Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm 5 MONTHS old today

has 2 teeth on the bottom
rolls all over and sometimes pushes her bum in the air
sleeps ALL night long
laughs at her siblings (a lot)
pretty content going anywhere/traveling
the bald spot is finally growing in on the back of her head
she sleeps on her tummy now
she loves to grab hair, faces, arms, drinks
she will bounce forever in her jumperoo
she's getting kinda chubby and we love it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Soccer Season

Well it's taken her a few games (3) to warm up to the idea of kicking the ball away from other players, but she finally realized she could do it - She scored 2 goals last weekend! Yay for Ashlyn
Go Sharks *PS* her daddy is her coach, he's SO patient

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Celebrations

Happy Halloween - we got pumpkins and the kids weren't so sure about scooping out the guts!

Our Barbie Princess

Our Bob the Builder

Ashlyn's friends at our ward party

More cute friends

Ashlyn doing the donut eating contest and the kids trunk or treating

Bart & Dusti's traditional Halloween Party

The kids love dressing up and so do I - Blake on the other hand doesn't enjoy it! Maybe he'll try harder next year! Thanks everyone for making our holiday SO much fun!