At the first of 2010, I mentioned I really didn't have any resolutions except to pick out one verse from the Bible each month to think on. You can have a verse a day or a special verse for the year, but I thought using an entire month to think on a verse would be a good thing and at the end of the year I would of course have 12 verses that were more special then before. I really like reading the Message Bible, so my verses are from that.
Here is my verse for February and fitting to that month, it has to do with LOVE. It just so happens that I am reading Corinthians right now.
But for right now...
we have three things to do...
Trust steadily in God,
hope unswervingly,
love extravagantly.
And the best of the three is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13 (Message Bible)
I have read the verses about what love is and what love isn't for many years but what got me in reading this this time through was that word "extravagantly". Isn't that pictureque? I LOVE a whole lot of people in my life and I try to show love to people I come in contact with because they are very special to God, but somehow doing it "extravagantly" look on a whole new meaning. That is like "chocolate covered with whipped cream" or something like that.
I also believe that these three things are possible when they are done together. I can't love on my own, I need to be steadily trusting God and I need to hope unswervingly. Then I have a strength that is not my own to love extravagantly.
And here is a card to share. It was published awhile back in a Paper Crafts Magazine publication.
Thanks for visiting, Linda (lbpost)