Babaduk's Dungeon

Babaduk's Dungeon

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Babaduk's Dungeon

Title: Babaduk's Dungeon
Pixel Artist: Sohei  (Level 7 Ichikyu :: 7147 points)
Posted: 3/15/2015 12:34
Palette: 32 colors
Statistics:  11 comments    102 faves    0 avatars

This dungeon turned out quite fancy and overly decorated. The initial idea was to create detailed walls and plain floor as a style feature, but I couldn't squeeze much details out of the flat surface. So I went with decoration.

Top Pixel Art - March 2015 (#9)Top Pixel Art - March 2015 (#9)


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MikePixel (Level 2 Peon) @ 11/1/2015 23:18

I want to explore here

Decroded (Level 2 Kukyu) @ 8/1/2015 23:08

excellent as always ;-)

andylittle (Level 9 T-rex) @ 4/18/2015 06:49

I very like this tile background, and colors too. Want to see some GUI elements to completely feel the spirit of the game! Very well )

J-Em (Level 3 Hatchikyu) @ 3/20/2015 14:38

That's a nice coin animation

scottiand (Level 5 Detective) @ 3/17/2015 19:54

I really like this! I wish I could play this game!

dm404 (Level 5 Detective) @ 3/17/2015 15:15

Impressive use of tilesets here.  Especially like all the detail work that went into these.

someolddoor (Level 1 Private) @ 3/17/2015 10:56

Really awesome. Love the floor tiles.

leel (Level 5 Killer Klown) @ 3/16/2015 19:27

Just lovely! I'd like to see either some shadows flicker around the torches, or at least darker wall coloring where there is no torch - just for extra depth and variety. But otherwise this is really fun to look at! 

beetleking (Level 2 Flatfoot) @ 3/16/2015 05:59

Dem colors..

Cranimus (Level 1 Seaman) @ 3/15/2015 16:13

So fresh and so clean

jalonso (Level 11 Godfather) @ 3/15/2015 13:13

This should be a cake its so delicious.

Related & Tags

dungeon roguelike crypt zelda topdown guard level mockup game door torch fire animation coin gold sword spear weapon fighter statue wolf plan, Babaduk's Dungeon avatars, Babaduk's Dungeon icons, Babaduk's Dungeon pixel art, Babaduk's Dungeon forum avatars, Babaduk's Dungeon AOL Buddy Icons

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