tanning done on our faces from, all the dust. I could not wait to get home and in the tub. The boys absolutly loved it, and there is no better way than blaring in the silver bullet (I just named it that) lol. This rhino is the bomb it is fully equipted with a killer sound system. We have great friends that share their toys. Thanks Palmers!

Friday, November 7, 2008

phillips family on Halloween 2008

The joker (Mason) Batman (Dylan). Mason was scared of his green hair. His bottom lip would quiver whenever he got a glimpse of himself, he just could not get use to it. He still had a good time. My friend Loralee Barrow help me sew the costume together it turned out so cute.

Halloween at the Skinners two mermaids, batman and the joker.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I have been tagged! 6 quirks about me...

I have been tagged by my friend Chrissi Roche. You guys get to learn about all my quirky things.
RULES:-Link the person who tagged you- List 6 of your quirks- Tag 6 other bloggers- List the rules on your blog-6 Quirks about me...

#1- I am a freak about my bed. I ALWAYS have to get into a bed that has been made. It doesn't matter if I have been sick laying in it all day, I have to officially make it again before I go to bed that night. Making it however is a whole another quirk in and of its self so I won't go there, my husband and my sister Jill are the only ones who can make it my satisfaction (it took him a couple of years). I also have a routine every night that I do with my bed, I pull all my decorative pillows off and turn my sheets down, sometimes I spray linen spray on them (vanilla and lavender is my fav right now). I wash and iron my sheets every Monday regardless! I feel very anxious and fidgety if anyone sits or lays on my bed after it has been made (this dates back to elementry days). My kids learn at a very young age that we DO NOT PLAY on the beds. My bed when I go camping (d0n't laugh I do go every now and again) is maintained the same given the conditions.

#2- Dry, cracked unkept feet and toenails.
EEEWW the thought of it gives me chills. I am not freaky about feet, only the nasty unkept ones. This was definitely a date breaker. Ugly nasty feet would drive me away from the hottest guy. Adam will tell you that I give him pedicures every couple of weeks. In fact I just gave him one on Sunday. He has beautiful feet (are guys suppost to have beautiful feet?)

#3- I always have to have the last bite of anything I am sharing. I feel totally unsatisfied if I don't get to.

#4- I am extremely critical of my own penmanship. I will re write things over and over until it looks the way I want it to. Especially my signature.

#5- I am a procrastinator. I work well under pressure, even though it leaves me scrambling at the last minute.

6#-I have a SLIGHT obsession with popping zits, or anything that has puss in it. One of my most favorite things to do, when I was dental assisting was to drain abscesses. Gross I know, my family thinks I should seek counseling about this. I should be a dermatologist or Eustachian, because I really could do it all day, and to get paid doing that would be awesome.

So there they are, now you guys now how big of a freek I am! What ever you do DON'T sit on my bed. I am taging Amy Broadhead, Lindsey Miller, Molly Koceja, Heather Jensen, Hillary Payne. Ok girls don't let me down....No pressure.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The new "ME"

I did it. I finally got up the guts to go brown, all summer long I have been contemplating on going dark and I knew that once I did it there was no going back (at least for a while). A big thak you goes out to Lacey Christensen from "Tickled Pink" salon who always does such a good job. She gave me the confidence to do it. My roots were driving me crazy, they were so bad. Anyway I would love to hear all your opinions good or bad! So far so good. Adam Likes it and I feel like it is a good change. It takes me back to the good ol days of high school.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes I am a Vegetarian

This is usually one of the first things people find out about me when they first meet me, food is just such a big part of our culture and meat is in everything. No I am not a phsyco animal rights activist, I just simply get really freaked out thinking about the whole process. Blood, bones, liaments, muscles eeewww. I simply do not like it. No this does not mean I deprive my husband and family of meat, wierd I know but Adams family thinks I am the best at cooking meat I cook some "mean" ribs. Actually it is a real pain for me, because meat is in everything. But for my whole life I have been able to work around it. My parents were so patient. That had to be so frusterating for my mom, lucky for me my family eats tons of veggies even the wierd ones. Artichokes are on of my most favorites. They are kind of expensive so I don't get them very often.
When I was younger I was very insecure about it, people just couldn't understand why I didn't like it, now days its like a "trendy thing" so there is always something at the resturants I can find.

I Am Officially A Desert Girl!

Growing up in Logan Utah I could handle tempetures that fell well below zero, not anymore. This weekend in St.George we dropped into the low 50's I thought I was going to freeze to death, WHAT A WUSS! My kids are even worse than me, Dylan got out of the car yesterday and kept saying "mom I am freezing" in his very dramatic way, he then insisted on getting his snow boots on, to play outside. In a way it kind of bugs me. Last year I bought thermal underwear to wear under my clothes for when we went up north to visit for Christmas. Pathetic I know.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Won't my Mama be sooo proud of me!! and my Dad too.

I finally did it.
today I canned for the first time. A huge thank you goes out to Amy Broadhead, a dear friend of mine who rented the canning machine from the church cannery. It was a lot less intimidating than I though is was going to be. I did flour, rice and beans. It was a great time.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lake Powell

We went on a little family trip to Lake Powell the first part of September, I am just now getting them posted, better late that never right? It was so fun, words could never express how much I love that place. The sun, the sand, and the water, I get all gitty inside just thinking about it. My memories of Lake Powell trips are all so great. There are many to tell. And thankfully this time, we didn't have one bump in the road.

Dylan fell asleep by the campfire. He was so tired

Best buddies

Adam waterskiing

The "Gratto"

I was so nervous Mason would hate his lifejacket, but he did sooo great! What a trooper he was.

Aunte Whitni and Dylan

I LOVE TO WATERSKI. It realeses serious endorphins to my brain. Waterskiing in Lake Powell, my life does not get any better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

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During my visit up north my Dad burned a bunch of old pictures of my famlily on discs. So I decided to post some of them. They have been fun to look at.
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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sugar Creek Road aka "The Farm"

This is my dad's 200 acre playground of rolling hills. Its the grand kids playground too, during my senior year of high school(1997) my dad decided to purchase the family farm and remodel the farm house as a "get away" or a "cabin" from my grandparents. At that time in my life I was wondering why not a condo in Hawaii or a beach house in California. But to my Dad Franklin Idaho is just as good. As the years have gone on, I have seen how much joy this place brings to my Dad and all those who visit. He always has that twinkle in his eye when we are there. My parents truly love entertaining and bringing family,friends,and ward members there, to eat fresh vegetables from his garden, go for rides on the four wheelers in the summer and snowmobiles in the winter. It is the perfect place for living the simple life. It has become a security blanket for me, to know that if we need somewhere safe to go we will have a farm with plenty of land and water for our needs and others too. What wise parents I have! Thanks Dad and Mom for all the good times up there. Even though we don't get to visit there often,living in it is still a special place for us to vistit!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Random Pictures

My Trip to Logan

Adam and I went to Logan to see my nephew Cody (he is the oldest grandchild) return home from the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida mission. I can't believe I am old enough to say that. His mission also covered the Florida Keys. He sent many pictures of him sitting on the dock that overlooked a turquoise ocean. On their p-days they would fish. I think that would a complete test of my testimony to be sent there. I LOVE WATER and to think of not being able to get in the ocean would kill me.
So Monday came and Adam needed to get back to get back to work, I decided that my parents fixing me dinner, letting me sleep in until 10:00 a.m, spoiling my children, and the cool breeze in the air was too tempting to leave. So on Sunday we will be heading back to "real" life. Actually I am a really big wuss when I have to be away from my husband. I miss him tons, I think he misses all the chaos too. -I'm out

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008