Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank God for those who serve

I hope everyone is having a restful time on this long three day week-end, or at least doing something fun.
I thank God for all of those that have given so much so we can live in a free country.May God bless our troops and bring them home safe.
 We no longer have a pine tree forest across the street from us but now we have a corn field. In a way I like it better as we get to see the sunrise and we get a lot more sunshine on our three acers. A few days ago we were sitting inside and heard this airplane, it passed over and then came back, did it again, and again, till we could stand it no more, we had to go out and see what was going on. 
 He was dusting the corn cool is that?  My neighbor was out in the street with me, we were both trying to get some good pictures. Then another neighbor loaded up the kids in their golf cart and came to check it out. Now did I mention we live in a very small town where not much goes on,  Do you think you might be a red neck if watching an airplane dust a field is a big deal ?                                
This is not our back yard but it is a picture of what I want to do in our back yard...........I have the trench dug and I have some rocks, so at least it is a start.
It is very dark outside for 8:30a.m.   We are under a storm watch. The second named hurricane of the year, (and the season does not start until Friday)  came ashore last night in the Jacksonville area and is coming our way. It is suppose to turn north before it gets over to us. We really need the rain, and it has brought the temps down into the 70's instead of the 98 it was yesterday.
No yard work today ! When the sun comes back out I will take some pictures of the front of the property where we have been working.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Time to be outside

This is the new area that I have been working in. It is what you see when you look out our kitchen window. I keep adding plants and seeds and my cats keep digging in them.......oh what to do.....they think it is a giant new littler box just for them. Maybe once the plants get established it will not happen.
 I ask honey what he thought about planting flowers in front of the tomatoes, he did not think to much about it one way or the other, sooooo, we have lovely flowers along the edge, and the butterflies love it. We have picked four tomatoes and three cucumbers, six peppers so far.
 I added this picture for my dear friend Janet. These are along the walk and I think of her every time I look at all the different shades of purple.
 This did not turn out to good it is to dark, but maybe if you click on it you will be able to see Sweetie laying up on the highest shelf, we put three of these up on the porch just in case they needed to get up high in a hurry, at least two of our cats use them.
Just had to share this picture that I took coming home from church last Sunday evening. It had been raining and the sun was going down and this is what part of the sky looked like, it was very pretty.
How can you look at all that  is around us and say, " There is no God" ?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lovely flower, ugly name.

Coming to the end of the journal. I have one page left after this but I have put it away and am saving that last page to make something really special  and I have no thoughts on what that might be. This is suppose to represent the river. For some reason the trunk of the tree on the far left does not show up well. It goes behind the blue instead of over as there is a pocket there.

As you can see I put a picture of us in the pocket and the blue foldout laying there tells about the song, Suwanee River since that is the name of the river in this area. The picture below shows the inside.


This is one of the new plants we bought a few weeks back. I love the flower but I do not like it's name, "Devil's Trumpet. Each flower is about 4 or 5 inches long and the outer part is a dark purple. The plant below is a double Hibiscus, we bought two of them.


So sorry I forgot about this calendar page, it should have been posted eight days ago.
I have not spent much time in the craft room only to clean it up and put things away for a time.
Each morning is spent out in the gardens as it is the only time cool enough to work in the yard.
I am not fond of the heat.
Hope you are having some lovely weather where you are and that you are getting to spend some time doing what makes you happy.