Sunday, June 13, 2010

Grant's Birthday

This last week was Grant's birthday! We had a doctors appointment the day before so Grant took the day off and we spent it together celebrating his big day. I made him ice cream and waffles for breakfast, we had a picnic at the park, visited with his advisor for school, visited the family, went to PF Chang's for a delicious dinner, and then went off to "The Laughing Stock" to end the evening!

This is Grant and I down town waiting for the show to start.

The next night we celebrated with the family by having another yummy dinner at Bucca De Beppo.

Then we met the rest of the family at mom's and dad's for desert and presents:)

Grant loves rice crispy treats and always dreams of some day having an Audi so I combined the 2 and made him a large rice crispy treat in the shape of the Audi logo.

Happy Birthday Grant!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

33 Weeks

I have to admit I am not sure I ever really believed this time would come. This has all seemed so unreal. Now that I am what I consider huge, it is sinking in. There really hasn't been much for me to complain about I have been pretty lucky not getting to sick in the beginning and having a relatively easy pregnancy. I did although complain that the weather wouldn't warm up and boy am I regretting that now. Now that I am hot and my feet and hands are swollen I wish it would have stayed a lot cooler. Speaking of swelling, this is something I expected, something I knew would come but I didn't expect to be so discouraged by it. I have never had much of a great body image but I have always felt like my legs were something I didn't hate about my body. The other day I looked down and started to cry as I realized that is not the case at least for the next couple months. That my ankles and feet now looked like Will Smith in the move Hitch. I know that sounds so stupid and it is definitely something I am willing to give up for a couple of months for little Chandler but I have to admit it was hard to see and is still hard to look at!