my heart beats for you ♥

will you love me the way i love you?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Dedicated to my former Students

To my students whom I used to teach.

I am writing this after many years of not blogging because I feel that if one day you found my blog, at least you know how you have changed me as a person.

All my life, I have never known anyone who is like any of you. Maybe I did, but it was not known. I pursued my studies in Psychology, and I studied about human development, personality disorders and of course a topic on special needs. I was interested in a topic called Autism but I did not go that way. But there was when I found all of you.

You were my first job, first days, first batch of students and some of you my second. Little did you know, you changed me. I learn more about myself. I came in to you as me. The me that I was who is:
  • Happy-go-lucky
  • Caring and kind
  • Always smiling
  • Amicable
  • Approachable
You rarely saw a frown unless you turn my day upside down. I was not accepted for who I was. I was required to be stern, fierce, just because all of you were different. Maybe that's their mentality and who we were supposed to be and rules to follow.

But I can't be that person no matter how hard I tried. I was rebellious towards the system because I empathized with what you told me. 
  • About not being accepted in the mainstream
  • About people looking down on you even the ones you seek comfort in
  • About not doing well enough to go to a secondary school just because you could not catch up
  • About being thrown unkind words
I cannot bring myself to be the one person who criticizes you for every single thing. I brought myself in as someone you could talk to and seek help.

But some people just don't get it. X means X. Y means Y. Black means Black. White means White.

I don't promise anyone something they cannot achieve. I reward according to plans that I want them to achieve.

But shit happens! It caused me a lot when things got out of hands. I accepted it and I move on. It was not easy. It was the most difficult years of my life then but I did it!

I know some of you:
  • Smokes
  • Have tattoos
  • Pierce everywhere
  • Groupee(s)
I cannot stop you. But I also feel that I have failed you. I am disappointed in myself. When you talk to me and tell me what is happening to you. I feel helpless. I just cannot help you. I am a nobody to you. You will definitely not listen.

But you have to know, you made me a better person. I appreciated life more the time I interacted, communicated, understood every single one of you.

I am proud of your achievements in Special Olympics and events that you have participated.

I love every single one of you for who you are as a person. You are not perfect. I am not perfect too. We have our own imperfections. Don't let this imperfections rule us. Be true to yourself. Be confident. Stand tall. Just remember that,


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With love,