Showing posts with label Carrie Bradshaw. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carrie Bradshaw. Show all posts

June 24, 2011

Summer And The City

Hey everyone, how's your week has been ? :D Mine has been a bit graveled, as I was busy with work & weaved my way of through the Interior Designer stuff. Am moving soon & working on the Home Improvement 101 (: Hope to share some photos from my new crib soon :) 
A tattered mind & soul might stopping me from constant spontaneous shopping, but sure didn't stop me from buying online. Been eyeing this book even before it is officially published( I read the previous book, The Carries's Diaries and got hooked) Cause i wonder what happens to Carrie when she got to New York penniless.Bought this from Amazon USA & it took about 1 month plus to reach my place. So, this babe has been the Must-Read regime before bed time :) 

The hard cover Summer And The City 

The cover really looks so REAL!
Pretty in Pink

The book without the pink cover

The author, Candace Bushnell

Upon reading chapter 1 & 2, I'm already blown away by the vocabulary & voluminous writing. As you read, it was almost as if being in NYC yourself, every single intricate details is journalized in this books. 
What has been on your shelf lately ? :D Till then~


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