Monday, 30 May 2011
Broad -bodied Chaser
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Wedding Collection

The top one is a favourite, taken in the back yard after the ceremony. When I bought it my husband was reading 'Ethel and Ernest' by Raymond Briggs so that's who they are to me. Ethel looks young and naive and I'm not sure if Ernest is perhaps a little bit older than her, but look at the gentle love on their faces, compared to the gormless look on one of the bridesmaids. The couple below are called Clifford and Rose - well,to me they are- and I think they look like a couple who will be married for ever to each other. That frock doesn't do much for her but I think he's smitten. I love that shy smile on his face....

By chance I had to go to Tenby this afternoon so I called in to see Albie and tell him about the blog posts and people's interesting collections. He sold me some more postcards - although I shouldn't make that sound as if I was an unwilling participant - but I did not look at the wedding ones this time. I was looking for a couple that might do service in a few Postman's Knock ideas. It means I might have to go back again.... what a shame..... not.
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Thinking about postcards.....
I went up to St Davids today to see an exhibition and whilst there came across a couple of postcards of the work of Welsh artist Tim Davies. It reminded me of this programme which I watched recently. It was only broadcast here in Wales so I hope it will be new to you. At the time of watching I was thinking about the Postman's Knock swap. This may only make sense to my fellow PK'ers but I remember thinking how apt this might be as a way to interpret 'concealment and revelation'. What an intriguing way to use postcards? It works for me.
PS I am having the same problems as Jane at Marigold Jam. Cannot leave comments no matter how hard I try. Apologies to the blogs I follow. I am experiencing technical difficulties with Internet Explorer 9 and Blogger but I will prevail.....
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Not more books....
'Not more books!' was a phrase I heard a lot growing up. My Mum used to say it every time I came back from the shops but if you love them, you love them and there's nothing you can do about it is there? So when I read this post last night on Jane's blog 'Things to Make & Do' I thought I'd share a couple of recent purchases. Perhaps it's because we're involved in
Postman's Knock that postcards are featuring large in my life at present. So when I saw this book by photographer Martin Parr, reduced to half price in the shop at the Fox Talbot Museum last week I just had to have it. If you're interested in social history there is nothing like the postcard to chart changes in society and culture. Parr has a collection of over 20,000. They start from the time when they were mass produced and when thrice daily postal deliveries meant one could be sent in the morning and a reply received on another by late afternoon. They were perfect for writing that short note. I suppose they were like early e mails, but made much more enjoyable by their choice of visual.
The book covers different themes and eras. I particularly loved the holiday camp postcards and had not realised there was such a collectable market out there. One of my favourites was the photo taken from the services at the Severn Bridge crossing. Living so close to it I remember being driven down there for a cup of tea to look at the view. It made me smile and brought back great memories. In fact the book also made me more aware of the postcard boxes at my local boot sale so when I went down there this Sunday I had a good rummage on one stall and bought about 15. They were only 20p each and then the stallholder said 'Have the lot for £2' so of course I am now hooked and want to go back again next week.... but my husband reminded me that I already have a postcard collection that I started a couple of years ago when I kept picking up cards of weddings. Oh dear,I thought he'd forgotten about those......
Anyway, moving swiftly on, let me recommend a book I read a review of last week. It's called 'The Lost Album' by Basil Hyman and charts Britain in the 1950's. Again, as a child of the 50's I had to have it and it has raised many a smile already. It is Basil Hyman's photograph collection of black and white film he shot all the way through the 50's as he grew up. He developed them himself and they have sat in a loft for years until someone persuaded him to publish this record of a fabulous decade.
The photo spreads are interspersed with photos of other memorabilia. Who knew there were 25 ways of serving oatmeal? But it has to be remembered that this was still a time of food rationing and the book has a facsimile ration book inserted into it as well as replica tickets and booklets put into pockets on the covers.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Busy days

Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Back to school
I go back to college today for the last module I'm taking this year - 'Abstracting the Landscape'. We're going to start with re-visiting the photo montage work of David Hockney so I've been keeping a note of things I come across that might inform my understanding of the process. This marvellous film does not meet that expectation but it does fascinate me on another level. If you follow the vimeo link to the rest of the work by Philip Scott Johnson there are some great examples of how he morphs photos into almost 'stream of consciousness' films. Another favourite was the self portraits of Van Gogh but this is a great one to start with.
By the way, if I seem to be posting nothing more than films recently it's not that I am idle. Most of the things that occupy my day are making postcards for the Postmans Knock project and they cannot be shown for obvious reasons or lying in wait for the rabbit that is destroying my strawberries..... and when the sun shines the garden calls.....
Women In Art from Philip Scott Johnson on Vimeo.
Monday, 9 May 2011
Now that's a good idea.....

Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Sensory overload
Apologies for this but it's a grey day here and this just brightened it up and made me smile.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Weekend activity

I've just spent the weekend at a workshop given by Tilleke Schwarz. Organised as part of the Stroud International Textiles Festival I met up with friend and fellow blogger Cathy of Menopausal Musing and we joined 13 others in a design led programme of activities directed by Tilleke in her signature style. We collaged, drew and stitched and listened to Tilleke as she explained how she creates her textile art. It was fascinating to hear how her pieces are constructed and how they evolve from random thoughts, overheard conversations and unusual found images. My stitching did not please me and I unpicked it all this morning but I have a head full of ideas that I can use so watch this space.....
When I arrived home late last night I found the above postcard waiting for me from Jo. It is lovely and a perfect offering for my theme of 'Taking Flight'. Please take a look here at all the others. There is some great work being produced - clever ideas very skilfully developed and delivered.
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