Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Back to the quilt

First let me say, if the weather stays as nice as it has been so far this week I will find it harder and harder to stay in the house and sew. When I said I had the blocks done, I meant done with the background. I have a long way to go adding all of the stitches, trim, lace, buttons, etc. you get the idea.
A few of these I could call finished but most are not. Even when I call one done, most crazy quilters would not. As I said before, I think the problem is I do not want to cover up the pretty material.
That is a picture of me when I was a baby.
I have PLENTY of material so I think I will make another one but this time concentrate more on the embellishments. Some of these photos you have probably seen before. The one on the left is four generations, me as the baby.

Both of these pictures are of me. The one on the left is taken in Key West on top of a hotel.
Well since I am on here I will take a little time and see what you have all been up to.
BLOOM,God is on his throne, all is well with my soul!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Art on my walls

This is my favorite piece of art in our house. It hangs over the fireplace. Also have four other pieces done by the same artist, R. Atkinson Fox.
He and Maxwell Parish have the same kind of style, I however prefer Fox, he seems more Victorian and Parish is more Art Deco, of course that is just my opinion.

Sorry about the glare, I tried several times from all different angles but it was still there. This is an antique piece of needle work, maybe you can see more detail if you click on it.
I keep this piece, a water color, because it reminds me of all the years we lived in the Keys. It goes so well in the room we added on, our carpet and furniture in that room are blue. This is also the room where I keep all of my art supplies and sewing machine, where I "do my thing"!

This picture hangs in our living room. I purchased it on-line after we moved here in 2003. Three of the walls are this beige but one is the color of this mat.
We have lots of other great pieces, four more Fox, a watercolor of a cat, a few antique pictures of cats and several more pictures of a religious nature.
And of course LOTS of family pictures.
I have been working like crazy on the CQ.....just a few more blocks and I can put it all together.
I plan to make a trip to JoAnns next week so I will have some pictures soon, I hope.
Sorry it has been so long since my last post.
Hope everyone has a great week-end.
BE BLESSED and be a blessing to someone.