Last week, Forrest (at the gym) asked me if I noticed anything different since ending Whole30 and going back to eating some "normal" foods. I said no, not really, but carbs make me sleepy and cranky. He asked, "What about your skin or hair?" " Nope, no changes with skin and hair," I replied.
I was wrong! 2 weeks since Whole30 and I've since eaten oatmeal for breakfast, cookies at work, bits of chocolate here and there. And what do you know? I start breaking out like I did in high school again. Ahhhh!! Is this a sign? I think so! (AND it also tells me to listen to my coach more often. hehe)
I think I'm going to do Whole30 again, but I've gotten in trouble at work for heating up fish in the microwave (even though I turn on the fan to air out the lunch room and ask the people in the room if it is OK if I heat up the fish.) This leaves me with little alternative as to what I can eat at lunch that is paleo without resorting to meat. Hmmmm. Should I do Whole30 but with soy products? I'm still thinking about how to prep for this next round of Whole30, which I will start on November 1st. Some ways to prep and make this next round more fun is to incorporate different recipes, such as Roasted Kabocha Squash, Pumpkin Coffee Muffins and some yumminess from my recently purchased Paleo Comfort Foods. Even if you aren't doing paleo, this cookbook provides some great gluten-free recipes.