Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seasons. Show all posts

Views of Autumn (Fall) Header Challenge

This weeks challenge has been set by Tom-fishing guy and is all to do with the season and is, “Views of  Fall” as he described it being from across the pond, but I think we will stick to talking about “Views of Autumn” it makes me feel less like I want to fall over.

I had to take my car in to the garage today in Peterborough for a couple of minor electrical niggles to be fixed (which the Citroen garage took all day to do, thank you Citroen!) So while I was stuck in Peterborough centre, I took my camera, which I’d had the foresight to take with me, to the cathedral grounds to get some photographs for todays header.  The day was lovely, really blue skies and the trees were really shining golden in the sunshine, so it made for a good photo opportunity. I enjoyed leisurely wandering around taking pictures.




Even the ground was colourful with the fallen leaves.


My header is taken looking up through the golden branches to one of the many turrets that adorn Peterborough Cathedral.

Have a look at the wonderful autumnal colours on offer by the other headbangers, just follow their links in my right hand menu bar.

Thanks for visiting.

Lincolnshire Project 20th August 2010

I started this project a couple of months ago, you can see my original post here –’Lincolnshire Project’. The concept is to take a photograph in the same spot in South Lincolnshire, England, every two weeks throughout the year. My hope is by doing this we will be able to see the subtle differences that the landscape takes on as the seasons change.


I have been a little bit thwarted by the tree that frames the right hand side of the image, as it has died, thus it is not producing the lovely change of leaves that I had hoped for.

To give you a wider idea of the area surrounding this frame I have stitched together a panoramic photograph of the fields just out of the range of the photo.


I hope you will continue following this project with me and if you have any suggestions for projects or topics to cover in further issues please feel free to let me know via the comment section.

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Return to my Lincolnshire Project.

As promised two weeks ago I have returned to my Lincolnshire project.
I said I would take a photo from the same location using similar camera settings every two weeks throughout the year.

Again as last time, I set the camera aperture at f8.0 giving me a shutter speed of 1/60sec.

The photograph was taken a little later in the afternoon this time and the low light has caused the sky to lose definition. Examining the scene it is surprising, even though it is late June, that the tree on the left of the frame is still not in full leaf but rather still only budding. The crops in the foreground are growing well though and are showing greener in the photo than last time.

As you can see not a huge difference since my last photograph, but, hopefully we will see subtle changes in each shot as the seasons unfold.

Follow me as we explore the changes in the seasons in Lincolnshire, England.

Lincolnshire photo project

I have decided to restart my Lincolnshire photo project.

Start date 11th June 2010.

Those of you who have been following me for a while will remember that I proposed to take a picture from the same spot in Lincolnshire, England every couple of days.
The aim was to see the seasons unfold through the various shots taken throughout the year.
Unfortunately circumstances prevented me from completing the project so here goes a second time.

This time I will take the same picture every two weeks, trying to match the camera settings as closely as I can.

Today's photo was taken on my Canon EOS digital Rebel XTi camera.

I used aperture priority setting the aperture at f8.0 it gave me an shutter speed of 1/60sec.
The ISO was set to 100 and the lens zoom was 62mm.

The tree in the foreground adds depth to the picture and the birds on the branches add a bit of character.

I will try and duplicate these settings in each picture (light allowing) to allow for a true comparison between photographs.

I have used no post processing on the Photograph either.

Follow me as the seasons unfold.

Update of Lincolnshire Project

Hi I've been out again following up my project of photos at the same spot taken every few days throughout the year.

The weather was much better for this shot allowing me to capture some definition in the sky, which sadly some of my earlier attempts had lacked.
Having blue sky gives the landscape much more definition, adding depth to the picture which had been missing in the shots with the uniformed grey sky.

Day before spring

According to the calendar tomorrow is the start of spring.

Well someone forgot to tell our daffodils which are already in full bloom giving much needed colour to the garden.

The fields I am following with my through the seasons in Lincolnshire project are starting to look greener. I'm not sure what the farmer has planted in them this year but I don't think it won't be long before we can tell.

Though you can't see it yet very well the hedge is starting to bud and greenery is appearing on the tree.

Lincolnshire project update

Hi quick update on my Lincolnshire photo project.

As you can see not a lot has changed though this photo was taken at a slightly different angle due to a car being parked in the way.
Typical a lane in the middle of nowhere and I still have to move for a car!

New through the seasons photography project

Well I've started a project to see me through the year.

I will post a photo of the same scene taken in Lincolnshire, England, every couple of days.

Here is today's shot.

I took it with my Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi

Aperture was set at f/9.0 with an exposure of 1/100

focal length 74mm

Today the scene looks fairly uninteresting, though I have tried to add depth to it by including foreground interest in the form of the tree and hedging.

My hope is as the seasons unfold and the lighting changes and plants bloom you will be able to appreciate just how much nature does change around us.

By taking the same shot frequently we will be able to see all the subtle changes as they unfold.

Please, follow it with me.


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